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Topic: Atonement

Showing 51 to 100 of 125.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-06-25 Dispensationalist View of Future Sacrifices in the Third Temple: If I can't accept future sacrifices in a third temple as scriptural, is it a hill to die on? [Zechariah 14:20-21, Ezekiel 40-48, Ezekiel 43:10-11, 43:22-26, Ezekiel 45:15,20, Hebrews 10:6, Psalms 51:16, Psalm 40:6-8].
2020-06-05 Sin Brought to an End: Was every possible sin put on Jesus when he died, which brought the final sacrifice that would bring an end to sin? [2 Corinthians 5:21, Daniel 9:24].
2020-05-07 Propitiation is God Being Paid-off: If Jesus was the "propitiation", and propitiation means a pay-off, was requiring a God paid off? [I John 2:2].
Sin Already Forgiven: If our debt was paid by God, then are our sins forgiven past, present, and future, requiring no further repentance? [I John 5:12].
2020-04-17 Substitutionary Atonement & Other Views: Is there no mention or description of the Substitutionary Atonement in the gospel of Luke? Are there other views of the atonement? [Mark 10:45, Matthew 20:28].
2020-03-09 Forgiven Sins-Past, Present & Future: Do you agree with Dr. Michael Brown in that only our past sin is forgiven when we are converted to Christ, and future sin requires repentance? [2 Peter 1:9, I John 7, 9].
2020-02-03 Secrets Only Given to the Disciples: Why would Jesus only reveal His message of salvation to only a select few? Does He not want all to be saved? [Matthew 13:11f, 23:37, 16:24, 10:28-30, 7:6, Isaiah 6, Luke 13:34, 19:41-44, Mark 4:34, John 6:44, 12:32, Matthew].
2019-10-18 The Atonement-Various Views: Can you review the various views of the atonement; Christus Victor, Penal Substitution, Ransom View? [Hebrews 2:15, Colossians 2:14, Mark 10:45, 2 Timothy 2, Acts 20, I Peter 1].
2019-08-28 Atonement - Various Views: Can you help me understand the various views of the atonement, and why did Jesus have to die? [Colossian 2:15, Hebrews 2:14, I Timothy 2:6, Matthew 20:28, Romans 3:20-26].
2019-08-14 Jews, Atonement & Yom Kippur: How do the Jews today atone for sin, since they no longer have a temple? [Hebrews 9:22, Leviticus 17:11].
2019-07-29 Physical Healing in the Atonement: Does scripture teach us that in the atonement, we are promised healing from physical illnesses? [Isaiah 53:4-5, Matthew 8:17, I Peter 2:24, Isaiah 1:1, I John 1:9, Philippians 2:25-30].
2019-07-04 Atonement: Who was Jesus paying the ransom to? Was it to The Father, or was it to Satan?
2019-06-06 Atonement for Intentional Sin: Is there a a sacrifice for sin that is for intentional sin? [I John 1: 7, 9, Hebrews 10:26, 13, 18, Acts 13: 38-39, Jeremiah 31, Hebrews 9].
2019-03-25 Animal sacrifice: On the Day of Atonement, what kind of animal did the High Priest slaughter? [Leviticus 16]. How do we understand the symbolism of "Lamb of God"? Do all the animals have distinct meanings in the sacrificial rites?
2019-01-24 God's Wrath on the Cross: Did Jesus suffer the wrath of the Father on the cross?
Differing Views of the Atonement: What do you think of all the different views of the atonement?
2018-12-21 Humility & I don't know: I love listening to your program because sometimes you just say, "I don't know".
It is Finished: What does it mean when Jesus said, "it is finished"?
2018-12-14 Atonement: Was the atonement finished at the cross & if it was, why do we need a High Priest in Heaven?
2018-12-11 Jesus Dying on the Cross: Why did Jesus have to die on the cross? Couldn't there have been another way? various views of the atonement
2018-07-24 Eternal Security: How come you didn't use a couple examples in the Bible in refuting the Once Saved, Always Saved Doctrine, especially the Prodigal son story? [Luke 15:11-32]
All Sins Covered by Atonement: Are all our sins, for all eternity, covered by the atonement? Charles Stanley holds the view that one cannot lose their salvation.
2018-04-19 Calvinism & "Wasted Atonement": I've been going to a reformed church & when it says "all have sinned", that means ALL have sinned, so does that include babies? What does "wasted atonement" mean to the calvinist?
2018-04-10 Day of Atonement-Yom Kippur & Passover: Why would Paul call Jesus our Passover instead of our Atonement? What is the difference between the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) & the Passover?
Jesus the Messiah: How come the Jews don't accept the idea that Jesus was the Messiah?
2018-03-26 Atonement-Penal & Christus Victor: Was God punishing Christ for our sins?
2018-03-19 Jesus Interceding only for the He died for Elect: Calvinism teaches that Jesus only died for & interceded for only those people He died for, as opposed for everyone.
2018-03-14 Jesus' Atonement: Do we as Christians really understand the full benefits purchased by Christ until we see Him? Did Adam & Eve understand it better than us?
2018-01-04 By His Stripes we are Healed: People seem to use the verse in Isaiah about "by His stripes we are healed", but isn't that a misuse of the Scripture? [Isaiah 53]
2018-01-01 Views of Atonement: What are the Christus Victor and Penal Substitution views of atonement?
2017-12-01 Judgment Private or Public: Will the judgment be private or public where everyone can see it? [Romans 2:16]
Adam as a Sacrifice: Jack hayford says that if Adam had not sinned, but Eve had, he could've been an acceptable sacrifice instead of Jesus. What do you think about that idea?
Greatest in the Kingdom of God: What can you tell about this verse? [Matthew 18:1]
2017-10-10 The Son of God Dying: Why did Jesus have to die?
2017-07-31 Christ' Blood Different than Ours: With the life being in the blood, was Jesus' blood different than ours?
2017-07-13 Calvinism's Limited Atonement: Considering Calvinism's unlimited or limited atonement, did Christ die for the whole world or not?
2017-07-10 Jesus' Ransom (Atonement) Involving the Atonement, who was Jesus paying the ransom to? I heard the early church thought Satan.
2017-07-10 Jesus' Ransom (Atonement): ransom being paid by Jesus. (I can't quite follower her either.)
2017-03-31 Jesus' Atonement: Did Jesus save us from God or from the evil forces of Satan.
2017-03-20 Christ Dying for Everyone: Jesus dying for all, sins being pardoned, ramifications of what the Scriptures say & what Calvinists say [2 Corinthians 5:14-15, 1 Corinthians 15:22]
2017-03-15 Praying directly to Jesus or the Father: Should we be praying to Jesus or the Father?
Healing for Us Today: Is the verse in Isaiah "He took on our infirmities" saying that our sicknesses will be healed? [Isaiah 53:4, Matthew 8:17].
2016-11-22 Righteousness: Imputed & Imparted Righteousness [2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 John 3:2]
2016-09-02 All of Us Killed Christ: Did we really ultimately kill Christ ourselves because of our sins?
2016-08-24 Penal Substitution: What is the Penal Substitution theory of the atonement?
2016-08-17 Christian Zionists believing in 2 Covenants: Christian Zionists believe in 2 covenants? Isn't doing the animal sacrifices again a slap in the face of Jesus' sacrifice?
2016-08-02 Atonement-Christus Victor & Penanl Substitution: Caller wanted Steve to please explain the difference between Christus Victor & the Penal Substitution involving the atonement. (He doesn't have much time to answer the question however.)
2016-07-21 Atonement for your Lives: How come the rich don't have to pay more & the poor less, & you can buy atonement & what is atonement?
2016-06-20 Traditional View of Hell: If the Traditional View of Hell is plausible then how Jesus isn't being tortured in hell for eternity since He was paying for our sins?
2016-05-30 Wages of Sin: If the wages of sin is death how could Christ pay for all sin after only being dead for 3 days? [Romans 6:23]
2016-05-27 Atonement What exactly did Atonement accomplish? What do calvinists believe about it?
Golden Chain of Redemption: Golden chain of redemption, could it be the forefathers, the people of the Old Testament? [Romans 8]
2016-03-04 Atonement: Caller would like Steve's explanation of the different kinds of atonement, moral, Christus Victor, ransom, substitutionary & so on.
2015-11-23 Penal Substitution: What are thoughts on Penal Substitution (& the Atonement)?
2015-11-02 "By His Stripes we are Healed": Why do we need a doctor if we can be healed by Jesus' stripes? [Isaiah 53:4-5, 1 Peter 2:24-25]
2015-11-02 Healing: Caller comments on previous call about healings.
Russia & the Middle East: With Russia & other allied countries setting up in the Middle East, are we at the time that what Jesus was talking about when He said when you see Jerusalem being surrounded by Rome, we'd know the end was near? [Luke 21:20]
2015-08-24 Healing & Charismatic Churches: Does Steve know of anyone who's been a deep Christian for a long time who hasn't been healed? [Isaiah 53:5]
No Healing, No Faith: Some people think that if you are suffering from not being healed you are not strong in faith. [Hebrews 11]
Finding a good fit: How did Steve find a good fit for where HE fellowships?
2015-08-10 Atonement: Steve doesn't believe physical healing is in the Atonment, but Spiritual Healing, but Dr. Michael Brown disagrees w/ that. [Isaiah 53:5, Matthew 8:17]
2015-04-24 Atonement: Healing is not part of the Atonement, so it doesn't fall under the Christus Victor or the Penal Substitution? [Matthew 8:17]
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