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Topic: History

Showing 1 to 50 of 119.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-15 Euphrates Drying Up: What part of the Bible talks about the Euphrates River drying up? [Revelation 16:12, Revelation 11:8, Revelation 16:19].
2024-06-05 Why Should a Skeptic Read the Bible?: What are the most compelling reasons for someone to read the Bible?
2024-05-13 Documentation for Jesus Outside of the Bible: Are there non-biblical historical documents supporting Jesus' existence that would quell the claims that His character arose from Pagan mythology? Rec: Steve Gregg, Zeitgiest on YouTube.
2024-05-02 The Epic of Gilgamesh & Biblical Flood Accounts: Have you looked at the similarities between the two flood accounts in the Bible and The Gilgamesh Epic and do you think they could be the same flood?
2024-04-24 The Gaderenes & the Tribe of Gad: Were the Gaderenes the same as the Tribe of Gad? Were they raising swine?
2024-03-18 Religious Wars in World History: Is Christianity responsible for most of the wars and killings throughout world history?
2024-03-14 Timeline for Job's Life: Do we have a timeline for Job in Genesis? [Job 1:4-5, Genesis 36:31].
2024-02-22 Slavery: Why isn't slavery more absolutely condemned in the Bible? Could you talk about slavery in the 1st century?
2024-01-12 Dispensationalism's Seven Dispensations: Is it valid for Dispensationalists to divide up history into seven dispensations?
Second Coming in Ephesians: Is Ephesians 1 referring to the Second Coming and the rapture of the church? What does the reference to "times" mean? [Ephesians 1:10].
2024-01-10 Atheist-Apostasy: Do you think I am stupid and deserve to go to hell?
Atheist-Theological Disagreement: Do you think that theological disagreements are a good enough reason to send someone to hell?
Atheist-Hinduism Predates the Flood: Atheist caller claims that he has seen evidence that proves that Hinduism predates the Flood. He also challenges Steve's claim that he has evidence that Jesus and the gospels are true.
2024-01-09 Hinduism's Timeline: Does the Hindu religion predate creation?
Once Saved, Always Saved (Eternal Security): What do you think about the "once saved, always saved?" [John 15:6].
2023-12-20 Pharaoh of the Exodus: Who was the pharaoh of the Exodus? Does Scripture indicate that he died in the Red Sea? [Psalm 136:15]
2023-12-13 Daniel's Timeline & 70 Weeks: Could you help me sort the timeline in Daniel and the 70 weeks? [Daniel 9].
Jesus' Baptism: About when would you date the baptism of Jesus?
Calculation of the Day of Crucifixion: Could the day of the crucifixion be Wednesday?
2023-11-21 God Before His Present State: Could God have ever existed in another form, such as in suspended animation?
God's Predetermination of Human History: Did God predetermine how long human history would be? [Acts 17:31, 2 Peter 3:12].
2023-10-24 BIble-Truth or Fiction: Is the Bible true or fiction? Where would it be in the library? Is it mostly spiritual?
2023-09-29 Missing Years of Jesus' Life: Is there anything out there that tries to cover the missing years of Jesus' life? [Luke 2:49].
2023-09-28 Satan's Thievery: How do we make Satan pay us back for all he has stolen from us? [Proverbs 6:30-31].
Khasarian Jews Have you heard of Khasarian Jews (Khazars)?
2023-09-26 19th Century Movements: Could you survey some reasons why the influences of the 19th Century movements took hold, such as Darbyism (Dispensationalism), and so on (Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses)?
2023-08-25 Atheist Caller: Why Jesus? Why Christianity?: An atheist caller asks: Why Jesus? Why Christianity? What is the methodology that you use to support or verify your faith as true?
Witnesses to Christ & His Life: Why do you think the New Testament writers and His disciples are reliable witnesses?
2023-08-25 Dispensationalism: What is Dispensationalism and what do they think about the Book of Revelation?
Historical Setting of the Book of Romans: What was the historical setting of the Book of Romans? [Acts 18, Romans 11, Romans 14:5-6, Romans 1-4].
2023-07-19 Antisemitism of Hitler: How did Hitler become so antisemitic and why didn't the Catholic or Lutheran church do anything about it?
Deceiving the "Elect": What does Matthew mean when he says even "the elect" could be deceived? [Matthew 24:24, Ephesians 6:14].
2023-06-20 Buddhism vs Christianity Buddhist caller discusses basic differences between the two faiths (Buddhist & Christianity) in the way truth is established (epistemology). Rec: Video; [Hebrews 11:6].
2023-05-30 "America" Not in the Bible: Why isn't America mentioned in the Bible?
2023-05-29 One's Past Doesn't Matter: How would you counsel someone who claims one's past doesn't matter when entering a relationship with them?
2023-03-21 Atheism, Science & Sir Isaac Newton: Why don't atheists consider the genius scientist, Sir Isaac Newton as he wrote in support of the existence of God?
2023-02-16 Age of Earth & Science: Could you comment on the development of scientic technologies and the age of the earth?
2023-01-06 Science, History & Creation: Regarding Science & History relative to creation, it is possible that God created past and present at the same time? [Genesis 1].
2022-12-30 Human Sacrifices in the Bible: Could you help me answer questions about human sacrifices in the Old Testament? Recommended topical lectures; "Authority of Scripture." and Steve's books-2 vol set, "Empire of the Risen Son." [Jude 1:4, Romans 15:4].
2022-12-29 Why Keep the Old Testament?: If the Old Testament is obsolete, then why do we even have it in our Bibles? Is there any denomination that uses only the New Testament? [Exodus 19-20].
New Testament vs Old Testament: Isn't it only the New Testament that is necessary for the Christian today?
2022-12-29 Economic Sanctions in History: Could you speak to historical examples of sanctions limiting "buying and selling" of the past in relation to the predicted "mark of the beast?" [Revelation 13, Revelation 14:1].
2022-12-23 Arch of Triumph in Rome: Do you know about the artifacts that were paraded through the Arch of Triumph (Titus) in Rome? Caller seems to be confusing two historical arches-one in Rome and another in Paris.
2022-12-23 Arc of Triumphe (France): Caller clarifies that there is an "Arc de Triomphe" in France.
"Book of Yahweh": Do you know anything about the "Book of Yahweh"?
2022-12-23 Old Testament's Purpose: What is the purpose of all the long lists and geneaologies in the Old Testament?
2022-09-29 Paying Taxes to Government: Were early Americans sinning against God when they refused to pay taxes to the government? [Romans 13, I Peter 2:14, Romans 13:4-6].
2022-09-12 A Better Resurrection & Future Rewards: What is meant in Hebrews by "they might obtain a better resurrection"- perhaps an implication of varying degrees of rewards in the Resurrection? [Hebrews 11:35, John 5:28-29].
Monarch as Head of Church: Is declaring a monarch as "Head of Church" an afront to Christ, or simply harmless tradition?
2022-08-29 Why God Forgot the Jewish People: Why did God forget the Jewish People for 400 years?
2022-08-18 Pentateuch's Origins: Could you talk about the records that Moses used for the writing of the Pentateuch?
2022-07-29 The Law of the Old Testament: When were "the laws" initiated, were they still being made later, and is the authorship disputed?
2022-07-18 Literal Genesis Creation & when Life Begins in the Womb: Caller shares his view of the literalness of pre-Abrahamic Genesis and the moment life begins.[Genesis 1-11, Genesis 4, Luke 11:51, Matthew 19:4, Matthew 24:37-39, Leviticus 17:11].
2022-07-08 What Kind of Book is the Bible?: Someone said that the Bible just a history book? Isn't it the Word of God?
2022-06-20 Tragic Evil Stories in the Old Testament: Why was it acceptable to surrender one's daughters (and a concubine) to guest in the Old Testament? [Judges 19:24, Genesis 19:7].
2022-06-09 Old Testament Sacrifices: Could you talk about how it is possible to perform as many sacrifices as the Old Testament suggests?
Frequency of the Sacrifices: Is there anything in scripture that indicates how often someone had to offer sacrifices?
2022-05-31 Archeological Discoveries: What do you think of the claims of Ron Wyatt, who reportedly found the Ark of the Covenant and Noah's Ark? [Jeremiah 3:16].
2022-05-26 "God" vs "gods": Didn't the ancient Greeks and Romans believe in their gods as much as Christians believe in theirs?
2022-04-14 Atheist Caller-Grounds for Rejection of the Bible: Atheist responds to the claim that atheists hold the Bible to a higher standard than other historical records.
Atheist-The Bible as Myth: Athesist Caller; Why not call the Bible stories as myths?
Atheist-Different Conclusions about God: Atheist; Do you think that two intelligent people can look at the same evidence and conclude differently.
2022-04-13 Atheists Requiring Unparalleled Evidence: Would you elaborate on your thoughts regarding the unreasonable degree of evidence atheists require to believe as sufficient evidence?
2022-04-06 Records of Converstations in the Bible: How did they record the specific words of Jesus in scripture, like in the conversation of the woman at the well, and Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane?
Souls That Preceded the Coming of Jesus: What happened to the souls that preceded the coming of Jesus? [Genesis 15:6, Psalms 32:2, Hebrews 11].
2022-04-06 Atheist: Why Believe the Bible is True?: Why should we believe that the Bible is true? [Isaiah 41:21-23].
Atheist: Why Believe the Bible is God's Word: Atheist: Why should we believe that the Bible is the Word of God?
Atheist: Why "love" the Bible?: Atheist: Why should we love the Bible?
2022-04-05 John Remaining Until He Comes: Does the verse about John "remaining until Jesus comes" mean that He would stay around witnessing untilJesus did come back? [John 21:21].
Sun Standing Still & the Miraculous: Caller comments on a report of a recorded long day in Mexico that dates to the day described in Joshua when the sun stood still.
2022-03-22 Moses' Source for Genesis: How did Moses know what to write in Genesis about the creation and the events in the Garden of Eden?
The Kingdom of God: How do I learn about "The Kingdom of God"? Recommended topical lecture, "The Kingdom of God" or download free book, "Empire of the Risen Son, Vol 1", at the website.
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