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Topic: Iniquity

Showing 51 to 68 of 68.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-12-01 Sin unto Death: What is this "sin unto death" that John is talking about? [1 John 5:16]
2015-11-11 Remission of sins: i'd really like to know the meaning of this verse, the "remitting or retaining the sins of people". What does that mean? [John 20:23]
"All you want to know about Hell": Caller likes both books of Steve Gregg, "3 views of Hell", as well as "4 views Revelation". Steve comments.
2015-09-01 Sin Unto Death: What is the Sin unto Death? [1 john 5:16-17]
2015-08-05 Loving Your Enemies: God was pretty severe w/ His own people, let alone His own enemies, but how do we reconcile the way He is in the New Testament?
God forgets our Sin: God forgets our sins, it says in the Old Testament, the Sea of Forgetfulness, but it also says every idle word will be held against us? [Micah 7:9, Matthew 12:36]
2015-06-10 Contradiction about Sin: In one place of the Bible is says that the soul that sinneth, it shall die, but in another place it says that sin living in us is causing us to sin. [Ezekiel 18:20, Romans 7:17]
2015-05-11 Christians who are in Sin: How do we deal in a Christ-like matter those who claim Christianity but who are living in sin? [Galatians 6:1, Matthew 18:15-20]
2015-02-02 Adulterous Pastor: What should I do if I think a pastor is committing adultery?
2015-01-14 God Hates the Sin, Loves the Sinner: We've heard the saying, "God hates the sin, but loves the sinner", but there are places where it says in the Bible that God hates the wicked person.
2014-07-24 Prayers an Abomination: I heard a preacher recently say that if we have any sin in our heart, God will not answer us. Is that true? [Psalms 66:18, Proverbs 28:9]
The Perfect Christian: Some people seem to have a wrong idea of what being a Christian is. It doesn't mean you are PERFECT at all times.
Satan tempting: Does Satan try to get us to think we are the only ones going through a sin/temptation & that it's okay to succumb to it? [1 Peter 5:8-9]
2014-07-16 Visiting Iniquity to the 3rd & 4th generations: I was talking to an ex-Jehovah's Witness, & we were talking about the 10 commandments & the part of the God visiting the iniquity of the 3rd & 4th generations, & I thought he was misinterpreting it, saying He'd be PUNISHING until the 3rd & 4th generations. Was he wrong or right?
2013-10-11 Changing Your Heart: What comes first, a changed heart or changed behaviour?
Addictions: What is the equivalent word to "addiction" in the Bible since that word is not in there?
2013-10-09 Pay Tribute to Whom Tribute is Due: What is the actual role of the Government? Should I pay my taxes without question? [Romans 13:1-7, 1 Peter 2]
Sins of Ignorance: What happens if you commit sins of ingnorance? [Acts 2:17]
2013-09-10 Youth Pastor with Pornography Addiction: A youth pastor has just confessed to having a pornography addiction. He's taking a leave of absence, but does it disqualify him in the future?
2013-08-22 Blood on our Hands: Was this directed to only the people during Ezekiel's time or for every Christian, warning people to repent? Ezekiel 3:19-21]
Render all their Evil Back to Babylon: Why would God pay back to Babylon what they did to Jerusalem when God was using them as a judgment against Israel? Jeremiah 51:24, Isaiah 10]
2013-08-02 Sins Preceding a Person: What does this passage in scripture mean about someone's sins proceding them & some will be found out later, & someone's good works are known & some are not? [1 Timothy 5:24-25]
2013-06-20 All Sin Equal: Where do people get the idea that all sin is equal?
2013-01-29 Son or Father Not Responsible but 3rd & 4th Generation: There seems to be somewhat a contradiction between what God says in Ezekiel that the father nor the son are responsible for each other's sin, but yet then it says the iniquity of the fathers will be visited to the 3rd & 4th generation. How do you harmonize these? [Ezekiel 18:20, Deuteronomy 5:9, Exodus 20:5]
2013-01-11 Visiting the Iniquities to the 3rd & 4th Generations: What does it mean that He "will visit the iniquities to the 3rd & 4th generations?" [Exodus 34:6, Deuteronomy 7]
Keeping His Covenant for 1000 years: Didn't God say He would keep the covenant for 1000 years? [Deuteronomy 7:9]
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