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Topic: Jewish Traditions

Showing 51 to 86 of 86.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-07-06 Age of Jesus and Mary: Doesn't the traditional view of the age of 12 for Jesus in the temple and the age of Mary of 13, seem like nonsense to you?
Sabbaths & Festivals: Is it really logical to in Romans and Colossians to assume that the Sabbath referred to is the weekly Sabbath? [Romans 13:1-7, Colossians 2:16 2].
2020-06-17 About Jesus: Regarding what we know about Jesus life-did He read the scriptures regularly in temple, participate in the Bar Mitzvah, and was He a stone mason rather than a carpenter?
2020-06-05 The Zohar of the Kabbahal: Should we avoid referencing the Zohar (Kabbalah), as one Terry Stone, a prophecy teacher does?
2020-05-07 Three Days in the Grave: Is there a reason why Jesus was in the grave for three days, specifically, rather than some other length of time?
2020-01-07 John's Water Baptism: What is the difference between John's baptism and religious Jewish washing rites? [Mark 1:4, Luke 16:16].
2019-10-09 Keeping Jewish Traditions & Holidays: Why would Jesus be offered up on Passover, rather than Yom Kippur? Can one actually keep the Jewish festivals and holidays accurately without the temple? [Romans 5:11, I Corinthians 5:7].
2019-06-07 Jesus Coming for His Bride & the Pre-Trib Rapture: Have you heard of the traditions of the Jewish Wedding and the parallel to how Jesus will come for his bride, the church, and its alignment to the Pre-trib rapture? [John 6:39-40, 44, 54].
2019-05-15 Christian Foundations in Hebrews 6: Are the foundations listed in Hebrews 6, distinctly Christian? If so, then what about the use of the Jewish word used for baptisms (ceremonial washings), instead of the one used for baptism in other scriptures? [Hebrews 6:1-2, 5:11-14, John 3:25f].
2019-02-01 "Leaving the Elementary Things": What does it mean, "leaving the elementary things behind"? [Hebrews 6:4-6]
2019-01-28 Blessing Israel: How are we supposed to bless Israel if they are not part of Israel yet? [Acts 3:25, ]
2018-08-21 Jews Belief about the Afterlife: What did the Jews believe re: what happens to you after you die?
2018-07-30 Evolution: What can you say about Evolution & Science relative to Christian traditions and beliefs? Did God use Evolution for creation?
2018-06-25 Jewish Tradition but Christian (Messianic Jews): a Messianic Jewish caller wondering about the importance of Jewish traditions for the converted Jew & Christian, is the law obsolete?
2018-06-25 Jewish Feasts: Paul wasn't speaking against doing the festivals, but rather, he was actually telling Gentiles not to judge the jews who still keep the festivals, according to the caller. [Colossians 2:16]
2018-06-12 Passover Meal-Jesus' earlier one & Jewish Leaders traditional one: Jesus & His disciples appear to have eaten the Passover on the first day of unleavened bread, different than when the Jewish Leaders had theirs. Why the different times? [Matthew 26:17, Mark 14:12, Luke 22:7, John 18:28]
2017-12-29 The Talmud: How did Jesus view the Talmud? and then you have the Tanakh, & the Midlash. Can you speak on all these Jewish writings?
2017-09-29 Jewish Rituals & Festivals: Christians celebrating Jewish rituals & festivals, are we to adhere to them?
2017-07-17 Jewish Calendar for Prophetic Reckoning: David Hawkins thinks the Jewish Calendar has to be used when calculating Prophecies in Daniel.
Anti-Christ being in the 3rd Temple: Rebuilding the 3rd temple, the anti-Christ is going to be IN the temple, so how can he be in the temple if it doesn't exist?
2016-11-15 Jewish Believers: Are genuine Jews who don't believe in Jesus going to hell? Will they end up paying the ultimate price for not?
2016-07-12 Stopping the Sacrificial System: What caused the cessation of them? How do the Jews atone for the sins nowadays?
2016-05-03 Honoring Jewish Feast Days: Should we honor and practice the Jewish Feast days? [Romans 14:5-6, Colossians 2:14-17, Galation 4:8-11]
2016-03-31 Date of the Book of Revelation: When was the Book of Revelatoin written & what style was it written in? People say it's very similar to Jewish writings before Jesus.
Having Doubt: Caller considers herself a Christian but is still a skeptic, still finds that she has a lot of doubt.
2016-03-18 Unwashen Hands: What did Jesus mean by this? [Matthew 15:15-20, Mark 7:1-23]
2016-02-29 Jewish Sacrificial System: How often did the Jewish people have to animal sacrifices?
2015-11-25 Spirits in Prison: Can I just have the Steve-Gregg-Commentary on this passage of Scripture talking about the spirits of prison? [1 Peter 3:19-22]
Jewish History: What would be the best resource of Jewish History for the 400 years before Christ came?
2015-05-04 The Torah & the Talmud: You could sort've compare the Torah & the Talmud to the Word of God, & the "tradition", exactly like the Catholic Church.
2015-04-20 Jewish Tradions-Shmita (7th Year Rest) & Jubilees: What do you Steve know about the Shmita (every 7 years letting the soil rest) and Jubilee?
America's Economy: Is America's economy about to collapse?
2014-11-21 Pharisees, Scribes & Sadducees: The Pharisees were the Orthodox Rabbis during Jesus' times? Was Jesus basically just trying uproot Judaism while He was down here? [Luke 9:28-36]
Jews Activities During Jesus' Time: Was there things Jesus didn't like that the Jews were doing when He was down here? [Matthew 5:17-19, Luke 18:10=14]
2014-09-11 Word equals Law: Caller has a friend who thinks the word, "Word" in John 1 is actually supposed to be referring to the "Law". What do you think? [John 1:1]
Pagan Days in contrast to Jewish Feast Days: Caller's friend is really against pagan holidays but thinks we need to keep the Jewish Feast days.
2014-06-04 Rope tied around a High Priest: Where do we get the idea that a rope had to be tied around a High Priest's ankle when he entered the Most Holy Place in the Temple in case he had sin in his life & was struck dead? Is it anywhere in the Bible?
Curtain being torn in 2: Could it be that the tradition started between the time when the curtain of the Temple between the Holy Place & the Most Holy Place was rent in twain after Jesus' death & the temple being destroyed in 70 AD?
2014-04-08 Kabbalah & the movie, "Noah": What is this Kabbalah Jewish manuscript you were talking about regarding the movie, "Noah"?
2013-07-24 The term "Jew": What is the meaning of the term "Jew" in the New Testament? It seems to have a negative connotation for a group separate from the writers and audience. Would this be affected by the majority of the audience being Jewish? [John 1:20, John 18:39, Acts 14:2].
Sensitivty Regarding "The Jews Killed Jesus": It seems extreme, negative and potentially harmful to say that "the Jews killed Jesus" when it was actually only some of the bad leadership that encouraged it. [1 Thessalonians 2:14-15, Galatians 3:28].
2013-05-24 The Judaizers: What were the Judaizers doing? Do you see it going on today?
2013-03-13 Chakras: Chakras are discussed from a Buddhist perspective. Are Chakras more biological or spiritual?
Jesus in the Old Testament: Is Jesus prophesied in the Old Testament? [Isaiah 53].
Jewish Tradition of "Servant of Yahweh (YWHW): What does the Jewish tradition make of the "Servant of Yahweh (YWHW)" in Isaiah 53? [Isaiah 53:6-8].
2013-01-31 Messianic Movement: Caller thinks the Christian church needs to turn back the Jewish Roots.
2012-01-09 Lilith: Was "Lilith" Adam's first wife? [Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:22, Isaiah 34:14].
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