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Topic: Murder

Showing 1 to 50 of 92.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-03-18 Religious Wars in World History: Is Christianity responsible for most of the wars and killings throughout world history?
2024-02-23 Suicide: What does the Bible say about suicide?
2024-02-23 Suicide & Repentance: Caller comments on the forgiveness "of all manner of sin" relative to suicide (earlier call). [Matthew 12:31-32]
2024-02-12 Shooting at Joel Osteen's Church: What do you think about Joel Osteen's response to the shootings at his church?
2024-01-16 Self-Defense: What about sell-defense? [Matthew 5:38-48].
Aborted Babies: Will all the aborted babies go to heaven? [Mark 10:14-16, Matthew 19:14].
2023-10-19 Repentant Murderer & Unrepentant Victim: What about someone who murders another, but repents, however, the victim hasn't had a chance to repent?
2023-06-29 Murder: Abortion & War: Isn't both "abortion" and "war" the same as murder? [Matthew 5:9].
Stopping War: Can't we be peacemakers and stop this war in the Ukraine? [Matthew 5:9].
2023-05-09 Deaths from Guns: Why do people blame the guns for killing people, when it is the person handling the gun?
2023-04-17 Drunks Inheriting the Kingdom: What if a person is saved, but continues to drink, will they inherit the Kingdom of God? [Galatians 5:19-21, I Corinthians 6:9-11].
Christian's Suicide: If a Christian commits suicide, will they still go to heaven? [1 John 3:15].
2023-04-14 The 10 Commandments & Murder: Who does the commandment "Thou shall not commit murder" since there are instructions to kill people in the Old Testament? [Exodus 20:13].
2023-02-20 Suicide: Does everyone who commits "suicide" go to hell? [1 John 3:15].
2023-02-14 Forgiving Abortion: Can God forgive someone involved in an abortion? [1 John 1:9].
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit: Isn't the sin of "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" an unforgiveable? [Mark 3:29].
2023-02-14 Suicide: Following the suicide of my daughter, I want to know what the Bible say about suicide? [1 Corinthians 6:20].
2022-12-30 Human Sacrifices in the Bible: Could you help me answer questions about human sacrifices in the Old Testament? Recommended topical lectures; "Authority of Scripture." and Steve's books-2 vol set, "Empire of the Risen Son." [Jude 1:4, Romans 15:4].
2022-10-13 Capital Punishment: What do you think about "capital punishment" in light of the New Covenant? [Acts 25:10-11]. (Steve Gregg keeps talking about this all afte the hard break even though he doesn't indicate before the break that he's going to.)
2022-07-07 Christians in War: How can any Christian fight in war, shedding the blood of innocents? [Genesis 9:6, Romans 13, Mark 12:31].
2022-07-01 Abortion in the Case of Rape: Is it acceptable to abort a baby in the case of rape?
2022-06-22 Suicide: Caller comments on suicide.
Murder vs Killing: Caller disagrees that one can murder themselves and that murder and killing is not the same thing.
2022-06-22 Suicide: Caller comments on suicide.
Murder vs Killing: Caller disagrees that one can murder themselves and that murder and killing is not the same thing.
2022-06-22 Murder & Suicide: Caller comments on previous calls about murder and suicide.
2022-06-20 Suicide & Suffering: Caller clarifies how desparate one gets when they contemplate or attempt suicide. Recommended reading: Empire of the Risen Son (Vol 1-2) by Steve Gregg. [Romans 8:9].
2022-06-08 Jewish "Yetzer"; Are you familar with "yetzer" from Jewish history?
Abortion-Murder Conviction: Should we convict mother's of murder for aborting their baby?
2022-06-06 Abortion & Government Interference: Is it wrong for the government to force women to not have an abortion?
Abortion & Government Regulation: If God doesn't force people to choose Him, or follow Him, should we be regulating and preventing abortion?
2022-06-06 Abortion & Government Interference: Is it wrong for the government to force women to not have an abortion?
Abortion & Government Regulation: If God doesn't force people to choose Him, or follow Him, should we be regulating and preventing abortion?
2022-05-25 Suicide: What do you think about suicide? [I Corinthians 6:20, Ephesians 5:27, Galatians 6:6].
2022-05-24 Judas, Suicide & Heaven: Do you think that Judas did not go to heaven because he killed himself. What does the Bible say about suicide?
2022-05-10 "Separation of Church and State": What does "separation of church and state" actually mean?
Mary Baker Eddy (Christian Science): What do you know about Mary Baker Eddy?
2022-04-14 Christianity & Conservative Politics: Why is real Christianity always aligned with conservation politics? [Matthew 7:21-23].
2022-03-24 Putin: Is it biblical for someone to take Putin out?
2022-03-04 Warning Against Adultery: Is the warning against adultery about committing adultery in one's heart specifically directed only to men, and does that still apply today? [Matthew 5:28].
Warning Against Lust in the Heart: Is there an overall principle against malevolence in the teaching of looking upon a woman with lust in the Sermon on the Mount? [Matthew 5:28, I John 3:15].
2022-01-10 Abortion is Murder: Could you list 2-3 verses that prove that abortion is nothing more than murder? [Genesis 9:4-7].
2021-12-20 Suicide-Access to Heaven: Is it true that anyone who commits suicide will not get into heaven? [I John 3:15, I Corinthians 6:20].
2021-11-04 The Death Penalty: What should our stance be on the death penalty? [Matthew 25:25, Genesis 9:6].
2021-11-02 The Bible & Politics: What does the Bible say about our political involvement and when we should speak up? [Matthew 28:20, I John 3:15, Isaiah 42, Matthew 12, Galatians 6:10, Matthew 22:20-22].
2021-10-27 Christian Suicide: Can a Christian who commits suicide go to hell, or can they go to heaven? [James 3:2].
2021-07-06 Thou Shall Not Kill: How do you help someone understand that "Thou shall not kill" is not an absolute and under all circumstances? [Exodus 20:1-17].
2021-06-25 Capital Punishment: What is the Christian perspective about capital punishment? [Jeremiah 31:29, Exodus 34:7, Romans 13:1-7, Genesis 9:6].
2021-05-04 Planning My Own Suicide: What do you think of my plans to commit suicide in order to help someone else?
2021-03-29 Nasty Imprecatory Psalms: How do we fit the nastiness of David's imprecatory psalms and the Christian mission? [Psalms 137:8-9, Matthew 5:43-48].
Dashing Babies Against Stones: How can we justify praying as David did to hope for babies to be dashed again stones? [Psalm 137:8-9]
501c3 Church Benefits: Isn't it duplicitous for a 501c3 to not be willing to submit to government dictates and yet benefit from the tax benefits?
2021-03-29 Nasty Imprecatory Psalms: How do we fit the nastiness of David's imprecatory psalms and the Christian mission? [Psalms 137:8-9, Matthew 5:43-48].
Dashing Babies Against Stones: How can we justify praying as David did to hope for babies to be dashed again stones? [Psalm 137:8-9]
501c3 Church Benefits: Isn't it duplicitous for a 501c3 to not be willing to submit to government dictates and yet benefit from the tax benefits?
2021-03-05 God's Forgiveness as Opposed to the State's: If someone had killed someone, and the law didn't know who did it, would that now repentant believer be required to turn himself in?
Church Responsibility Regarding Injustice: If a church recognizes and acknowledges injustices (as with racial and economic), what is their responsibility? [Micah 6:8, I Corinthians 5:12].
2021-02-05 Killing of the Midianites Contradictory: What about God saying you should not kill, but yet He directs the killing of the Midianites?
2021-02-05 Intentional Murder Forgiven: If I committed intentional murder before I was saved, how does, "no murderer shall inherit the kingdom" apply to me? [Galatians 5:21, John 9:11]. (Steve shares a story or 2 about call(s) related to this one.)
2021-01-21 God Directing Annihilation: Can you help me sort some of the conflicting ideas in scripture such as, "thou shall not kill", and "turn the other cheek", but then God has whole groups killed, such as the Canaanites, ? [Genesis 9:3, Acts 25:11, Matthew 5:38-40, Matthew 10:23].
2020-11-03 Abortion vs Lying: Caller comments on previous caller's inability to see the indefensibility of comparing killing babies to lying. [I John 3:15, Numbers 35:33].
2020-11-02 Abortion: Caller comments on the horrible act of abortion and current political issues:
Sick Family May be Cursd: What do you think about someone telling a family suffering sickness, is under some kind of curse? [I Peter 4:12].
2020-05-20 Murder, Annihilation, Prophets-Then & Now: How do you harmonize the Old Testament prophets telling people to annihilate others, and modern prophets telling people to do things that are contrary to God's will and character?
2020-05-06 Jesus' Murder as an Offering & Salvation: The idea that Jesus had to be murdered in order to make salvation a way for us, doesn't make sense. Can you defend that?
2020-04-02 Abortion Stand Causing Family Division: I stood my ground on the issue of not supporting abortion, by telling my family, including my own parents, that I don't want them around my own children, since they support it. Did I go too far?
2020-03-17 God Directing Murder: Did God ask Abraham to murder his son?
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