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Topic: Language

Showing 51 to 100 of 122.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-08-19 Going to See Jesus in the Past: If we could go back in time, would Jesus be able to understand our language, and would he be offended if we wanted to go back to see him? [John 20:29].
2021-08-11 The Word for God & Jesus: Isn't the Word for God & Jesus the same in every language? So should we not be using the proper name?
2021-06-24 Tower of Babel Produced Many Languages: Could you explain how the events at the Tower of Babel produced so many languages? [Genesis 11].
2021-06-01 Pure Hebrew Language: Is the restoration of the use of the pure Hebrew language prophesied in Zephaniah? [Zephaniah 3:9, Luke 6:45].
2021-06-01 Computer Language (Binary Code): Is it possible that the universal computer language of "ones" and "zeros" (Binary Code) is useful to Satan?
2021-02-04 Tongues-Known or Unknown Language: Is tongues a known language, rather than gibberish? If not, why would God make a language that is just gibberish, and need an interpreted? [I Corinthians 14:22, I Corinthians 14:2].
Tongues-Language of Angels or Men? Is "speaking in tongues" a language of angels or of men? [I Corinthians 14].
Steve Gregg's Experience with Tongues: What was your experience like when you spoke in tongues?
2021-02-04 Tongues-Known or Unknown Language: Is tongues a known language, rather than gibberish? If not, why would God make a language that is just gibberish, and need an interpreted? [I Corinthians 14:22, I Corinthians 14:2].
Tongues-Language of Angels or Men? Is "speaking in tongues" a language of angels or of men? [I Corinthians 14].
Steve Gregg's Experience with Tongues: What was your experience like when you spoke in tongues?
2021-01-20 Various Bible Translations: What is meant by, "word for word" versus "thought for thought" when speaking of the various translations of the Bible?
2021-01-15 Speaking in Tongues: Could you explain "speaking in tongues", now as opposed to Pentecost? [Acts 2, Acts 10, Acts 19, I Corinthians 14:22, I Corinthians 14:2-5, I Corinthians 14:26-28].
2021-01-05 Judging by Appearances: Does one's dress, language, music preferences, etc. change when one is saved, and how does it related to judging by one's appearances? [John 7:24, Romans 12:2]. (Same caller as 3rd caller.)
2020-12-21 Jesus the Beginning of Creation: Could you help me understand the meaning of the Greek word for "beginning" in this verse about Jesus being the "beginning of creation" in Revelation? [Revelation 3:14, John 1:1-3, Colossians 1:15-16].
Biblical Writers Use of Words & Language: Do you look at the way the Biblical authors use certain words in your study?
2020-12-08 Speaking in Tongues: What is your personal experience like with speaking in tongues? [I Corinthians 14, Jude 20].
2020-10-27 All Scripture is Inspired: What does the verse about scripture actually say in the Greek? [2 Timothy 3:16].
2020-09-28 King James Version's Use of the Plural Are the words "thee, thine, thou", are singular in the King James Version, distinguishing them from the plural application? [Luke 21:32].
2020-09-18 The Complexity of the Bible: Why has God made the Bible so complex, which has resulted in so many opposing opinions and misunderstanding? [Mark 7, Luke 21].
Greek & Hebrew Necessary to Understand the Bible?: Does one have to study Greek and Hebrew to understand the Bible?
2020-09-14 Tongues-Heavenly or Unknown Language: Is "tongues" an unknown language, or a heavenly language? [I Corinthians 13:1, I Corinthians 14:2, I Corinthians 14:22].
Tongues for Edification: How does "speaking in tongues", if it is an unknown language, be edifying? [I Corinthians 14].
2020-09-14 Tongues-Heavenly or Unknown Language: Is "tongues" an unknown language, or a heavenly language? [I Corinthians 13:1, I Corinthians 14:2, I Corinthians 14:22].
Tongues for Edification: How does "speaking in tongues", if it is an unknown language, be edifying? [I Corinthians 14].
2020-09-03 Principalities: Observations and disagreement about the word "principalities."
2020-08-12 Comment about Swearing: Regarding a previous call about swearing and scriptural support for not doing so. [Colossians 3:8].
2020-08-10 Christians Using Vulgarity: Is being concerned about believers use of vulgarity focusing on a minor concerns or is it an offense to God? [Matthew 12:36, Ephesians 5:3-4, Ephesians 4:29, Matthew 23:24, Matthew 7:24-27].
Modesty in Clothing: Could you comment on inappropriate or provocative clothing worn by believers?
2020-06-10 What the Bible Says or Teaches: Is the truth compromised to indicate what the Bible teaches, rather than what it says? How would that apply to Calvinism?
2020-03-04 Appointed or Chosen: Is the word for "appointed" in these verses correct? Does it mean appointed to the word, thereby making it an argument against Calvinism? [I Peter 2:8, Acts 13:48]
Foul Language (Cussing or Swearing): What do you think about using foul language (cussing & swearing)? [Ephesians 4:29, James 3:1-12].
2020-01-07 Logos in John: Caller comments on John 1:1 and the meaning of the word, "logos", used there.
2019-08-20 Studying the Greek: In what way would exploring the Greek texts be helpful to me while studying the Bible?
Paul, "Whatever State I am in": What was Paul saying when he used the word "state" in the phrase, "whatever state I am in"? [Philippians 4:11, I Timothy 6:8].
2019-08-01 Foundation of the World: Would you clear up the various perceptions about the Greek word order in scriptures, such as, "the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world". [Timothy , Revelation 13:8, 17:8, Hebrews 4:3 Ephesians 1:4, John 17:24, Luke 11:50].
Being Elect: Can you clarify the way you see Ephesians 1:4, as a more corporate group, as opposed to the way Calvinists see it. [Ephesians 1:4, Isaiah 42:1, Matthew, Romans 8:30, I John 5:11 ].
Book of Life: Would you help me understand to what "The Book of Life" refers? [Revelation 3:5, 13:8].
2019-01-02 Jesus Contradicts Himself: How can Jesus' words be true if He contradicts Himself, such as when He says when people only speak the words that are in their heart, but that people will worship Him in words? [Matthew 12:36, 15:8, Isaiah 29:13, Proverbs 23:6].
2018-08-23 Speaking in Tongues: I'm wondering about the validity of speaking in tongues, why do people practice it? Where does the unknown language come from?
2018-05-23 Speaking in Tongues: Everybody should be able to hear in their own language, not gibberish that you don't know what is being said.
Eternal Torment in Hell: You don't seem to believe that people are going to be thrown into the lake of fire & burn eternally. Can you explain this?
2018-05-21 Sown in Corruption, Raised in Incorruption: Sown in corruption, raised in incorruption, putting on immortality, what does Paul mean with all this sayings? [1 Corinthians 15:42, 1 Corinthians 15:53-55]
2018-05-07 Malachi & Chronicles: Chronological order of the books of the Bible, why are they different in the jewish book vs ours?
Hebrew Language: There seems to be a limited amount of words in the Hebrew Language as compared to Greek & English.
2017-12-28 Sermon on the Mount & James: You say that James gets a lot of his information from the Sermon on the Mount. Do you know what the connections are to James' writings?
The Tongue: What is this about James referring to the tongue as dangerous? [James 3:2-12]
2017-07-21 Christians Insulting People: Does Christianity allow for insulting one another?
2017-07-21 Definition of First Word Mentioned in Bible: Joseph Prince said that the meaning of a word defined by the first time it is used in the Bible will always mean the same thing the rest of the time in the Bible. What do you say about that? (leaven is an example that this is not the case.)
2017-06-29 Speaking in Tongues: Speaking in tongues is not on the highest list of priorities according to Paul, but is it always in a language that can be found here on earth?
2017-06-26 Prayer Language & Spirit Gifts, Talking in Tongues: Having the gift of tongues & speaking them but confused in church services
2017-05-05 Bad Language: Is it a sin to use inappropriate language, just as long as we don't use the Lord's name in vain? [Ephesians 4:29]
2016-11-18 English Language Confusion: Caller having trouble figuring out what verses mean because even just the English language is so difficult, so many definitions.
Eternal Security: Underling motives of people who teach/follow eternal security.
2016-10-04 The Mighty God: The definite "the": “The mighty God”, why does “the” get added when being quoted by Pastors though it does not appear in the original text? [Isaiah 9:6] (Caller not a Trinitarian.)
2016-09-01 Amen-Let It Be: Is the correct translation of "Amen" "let it be"?
2016-07-27 Tower of Babel: Is everything that happened in these chapters true, including the Tower of Babel?
Confusion of Language in Babel: Why did God scramble the languages during the Tower of Babel?
Uniting Europe: What about trying to unify Europe?
2016-07-26 Sundry Times & Diverse So we are all done w/ prophets & people having visions, etc., because Jesus was the last & ultimate Prophet?
2016-07-22 Light before the Sun during Creation: What was the light before the Sun was made, & what about the vegetation on the 3rd day? and the earth is flat, caller believes.
2016-05-02 English Grammar Question in Ephesians: why is the word "finally" used here? [Ephesians 6:10]
Helmet of Salvation: What is the helmet of salvation? [Ephesians 6:17]
Walter Martin: Walter Martin was a great teacher.
2016-02-23 Scholars: I thought scholars were to just be able to translate Scripture in from the language they are interpreting from & not present their own theology. Is that right?
2016-01-04 Plucking out the Eye: So we shouldn't really do what that verse says, pluck out our eye? [Mark 9:47]
2015-12-18 KJV only Advocates: KJV advocates say that if people read the King James Version of the Bible, & struggles to understand it, it means they are not saved because "My sheep hear my voice" & understand it.
Most loved verse of the Bible misunderstood: God only loves those who love Him, & we shouldn't preach the gospel of love to unbelievers. [John 3:16]
2015-07-21 Every Idle Word Spoken: We'll have to give an account for every idle word, Jesus says, but then it also say in the bible that God won't remember our sins as east is from the west. [Matthew 12:36, Psalm 103:12, 1 Corinthians 3:12]
2015-03-05 "You are gods": Another caller wanted to opine about "you are gods". [Psalm 82:6, John 10:24-26]
Understanding Truth: Sayings in one language & cultures would not be understood in other languages & cultures.
2014-12-11 Mediterranean Sea & Jesus' Ministry: Did Jesus ever do anything at the Mediterranean Sea? Did any Biblical character for that matter?
Cremation: What does the Bible say about Cremation?
Profanity: What does the BIble say about profanity/cursing?
2014-10-29 Apocalyptic Language in the Bible: What is Apocalyptic language? How do you recognize it? Is there a Bible that highlights apocalyptic language like some Bible do w/ the red words of Jesus?
Different Genres: How many different kinds of Genres are there?
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