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Topic: Psalms (Book)

Showing 451 to 500 of 547.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-02-27 Bible Translation Problem: Can you resolve the very unrelated wording in Hebrews and Psalm 40, where the words used for "opening an ear" are to equate to "body prepared", seemingly meant to come from the same text? How can that be? [Hebrews 10:5, Psalm 40:2].
2020-02-04 Selah: What does Selah mean? [Psalm, Habakkuk 3].
Prophecy in Psalms: What do you think about the prophecy in Psalms? When David describes crucifixion, is he speaking of himself? [Psalm 22, 2 Samuel 7:12-16, Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:25, 2:15, Luke 24:44-45, Hosea 11:1].
2020-02-04 Selah: What does Selah mean? [Psalm, Habakkuk 3].
Prophecy in Psalms: What do you think about the prophecy in Psalms? When David describes crucifixion, is he speaking of himself? [Psalm 22, 2 Samuel 7:12-16, Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:25, 2:15, Luke 24:44-45, Hosea 11:1].
2020-01-06 Jesus' Preincarnate State: What was the preincarnate state of Christ? [John 1:14, Philippians 2, Psalm 40, Luke 1:34-35, I John 5:8].
2020-01-06 Looking at Old Testament Prophecy: How should we be looking at Old Testament prophecies and their link to New Testament? [John 2, Psalm 2, Psalm 40:6-8, Psalm 110, Psalm 59:9, Isaiah 7, Isaiah 8, Luke 24:45, 2 Corinthians 3:15-18].
2019-05-28 Psalm 2:1 ("Heathens Rage"): What does this verse mean, "why do the heathen rage, and the peoples plot in vain?" [Psalms 2:1-2]? [Acts 4:24f].
2019-05-06 Promise from God: How do you know when the promise is to us? Rather than to a particular person, instead? [Joshua 1, Psalm 118].
2019-03-22 Authorship of Psalm 91: Who was the author of Psalm 91? Wasn't it David?
2018-12-10 Psalm Interpretation: Can you interpret a verse in Psalms for me, especially "causest to approach unto thee"? [Psalm 65:4]
2018-10-15 Lord unto My Lord: The Lord said to my Lord, what does that mean? [Psalms 110]
2018-09-19 Israelites Faithful to the Covenant: When Israel claimed to have have been faithful to the old covenant in Psalms, were they kidding because isn't that why God allowed them to be captives of Babylon? [Psalm 44, Psalm 44:17]
2018-08-24 Acrostic Verses: In Psalms 119, which has a letter above a set of verses, which are Acrostic Verses, can you explain these? [Psalms 119]
2018-08-16 Biblical Interpretation of Psalm 45: Can you tell me how to understand that passage? [Psalms 45:6, Psalms 2, Psalms 45, Psalms 72, Psalms 110]
2018-08-07 Titles in Chapters of Psalms: Are the titles for the Psalms reliable?
2018-07-18 Awarded According to My Righteousness: How can the writer call himself righteous according to his works? David says he wipes out his enemies, how is that righteous? [Psalm 18:20]
2018-07-09 Narrow Path's Show Introduction Music: I really the introduction music to your show. Is that you playing the guitar?
Blessing God & God blessing us & lifting Hands: You said recently said that the it's the greater man that blesses the lesser man, so God blesses us, more than we are blessing God, with praise & worship & the lifting hands in, but what about these verses in Psalms? [Psalm 63:4, Psalms 134:2]
2018-07-05 Our Resurrected Bodies in Psalm 23: Is the temple possibly be talking about our resurrected body in Psalms? [Psalms 23:6b]
2018-06-19 Imprecatory Prayers verses Forgiving People: How do we reconcile the imprecatory prayers in Psalms with forgiving people in the New Testament?
2017-12-27 Sin, Transgression, Iniquity: Is there different definitions degrees of sin? ? is this how we should pray?
2017-11-10 The Unseen Realm: Have you ever heard of "The Unseen Realm" by a Michael Heiser & wondering what you think about it? He says God had 2 families. [Psalm 82]
2017-10-06 Psalms about Christ: There is a lot of references in Psalms 22 about Christ, & is the possible reason that Jesus yelled out, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" to remind the people that the Bible was speaking of Him? [Psalm 22, Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34]
2017-09-15 The Promises in the Bible: How much of the promises in the Bible can be applied to us? [Joshua 1:9]
Psalms & Proverbs: What about the advice or information from Proverbs? Are they true & appicable?
2017-07-25 The Secret Place: Where is the secret place of the Most High? [Psalm 91:1-9]
2017-05-26 Thou Fool followup: About being a fool follow-up. [Psalm 53:1]
2017-05-24 Offspring of the Wicked: "offspring of the wicked shall be cutoff", what does that mean? [Psalm 37:28 & 38]
2017-03-15 "Rod of Iron": Is "break them with a rod of iron" referring to breaking our sin? [Psalm 2:9}
Forgiveness from God: My former husband had a terrible accident & became a paraplegic, can he still be forgiven?
2017-01-06 Being gods: Why in scripture does it call people "gods"? [John 10:34-35, Psalms 82:6]
Steve Gregg's Devotion Life: What does your daily devotion look like?
2016-12-21 David crying out: Is this to be taken as an idiomatic term, David crying out in exasperation, or to be taken as literal fact? [Psalm 51]
Anointing: What is the "anointing" that is referred to in 1 John 2:20, 28? [1 John 2:20, 28]
2016-12-15 David: David claiming that he had not seen people in need? Won't God supply everything Christians need? [Psalms 37:25, Matthew 6:31:34]
2016-11-15 Trees & Water in Psalms: What did David mean in Psalms 1:13 regarding trees planted by streams of living water? [Psalms 1:13]
Burning Bush: What did the burning bush represent? [Exodus 3:1-15]
2016-11-11 Rod & the Staff: Caller is interested in what the Rod & the Staff in both Psalms & Revelation. [Psalms 23, Revelation 12:5]
2016-09-07 Psalm 44, Suffering even though Righteous: Why is the Psalmist lamenting the suffering of Israel & himself, & why is it happening in the first place since they were being faithful? [Psalm 44]
2016-08-03 JWs twisting a Verse in Psalms & how to refute them: Caller would like help in refuting a verse Jehovah's Witnesses yse to prove the Trinity is not biblical. [Psalm 110:1]
2016-06-30 Imprecatory Prayers: What is your thoughts on Imprecatory Prayers, David’s prayers, especially when it says in James NOT to use your tongue to curse people? [Psalms 7, Psalm 109, Galatians 1:8, James 3:1]
2016-01-12 "Behold thy Mother": When Jesus told John to take care of His mom, Mary, why didn't He have His siblings do it? [John 19:26-27]
Vinegar & Gall: Did this really happen like it says in Psalms of Jesus both drinking Vinegar & eating Gall? [John 19:28, Psalms 69:21]
Laid in a New Tomb: Is there any significance to Jesus being buried in a "New Tomb"? [John 19:41]
2015-12-23 "Glory Chanted by the mouth of Babes & Infants": I am stumped by the mouth of babes chanting glory. [Psalm 8:2]
"You are gods, sons of the Most High": Who is God speaking to when He said, "you are gods, sons of the Most High"? [Psalm 82]
2015-12-23 "Glory Chanted by the mouth of Babes & Infants": I am stumped by the mouth of babes chanting glory. [Psalm 8:2]
"You are gods, sons of the Most High": Who is God speaking to when He said, "you are gods, sons of the Most High"? [Psalm 82]
2015-05-15 Studying the book of Psalms: How does Steve apply Psalms to his life, how does he study them, interpret them?
2015-05-07 David & His Enemies: It says in the Psalms that he prayed for destruction of his enemies. Is that a NT thing to do?
Armageddon: Is Armageddon the Final Battle of the End of the World?
2015-04-29 The Message Bible: Pastor is using the Message Bible to study the book of Psalms & some people like it & some people do not like it, what does Steve think?
2015-03-05 "You are gods": What does it mean in Psalm 82:6 "you are gods"? [Psalm 82:6, John 10:24-26]
Jesus as the Son of God: Is this why the Jews were so offended when Jesus called Himself the "Son of God", they knew Psalms 82 was just poetic language calling people gods? Why did Jesus call Himself the Son of Man? He got that from Daniel 7:12, right? [Daniel 7:12]
Jesus as the Son of Man: But what about Ezekiel even being called that more than Jesus?
2015-03-05 "You are gods": "You are God's" in the possessive sense, is that possible? [Psalm 82:6]
A good commentary: Do you know of good commentaries that you'd recommend?
2015-03-05 Hebrew language & Ezekiel: Caller wants to continue talking about the discussion of "gods" & "man", he just wanted to confirm that Steve was right.
2015-03-05 "You are gods": Another caller wanted to opine about "you are gods". [Psalm 82:6, John 10:24-26]
Understanding Truth: Sayings in one language & cultures would not be understood in other languages & cultures.
2015-01-23 The Book of Psalms: Does the book of Psalms have any rhyme or reason to the way it was put together?
2015-01-05 Holy Spirit in the OT: Was the Holy Spirit not active in people's lives before the cross? What about David, when he said, "Take not the Holy Spirit from me?" [Psalm 51:11]
2014-11-18 Life of David: Is there a good book on the life of David, especially when he wrote the book of Psalms? [1 & 2 Samuel, 1 Kings 1]
2014-10-17 The Psalms & Trusting God: God loves it when we trust Him, rely on Him. The Psalms are very comforting. But why do bad things happen to Christians, those promises in Psalms not seeming to be in accord with reality? [Psalms 90, 91, Ecclesiastes 8:11-13, Revelation 6:9-11]
2014-05-23 Interpreting a Passage of Scripture: Can you please help me understand a chapter in Psalms? [Psalm 82:5-7]
2014-04-16 "Scattered their Bones": Can you please explain an entire certain verses in a certain chapter in Psalms? [Psalm 53]
National Geographic & Christianity: Why would the National Geographic give such fake news about the gospel/Bible?
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