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Topic: Discipline

Showing 51 to 88 of 88.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-05-11 Children Being Required to Fast: Do you think children should fast, or be required to fast, to overcome sinful behavior?
Train Up a Child: What does the verse in Proverbs mean, "train up a child in the way he should go..." [Proverbs 22:6].
Donations Through PayPal: Can people still donate through PayPal?
2020-05-11 Children Being Required to Fast: Do you think children should fast, or be required to fast, to overcome sinful behavior?
Train Up a Child: What does the verse in Proverbs mean, "train up a child in the way he should go..." [Proverbs 22:6].
Donations Through PayPal: Can people still donate through PayPal?
2020-05-11 Weaker Brothers in What Way? When Paul talks about eating various foods, etc., and the weaker brothers, what does he mean? [Romans 14, I Corinthians 8].
2020-05-06 Take up Your Cross: How do we know what our cross is? Does the cross we are to take up, stay the same each day, or does it change each day? [Luke 9:23].
Hearing the Holy Spirit & His Direction: Do you have any suggestion as to how know or recognize the leading of the spirit of God? [Romans 8, Psalm 23, Colossians 3:15, John 10:27].
2020-04-13 Kingdom of God: Could you elaborate Jesus' statement in Luke 16, about the kingdom of God, pressing into it, and the fulfillment of the law? [Luke 16:16-17, Matthew 11:12, 19:23, 16:24, 5:17].
Absent Military Family Member: Can you encourage me as I struggle with my wife's absence in the military?
2020-04-09 Adult Son Sleeping In: Could you advise me as to how to hand my objections to my adult son sleeping in too late in the morning, and it is causing difficulties between my husband and I?
2020-04-03 Drawing Closer to God: Do you have advice on how to draw closer to God during this time of quarantine?
2020-03-25 Medical Pandemic-Coronavirus: How do you handle those in your own household that are not being careful and help reduce the threat of the pandemic threat of Coronavirus?
2020-02-07 Provoke Not your Children: How do I deal with a difficult teen, when we are not to provoke our children to wrath? [Ephesians 6:4].
2019-08-08 Bible Reading Discipline: How does one get more disciplined about Bible reading, especially during the difficult times? [I Corinthians 13].
2019-05-16 Disciplining Children Biblically: What does the Bible teach about disciplining children? [Proverbs 22:15, I Kings 1:6, Ecclesiastes 8:11].
2019-04-09 Church Discipline: How long does someone have to be disciplined ("marked", or disfellowshipped), before they are reinstated?
2019-04-09 Church Leadership: What should be done when it may be that the leadership needs discipline, rather than the attendees?
2019-02-25 Church Discipline: A preacher is upset that someone won't support his child because she partnered w/ the catholic church on a missions trip & so the person not supporting her cites a passage of Scripture on why he can't support her. [2 John 1:9-11]
2018-11-16 Capital Punishment: Spare the rod, spoil the child, what does this mean? [Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 23:13-14, Proverbs 22:15]
2018-07-03 Chastisement of the Lord: What is the chastisement of the Lord?
2018-03-14 Rebuking a Brother: When is the best opportunity to rebuke a brother?
2018-01-29 Unequally Yoked: There's a situation in our church were an unequally yoked couple got married, a believer to an unbeliever, & what should be done in that situation? [2 Corinthians 6:14-18]
2017-08-21 Commenting on Atheist Listeners: The caller appreciated the information about the atheists.
Jesus Rebuking but Being for Christians: "I have this against you," Jesus said to several churches in Revelation, but then Jesus says He's for us. [Revelation 2, Romans 8:31]
2017-08-21 Church Discipline Needs to be Implemented: Church discipline needs happen because of appropriate behavior by a pastor, but they are wondering what to do?
2017-06-09 Parenting: Shouldn't parents correct their child? What about parents who don't care about disciplining their children? [Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 23:13-14]
2017-03-08 God Disciplines those He Loves: God chastens those that He loves, so is that why He allows suffering & trials? [Hebrews 12]
2016-08-24 Elder Qualifications: Did you say you disqualify yourself from being an elder in the church because of your disobedient, unruly offspring? What about when they become adults? Does the father still have to step down then? [1 Timothy 3:2-7]
2015-09-01 The person Job Getting a New Wife: Did Job get a new wife at the end of his latter days?
Chastised by the Lord or Being Attacked by Enemy: How can we know if we are being chastening by the Lord or being attacked by the Devil? [Hebrews 12]
2015-08-31 New Home Church: Look for a New Home Church & wondering about Calvary Chapel, but there seems to be some lack of Church Discipline, &, there's a Moses Model church hierarchy there, where ONE person is in charge, & can't be held accountable by anyone else.
2015-07-21 Whistle Blowing at Work: What obligation does an employee has to tell on somebody who is hurting the company?
2015-07-20 Connecting w/ New Believer: Caller is concerned about why it would take 9 months for caller right before her to connect w/ this person he's concerned about, waiting until he was baptized?
2015-07-06 Church Discipline: Is there a difference between what Jesus & Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians 5, about expelling a person, as opposed to "have nothing to do with them"? [Matthew 18:17, 1 Corinthians 5:13, Romans 16:17, 2 Thessalonians 3:14, Titus 3:11]
2015-04-21 Prayer for a Homeless Person: Caller wants prayer for somebody who has recently found themselves homeless.
Advantage Being Raised Solidly: Being raised correctly, having a solid, well-adjusted family gives you more of an advantage over some who had a troubled life. [Proverbs 22:6]
2014-06-25 God Sovereign & Unchanging: How can God be claimed to be Sovereign & Unchanging when you see major differences from the Old Testament to the New Testament?
Discipling Children: What is the Biblical way to disciplining your children? [Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 22:15, Proverbs 23:13-14, Proverbs 22:6]
2014-06-03 God Punishing or Disciplining: Is God Punishing or Disciplining sinners? [Hebrews 12, Ephesians 6:1-4, Proverbs 22:6, 13:24]
2014-05-27 The Rod & the Staff: Is there a difference between the rod & the staff? We aren't supposed to be beating our children w/ a rod, but it does say to use it, "he who spares the rod, hates his child". However, it's hard to punish your children biblically in this day & age. [Proverbs 13:4, 23:13]
2014-04-24 Israel being a part of Church: What are the main Scriptures you'd use in Romans & Galatians & elsewhere where it says that Israel is not separate, but incorporated w/ the church now? [Romans 9-11, Galatians 3:26-29]
Richard Foster & Christian Disciplines: What do you think about Richard Foster & his disciplines such as prayer, fasting, meditation, simplicity, solitude, submission, service, confession, worship & guidance?
2014-02-18 Corporate Punishment (Spanking): What do you think about spanking your child? [Proverbs 13:24, Psalms 24:4]
2014-02-11 Paying for our sins NOW by Suffering: Even though Jesus paid the penalty on the cross for our sins, is it possible that sometimes we have to pay our own debt w/ suffering in the present time before the other side of glory? [1 Corinthians 3:10, 2 Corinthians 1:8-9]
2013-12-31 Biblically Discipling Children: How should we punish children biblically? [Proverbs 13:24]
2013-04-25 Calling No Man "Father": Comment about previous caller and discussion about no calling brothers, "Father".
Forgiving Others: Do we need to forgive those that are not repentent? What if they do not repent? [Matthew 18:15-22, Luke 17:4, Mark 11:25, 2 Corinthians 5:19, 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15, I Corinthians 5:5].
2013-02-27 "Poor in Spirit": Do you think that Hannah's spirit is and example of being "poor in spirit"? What is a good example of being "poor in spirit"? What does it mean?
"Poor in Spirit": What is a good example of being "poor in spirit"? What does it mean?
"Cut-off" in the Old Testament: When people were "cut-off from the people in the Old Testament what happened to them?
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