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Topic: Healthcare

Showing 1 to 50 of 93.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-07 Mental Illness: Regarding both your comments and MacArthur's about mental illness, do you think that a Christian shouldn't have anxiety and depression?
2023-07-21 Prayer of a "Christian Energy Healer": Is a "Christian Energy Healer" compatible with the Bible? [Acts 19:13].
Prayers by Non-believers: How do we know who is being prayed to, when someone prays for us?
2023-06-14 Marriage/Wedding Ceremonies: Are there biblical directives regarding conducting wedding ceremonies? what about the legal aspects? [Malachi 2:14].
Perscription Drugs: Are there directives regarding prescription drugs? [Proverbs 31:6-7].
2023-04-10 Medicines, Vitamins and Doctors: What do you think about going to doctors and using medicines and vitamins, etc.? [Luke 5:31-32, Mark 2:17].
Getting Back to Scripture: How do I get back to the peace and joy of being in and memorizing scripture? [John 14:27, John 16:33].
2023-02-24 Mark of the Beast & the Vaccine: If someone takes the "Mark of the Beast" (some think it is the vaccine) in order to feed their families, will they go to hell?
2022-12-14 Yoga: What do you think about "Yoga"?
2022-06-27 Organ Donation: Is there anything wrong with "organ donation"?
2022-06-23 Acupuncture: Is there anything in the BIble about acupuncture?
2022-06-21 Faith Healing vs Medical Care: What do you think about preachers who suggest that we ought never seek medical attention, but simply trust God for healing? Recommendation: Series; "Word of Faith"; "Is Healing in the Atonement", "Healing on Demand".
2022-03-28 Artificial Fragrances Worn at Church: Since fragrances and artificial scents can be dangerous and a problem to others, should not church leadership inform their congregants?
2022-01-18 Non-Christian Counselors: Since we are told not to listen to the counsel of the ungodly, should I be continue to go to the counselor I see who indicated that they are not Christian? [Psalm 1:1].
2021-11-17 Vaccines-Telling the Truth: Am I obligated to indicate that I specifically have been vaccinated against COVID, or can I just say that I have been vaccinated (for any number of other things, and let them think it was for COVID?
Vulgarity for a Christian: What do you think of a Christian wearing a shirt that says, "Let's go, Brandon" (which represents a vulgarity).
2021-10-27 COVID Vaccine & Ethics: Should we refuse to take the COVID vaccine simply to stand with others who are resisting on ethical reasons?
2021-10-27 Church Mandates Vaccine: What do you think about my church not allowing me to attend unless I get the vaccine? [Matthew 16:25, Luke 17:33].
2021-10-15 Jesus Not Stating He was the Messiah: Did you say that Jesus never said He was the Messiah?
Current Events: What do you think about what is going on in current events?
COVID Vaccine: Do you think the vaccine is safe?
2021-10-11 Vaccine Mandates: What are the biblical arguments for and against taking the vaccine and the idea that it could be motivated to protect others?
2021-10-11 Alternate View of the Vaccine: Caller shares her alternate view of the vaccine.
2021-10-07 Vaccines: What about the vaccine?
2021-09-30 Jesus "Born Again": Was Jesus "born again" (possibly in Hades)? [Romans 8:29, Revelation 1:5, I Corinthians 15:23].
"Mark of the Beast" & the Vaccine: Is the vaccine the "Mark of the Beast", particularly in light of the restriction of buying and selling? [Revelation 14:1].
2021-09-15 Aborted Fetus' for Vaccines: Is there a moral issue with taking the vaccine, since they have been created at the expense of aborted fetuses?
2021-08-27 Religious Exemption for Vaccine: Prayers for someone who filed for COVID religious exemption and whose husband suffers from having gotten a debilitating vaccine previously.
Mark of the Beast & COVID Vaccine: Do you think that this COVID vaccine could be related to the "Mark of the Beast"?
2021-08-24 Choosing Not to Get the Vaccine: What would you say to my son who prefers not to get the vaccine, but his wife wants him to? [I Peter 3:7].
2021-08-19 Being Forced to Take the COVID Vaccine: How should we handle being forced to take the COVID vaccine?
2021-08-04 Vaccine & Loving Your Neighbor: Caller shares her view that getting the vaccine is practicing "love your neighbor as yourself." [Mark 12:31].
2021-08-04 Vaccines & Obeying Government: Regarding the vaccines, is it not correct to obey government officials? [Romans 13, Jeremiah 17:5, Psalm 2:1-2].
2021-08-02 Vaccine Mandates: How should Christians respond to the vaccine mandates? Is there any relevant scripture? [Psalm 118:8].
The Vaccine for COVID: Is it more loving to take the vaccine?
2021-07-19 Assisted Suicide (Medical Interventions): Would you comment on "assisted suicide" and medical interventions?
2021-06-30 Coronavirus Vaccine: What do you think of not taking the Coronavirus vaccine if I am being warned by my own sister that I am taking a huge risk with my health?
2021-06-11 Religious Exemption for COVID Vaccine: Is there biblical support for not taking the COVID vaccine?
2021-06-04 Coronavirus (COVID) Vaccine: What do you think about the Coronavirus (COVID) vaccine?
2021-06-03 Worldly Christians: What is a worldly Christian? [Romans 12:2, Psalm 1:3].
Taking the Vaccine a Sign of Worldliness: Is it a sign that I am worldly, if I took the vaccine?
2021-05-17 Healthcare & Vaccines: Is there a biblical basis for not wanting to take the vaccine because of the complexity in the balance of our body?
2021-05-07 Atheist's Defense of Abortion: Atheist caller objects to the Christian's view toward abortion and how it is unfairly characterized?
Ethics of Slavery: Why didn't God make the first commandment; "You shall Not Own Other Human Beings"?
2021-05-05 Suicide and Illness Consequences: Caller shares her experience of God's faithfulness in caring for a sick mother, and contrasts it to choosing suicide.
Three Views of Hell: Is it possible that all three views of hell could be simultaneously true and relative to each individual's circumstances?
2021-05-04 Planning My Own Suicide: What do you think of my plans to commit suicide in order to help someone else?
2021-04-23 The New Vaccine: What do you think about the new vaccine?
2021-04-06 Can a Christian Have a Demon?: Is there a way to tell if you have a demon, even though you are a Christian, rather than just some sort of medical or other disorder? [I John 4:4, Luke 10:19, James 4:7, I Peter 5:8, Ephesians 6:10-18, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5].
2021-04-01 Letting God Make Your Decisions: When you say in your series on discipleship that one should let God make your decisions, how do you mean that? How does one do that?
Employer's Mask Wearing Requirement: I am considering serving a complaint to my employer regarding the requiring of the masks, and my mom thinks as believers we should not cause conflict. What do you think about this?
2021-03-30 Drugs, Uses, Mutant Plants: Could you talk about drugs generally, and specifically, uses, moderation, and could some of the hallucinogenics have been mutant?
2021-03-29 Healthy Diet Spiritually Beneficial: Have you looked at the correlation between scripture and eating a good diet, specifically not eating meat? [Proverbs 12:10, Genesis 9:3, Matthew 15:11].
2021-03-26 Vaccine from Fetal Cells: What do you think of the vaccine using fetal cells? [Psalms 139:15, Acts 15:29}.
2021-03-19 Provoking Your Children: What does it mean to "not provoke your children to anger?" [2 Corinthians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 4:15].
Wearing Masks: Should we wear masks based on the commands to "love one's neighbor, as yourself"? [Ephesians 6:4].
2021-03-08 DNA Alteration Ramifications: If your DNA can be altered by vaccines, then at what point could we become irredeemable? Did not Jesus die for human, not animals?
Soul & Spirits of Humans & Animals: Isn't the spirit what separates us from the animals? [Ecclesiastes 3:21].
2021-03-08 Vaccines: Inquiry about medical vaccines - incomplete.
2021-03-05 Vaccine Warning from Modern Day Prophetess: Is there anything to the claims of a modern prophetess who warns that the new vaccine will alter your DNA?
2021-03-02 Smoking a Cigarette a Sin: Is smoking a cigarette a sin? Do we need to completely cut things out of our lives that is not glorifying to God?[I Corinthians 6:19, I Corinthians 10:31, I Corinthians 6:12, I Corinthians 10:23].
2021-01-29 Mental Health, Counseling & Psychotherapy: Is it too extreme to say that one doesn't need psycho-therapists to heal mental health issues? Isn't Jesus is enough? Lecture: "Biblical Counsel for a Change".
2021-01-29 Euthanasia: What do you think of euthanasia for those that don't want to suffer an agonizing death? Do they go to hell?
Medical Intervention: Are we just circumventing God's will when we try to medically save ourselves with various medical interventions?
2021-01-12 Shutting Down a Church-Forsaking the Assembly: Is it wrong to shut down a church and forsake the assembling together of the saints? [Hebrews 10:25].
2020-12-31 Being Overweight & Our Witness: Is my being overweight a bad witness as I attempt to teach and witness?
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