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Topic: Pentecost

Showing 51 to 66 of 66.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-01-31 Speaking in Tongues at Pentecost: Speaking in tongues discussion, interpretation gift [Acts 2]
2016-08-03 Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Caller would like to know about speaking in tongues, & do we all have the same amount of the Holy Spirit?
2016-07-21 Christian Church Established: When did the church begin> At Pentecost? [Matthew 16, Matthew 18, Acts 2]
2016-05-26 My Spirit within You: I will put my Spirit with in you, being poured out [Ezekiel 36:27, Joel 2, Acts 2, Zachriah 14]
2016-02-26 Steve's Position on Hell: What is your position on hell?
Speaking in Tongues: Was wondering what you could tell me about Speaking in Tongues? It didn't really jive with what Scripture is talking about it.
2016-02-25 Women in Ministry: Caller enjoyed the previous day's show about Women in ministry.
Charismatic: In the book of Acts, when they had the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, there was something where they knew they had received it, & why & when has it changed?
2015-10-30 Peter loving Jesus: Did Peter actually have the ability to love Jesus as much as he did AFTER the Pentecost since he got filled w/ the Holy Spirit then?
2015-10-16 Fire Meaning in the Bible: What is the meaning of "fire" is, especially in the book of Acts? Fire is a form of judgment, but it also says fire came on the people at Pentecost. [Matthew 3:10-12, 1 Peter 1:7, Acts 2:3, Isaiah 4:5]
2015-01-05 Without excuse: The Bible says people are without excuse because of nature/creation itself, so what about people before Jesus?
2014-08-05 The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit: The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, is that still be fulfilled, or was it fulfilled at Pentecost? Can it STILL happen yet in the future though? [Joel 2:28, Acts 2:14-21]
2013-10-10 Speaking in Tongues: I think Speaking in Tongues is so people with a different language can understand it for evangelism, to understand the gospel.
2013-09-23 God's Spirit Striving: Did the Holy Spirit leave right before the Flood & then come back at Pentecost? [Genesis 6, Acts 2:1-4]
2013-08-16 Speaking in Tongues when Holy Spirit Comes on You: Are we supposed to talk in tongues when filled with the Holy Spirit? Is it a language no one knows on earth? [1 Corinthians 14:10]
Holy Spirit before Water Baptism: Do you receive the Holy Spirit the very second you are converted or does it wait until after you are baptized?
2013-05-15 Gifts of the Spirit-Tongues: Though I am going to an Assembly of God church, I am not sure that the gift of "tongues" is legitimate today, because I have not seen it in a convincing way? [Matthew 7:15-20].
Snake-handling: What about the scripture about "snake-handling"? [Mark 16:17-18].
2013-05-15 Gifts of the Spirit-Tongues: Though I am going to an Assembly of God church, I am not sure that the gift of "tongues" is legitimate today, because I have not seen it in a convincing way? [Matthew 7:15-20].
Snake-handling: What about the scripture about "snake-handling"? [Mark 16:17-18].
2013-01-30 Calling People Fools: (Phone cuts in & out) What did Jesus mean by calling people fool & being in danger of Hellfire yet people are called fools in the Bible. [Matthew 5:22]
Pentecost a Fulfillment of Joel: Caller doesn't think Pentecost was a fulfillment of Joel, but Steve explains that it was. [Acts 2, Joel 2]
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