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Topic: Wine

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-23 Blood & Flesh Symbolism: Is not the reference to flesh and blood in John 6, a very different context than in the Last Supper? [John 6:53-58, John 6:40, John 6:63].
2024-04-16 Wine: Was it wine in the Bible or was it just grape juice? [1 Corinthians 11:20-22].
Belonging to a Church: How important is it to belong to a church? [Hebrews 10:25, Matthew 18:19-20].
2024-03-05 New Wine in Old Wineskins: Why does Jesus say "old wine is better?" Steve correct him and explains the "new wine in old wineskins." symbolism? [Luke 5:37-39].
2024-02-14 Jesus' Prayer in Gethsemane: What was Jesus asking in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane? [Matthew 26:41].
Jesus Didn't Drink Wine: What would you say in rebuttal to a claim that Jesus did not drink wine? [1 Timothy 5:23].
John the Baptist, a Wine-Free Nazarite: Did John the Baptist avoid drinking wine because he was a Nazarite? [Matthew 11:18-19].
2024-02-14 Jesus' Prayer in Gethsemane: What was Jesus asking in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane? [Matthew 26:41].
Jesus Didn't Drink Wine: What would you say in rebuttal to a claim that Jesus did not drink wine? [1 Timothy 5:23].
John the Baptist, a Wine-Free Nazarite: Did John the Baptist avoid drinking wine because he was a Nazarite? [Matthew 11:18-19].
2024-02-13 Did Jesus DrInk Wine?: Do you think that Jesus drank actual wine? Some say He did not. [Ephesians 5:18, 1 Corinthians 11:21, Proverbs 23:31-35].
2023-12-01 Wine & Water: Why didn’t God reveal to people that if you boiled water, you wouldn’t have to put wine in it to disinfect it? [1 Timothy 5:23]
2023-10-26 Water into Wine Miracle: Is there any significance to Jesus' hesitation about turning the water into wine? [John 2:1-11].
2023-09-29 Water into Wine: Why did Jesus turn the water into wine, especially if people were already drunk? [John 2:10, 1 Timothy 5:23, John 15:1].
2023-09-29 Jewish Caller's Compliments Steve's Perspective: Jewish caller comments about Steve's show and gives his compliments about his perspective on Jewish Roots.
Jewish Perspective - Water into Wine: From a Jewish caller's perspective, thoughts about the wine and spiritually purifying one on the inside. [Psalm 104:15].
2023-09-29 Jewish Caller's Compliments Steve's Perspective: Jewish caller comments about Steve's show and gives his compliments about his perspective on Jewish Roots.
Jewish Perspective - Water into Wine: From a Jewish caller's perspective, thoughts about the wine and spiritually purifying one on the inside. [Psalm 104:15].
2023-09-25 Christians Celebrating Yom Kippur: If Christians continue to keep Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), isn't that like putting new wine in old wineskins? [Colossians 2:16-17, Hebrews 9:12, 2 Corinthians 6:2].
2023-08-17 Eternal Punishment: Shouldn't Jesus still be on the cross if God requires eternal punishment?
Jesus Not Drinking of the Vine: What about Jesus saying He would not drink of the vine until in he Kingdom? [Acts 10:41, Matthew 26:29].
2023-08-16 Water into Wine: It doesn't seem like a sinless God would make wine. [Luke 10:33-34, 1 Corinthians 11:21].
2023-08-14 "Until the Kingdom Comes": Could you talk about when the "Kingdom of God" comes, in light of the passage about Jesus not drinking of the vine until it did? [Luke 22:14-18, Luke 23:36, Mark 4:26-33, Philippians 2:10-11, John 19:30].
2023-07-07 "The Kingdom": What did Jesus mean by "The Kingdom" when He said He would not drink of the vine until the coming of the Kingdom? [Matthew 26:29, Mark 4:26-29, 1 Corinthians 10:16].
2023-06-19 Baptism & The Plan of Salvation: Caller comments on baptism in Jesus' name and its inception after the death of Christ. [Acts 2:38, Acts 16:31, Romans 10:9, 1 John 5:12, 1 Corinthians 6:20].
Wine or Grape Juice: Dr Vernon McGee said the wine at the wedding was really not wine, but good grape juice. Does that sound right? [1 Timothy 5:23, 1 Corinthians 11:21, John 2:10].
2023-05-02 "Vessel to Vessel": Could you talk about the meaning of the verse "pouring from vessel to vessel?" [Jeremiah 48:11-12].
2023-05-02 New Wine Skins: Would you elucidate on the passage about pouring wine into new wine skins? [Matthew 9:16-17, Isaiah 58:3-7].
2023-04-10 Water into Wine Miracle: What do you think is the significance of the first miracle of turning water into wine? [John 21:25, John 15:1, 1 Timothy 5:23, John 2:10, John 2:6].
2023-03-28 Melchizidek & Communion (Eucharist): Is there any connection between Melchizedek bringing out the bread and wine and Jesus instituting communion at the Last Supper? [Genesis 14:18, John 8:56-58].
2023-02-06 Prophecy "on the Third Day;" What scriptures would Paul have been referring to when in 1 Corinthians, he idicates that Jesus rising on the third day was fulfilling prophecy? [1 Corinthians 15:4, Acts 13:30-33, Acts 2:27, Psalm 16:10, Psalm 2:7, Luke 24:44, Matthew 12:40, Hosea 6:2].
Fasting, Wineskins & Patches: Could you explain the passage about fasting with the parallel made to old wineskins and patching clothing?
2023-01-24 Old Law & New Testament Fasting: Is there a difference between the requirements of the Old Law regarding fasting and expectations of fasting in the New Testament? [Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 9:15, 2 Samuel 12:13-25, Mark 2:19].
New Wine in Old Skins: Would you explain the significance of the new wine in the old skins, and how it might align with the Old and New Law? [Matthew 9:16-17, Mark 2:22].
2022-10-17 Drinking Alcohol: Is it a sin to drink beer? [Galatians 5:19, I Corinthians 6:9-10].
2022-09-20 Communion Wine & One Shared Cup: Is it unacceptable to subsitute juice in place of wine for communion, and must we share one cup to do it scripturally? [I Corinthians 13, I Corinthians 11].
Baptized in Jesus' Name Only: Must one be baptized in the name of Jesus only? [I Corinthians 10, Acts 2:38, Matthew 28:20, Colossians 2:9].
Legalistic Teachers: Should I stop listening to someone who seems to be mistaken and overly legalistic?
2022-09-13 Food Provision During the Exodus: Where would those wandering in the wilderness get the wine and flour during the Exodus? [Numbers 28].
Onan's Punishment: Regarding the story of Onan and his practising (spilling of his seed), does not Deuteronomy 25 talk about his penalty? [Deuteronomy 25:5-10].
2022-07-07 Wine Cheers both God and Man: Could you clarify the meaning of the verse abut how wine cheers the heart of God and man? [Judges 9:8-13, Psalm 104:14-15, Proverbs 31:4-6, I Corinthians 6:9-10].
2022-04-15 Jesus Won't Partake of Wine Again, Until When?: When is "that day" in the verse where Jesus says He will not drink of the vine until "that day"? [Matthew 26:29, Psalm 22:22, I Corinthians 11:21-25].
2022-03-17 "New Wine" in "Old Wine Skins" & "New Cloth in Old Garment": What is meant by Jesus' answer in the second part about "new wine in old wine skins" and "new cloth in old garment"? [Mark 2:21-22, Matthew 9:17].
2022-03-01 Two Prophecies in Zechariah: Could you explain if there are two different prophecies about the coming of Christ being referred to in Zechariah 9? [Zechariah 9:9].
New Wine in Old Wine Skins: Could you explain the verses about the new wine put in old wine skins? [Matthew 9:17, Mark 2:22, 2 Corinthians 3:17].
2021-11-05 Jesus' Last Passover-Drinking of the Vine: What did Jesus mean when He said at Passover that He would not "drink of the fruit of the vine again"? [Luke 22:11-18].
2021-02-01 Marijuana & Wine: Would you share insights into the uses of marijuana and wine in light of the Bible? [Psalm 31:6, Ephesians 5:18, I Timothy 5:23].
2020-12-04 Wine and Other Alcohol: My sister, who is diabetic, would like to drink alternate alcohol, rather than wine, and wonders if it is a sin.
Daniel 11 & the Antichrist: Could you explain Daniel 11:36-38? [Daniel 11:36-38]. Antiochus Ep, Herods, Rome, 70 weeks
2020-10-21 Drug Spiked Wine in the Bible: Do you have any information regarding drinking drug spiked wine in the Bible, while being at the devil's table ? [I Corinthians 10:21].
2020-10-05 Drugs, Occult, & Old Testament Prohibition: Where would I find Old Testament Law about prohibiting drugs and occult potions? [Galatians 5:20, Deuteronomy18:10, Hosea 4:11, Proverbs 4:23, Matthew 15:18].
Meanings of Words in Old Testament Opposed to Modern Meanings (Pharmacia/ Pharmacy): Do you agree with D.A. Carson, in his book, "Exegetical Fallacies", that there is misinterpretation of some words as they are used in the Old Testament and how they are used today?
2020-08-21 Christians Drinking Alcohol: What do you think about a believer drinking alcohol?
2020-05-07 Wine at the Last Supper: I disagree with your position that wine was served at the last supper?
Wine in the Millennial Kingdom: Can you imagine wine being served in the millennial kingdom and the saints being drunk?
2020-05-07 Wine at the Last Supper: I disagree with your position that wine was served at the last supper?
Wine in the Millennial Kingdom: Can you imagine wine being served in the millennial kingdom and the saints being drunk?
2020-04-30 Parables-Bridegroom, Wineskins, Patches: Could you clarify Jesus' answer as to why the disciples don't fast like the Pharisees do, in the parables about the bridegroom, wineskins, and patches? [Matthew 9:14-17, John 3].
Questions Answered by Email: Do you answer questions by email?
2020-02-19 Wine for Healing: For what ailment is wine good? [Acts 18:18].
2019-12-23 Wine & Alcohol: Caller comments on his tendency toward addictions to explain why he thinks Christians should not drink. Why do you think Jesus made alcoholic wine, rather than grape juice?
2019-12-20 Drinking Alcohol: What is the application of the verse in Leviticus when the priests were instructed not to drink if they were going to approach God? And should we abstain as a preemptive precaution? [Leviticus 10, Luke 10:34, I Timothy 5:23].
2019-08-14 Drinking Alcohol: Is it a sin to drink alcohol? [Matthew 11:18-19, I Corinthians 11:21, Ephesians 5:18].
2019-06-27 Drinking Alcohol: Did they drink real wine in the Bible? Should we serve wine now? [I Timothy 5:23, I Corinthians 11:21, Ephesians 5:20-24].
2019-04-25 Wine: Was the wine really alcoholic, or was it grape juice?
2019-03-22 Wedding Wine Miracle: When Mary told Jesus about running out of wine at the wedding, why did He address her the way he did and what did Jesus mean by "my hour is not yet come." Why did He ultimately end up performing the miracle? [John 2].
Praying to Mary: What about praying to Mary?
2019-02-27 John Bevere: Have you (Steve) ever heard of John Bevere?
Alcohol: Is drinking alcohol sinning? Being drunk?
2019-02-22 Jesus & taking Vinegar on the Cross: Is vinegar considered wine?
Amillennialism: When Jesus said that some standing there in that generation would not taste death until all these things happened be a pro-Amillennialism statement? [Matthew 24:34]
2019-01-16 Fasting & Wineskins: I am a little confused about references to fasting and general meaning in the passage about the new and old wineskins [Matthew 9:14-17].
Fasting: Is fasting a legalistic thing?
2018-11-15 Wine Purifying the Water: Did they know that wine intoxicates back then even though they used it to purify?
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