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Topic: Idols or Statues (Idolatry)

Showing 51 to 91 of 91.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-11-06 Not Celebrating the Holidays: I don't think we should celebrate Holidays because of pagan roots & it comprises the faith, so I don't celebrate them.
The Christmas Tree: Jeremiah seems to be talking about the Christmas tree & idol worship, don't you think? [Jeremiah 10:2-5]
2017-10-10 Covetousness: Why do we as Americans covet so much even as Christians when it says it's just as bad as fornicating? [1 Corinthians 5:11, Colossians 3:5, Ephesians 5:5]
2017-09-29 Worshipping supernatural or famous things: Bronze serpent, the lady touching the hem of Jesus' garment. People think they can have supernatural experiences by touching or worshipping relics or artifacts, people having wishing thinking.
Talking to the Dead: Are there any examples of talking to dead saints & other dead people? [1 Samuel 28]
2017-08-29 Sabbath Observance a form of Idolatry: Is it insubordination to insist on worshipping on the Sabbath?
2017-08-25 Eating Meat Sacrificed to Idols: What were the ramifications for eating meat from idols?
2017-08-17 Owning a Japanese Sword: Do you think it's okay to own a WWII Seme Japanese sword?
2017-08-14 Playing Guitar During Spare Time: I've been playing guitar & using an inordinate of time to play it, & wondering if I'm wasting my time?
2017-08-08 Hindu god Statues: We are getting ready to have some remodeling done & a company we are considering using has a Hindu statue in their showroom. Should we use them?
2017-07-19 Fornication, Idol Worship, Strangled Animals & Blood: In Acts it talks about fornication, idol worship, no strangled animals & abstaining from blood, & I can understand not doing 2 of them but what about no blood & no strangled animals? What does that have to do with the Gentiles? [Acts 15]
The Millennium: What are the differing views about the Millennium? What are yours? I understand you are an Amillenialist?
2017-05-18 Vision of Joshua in Zechariah: Can you talk about a vision Joshua had in Zechariah? [Zechariah 3]
2017-05-17 The Sin Unto Death: "sin unto death", what does that mean? what do you think the modern version of idolatry is today? [1 John 5:16
2017-01-03 Pornography Addiction: Are addiction problems biblical or is it referring to people who are just out of control?
2016-10-03 Political Idols: If one votes for a candidate because they are pro-life, aren't they becoming idols?
2016-06-21 Adam Idolizing Eve: Eve said that the serpent beguiled her, & Adam said that Eve gave him & he ate, so adam did it because he idolized his wife? Watchman Nee is the one who pointed this out.
2016-06-01 Eternal Security: once saved always saved is not really true, you can turn away from Jesus, but is the covenant you made with God broken every time you sin?
2016-05-11 Catholics Praying to Idols & Saints: Idols & images that are prayed to in the Roman Catholic church & praying to saints, how do they
Eastern Orthodox Venerating Saints: What about the Eastern Orthodox pretty much doing the same thing as the Catholic church, praying to idols, images & dead saints, even though they call it venerating?
2016-04-15 Baal in 1 & 2 Samuels: Caller has been studying 1 & 2 Samuel & is trying to figure out what or who "Baal" was?
2016-04-11 Christians supporting secular Entertainers: Should we be supporting non-Christian or anti-Christian performers & entertainers, idolizing them?
2016-03-30 Unicorns in the Bible: Where it says in Numbers about the trength of the unicorns, it seems like they've actually discovered unicorns, validating the Bible even more. [Numbers 23:22, Numbers 24:8]
Christograms such as Fish: Is there any type of taboo of making our own Christogram, like the fish?
2016-03-23 Bowing Down to People: Joseph's brothers bowing down to Joseph, or Nebuchadnezzar bowing down to Daniel, were those instances inappropriate, bowing down to them? [Genesis 42:6, Daniel 2:46]
The Prince of Persia: The Prince of Persia in Zachariah are both referred to as men & angels, that it is interchangeable. So he thinks Isaiah & Ezekiel is talking about the devil, Satan, once being Lucifer. [Zachariah 1, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28]
2016-02-23 Modern Day Idolatry: What constitutes an idol for the modern-day Christian? [1 John 5:21, Ephesians 5:5]
2015-12-31 Reconciling Scripture [Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 4:11]: How do we reconcile Jesus saying He'll provide everything we need, but then Paul saying we might go hungry & be beaten & so on? [Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 4:11]
Reconciling Scripture - Meat Sacrificed to Idols: In Revelation it seems to be a big deal about eating meat sacrificed to idols, but not a very big deal to Paul. How do you reconcile those 2 things? [Revelation 2:14, 1 Corinthians 8:9-13, Revelaion 17:1, Revelation 1:20].
2015-12-04 Contradiction in the Bible: In Acts 15 it said that even Gentiles couldn't eat meat sacrificed to idols, but the in Corinthians it says it's nothing to be worry about. Why is that? [Acts 15:20-21, 1 Corinthians 10:27-30]
2015-09-14 Graven Images & wearing a cross on a necklace: Is wearing a cross on a necklace considered worshipping a "graven image"?
Prepping or Storing Food: Are you a believer in storing/prepping of food, etc. for a time of trouble?
2015-08-12 Prophet Killed By Lion: What is the whole story about the Prophet of God being killed by a lion? He prophesied against the Golden Calf. The older prophet lies to the younger one, making him sin. The Lion kills the younger prophet, but was still honored. [1 Kings 13].
2015-02-20 Let There Be Light & the Sun: What was the Light for 3 days before the Sun was created? [Genesis 1:3-5, 14-19]
Christmas Trees: Is Jeremiah 10 talking about not having a Christmas Tree? [Jeremiah 10:1-5]
2015-02-18 No Idols or Castings: Doesn't it say somewhere in Matthew about not having any idols, castings, so are we allowed to have jewelry of crosses, churches having crosses?
2015-02-18 People Worshipping Themselves: It almost seems like people have made idols/images of themselves when they lose sight of God. [Acts 17:29, Romans 1:21-23]
Holy Spirit-Interpreting Scripture: Holy Spirit is somewhat subjective, but God Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God, but some don't show evidence. [Romans 8:16]
2014-12-29 Christmas Tree: The Christmas Tree is an idol!
2014-11-03 Generational Curses/Sin: Word of Faith people seem to believe in Generational Curses, but is there any other places that talk about Generational Sin/Curses besides in the 10 Commandments? [Exodus 20:5, Ezekiel 18:20]
2013-12-24 America against Celebrating Christmas: Why did America not celebrate Christmas for awhile, but now we do, even though it has nothing to do with Christianity even though people try to make it into that? [Jeremiah 10]
Criticizing Heathen for doing Heathen things: Is it wrong for a Christian to criticize heathen for doing heathen practices when the Christian practices the some of the same heathen things? [Colossians 2:8]
2013-09-16 Michael the Buddhist Having a relationship with Jesus, becoming more spiritual, will make the things that happen here, make everything else secondary...michael saying this even though he hasn't converted to Christianity....yet.
2013-08-19 Christo-Paganism & the Catholic Church: Why did the caller 2 calls before call the Catholic church Christo-Pagan? Catholics believe in Jesus.
2013-07-10 America Prohibiting Buddhism: Buddhist caller voiced his opinion about a previous call suggesting that only Christianity being allowed in America.
Destroying Buddhist Relics: Buddhist shares his disappointment to hear that a Christian ought destroy Buddhist relics.
2013-07-09 Christianity & Wealth: Do you have to be poor in order to be a good Christian?
2013-07-09 Sexual Activity of Married Couple: What sexual acts are allowed within marriage?
2013-07-09 Statutes & Relics from Eastern Religions: What should I do wth my statutes & relics from the eastern religions to which I belonged? [Acts 19]
2013-07-01 Demonic Pagan gods: Are the pagan gods just idols or is there real demonic power behind them? [1 Corinthians 10:20, Deuteronomy 32:17]
Hindu Gods: Do the Hindu gods have demonic forces behind them?
2013-04-23 Idolatry & Pagan Sites: Are there some places we should not go to, like pagan ruins, a mosque, or temple and worship sites, etc.?
Tower of Babel: Some say that the space program is analagous to the "Tower of Babel" - what do you think?
2013-03-15 Catholic Iconic Statues: What should a recent convert from Catholicism do with their old statues and idols?
Christian Images in One's Home: Isn't it acceptable to have images that remind you of your Christian life, like of the "Last Supper"?
2013-03-15 Catholic Iconic Statues: What should a recent convert from Catholicism do with their old statues and idols?
Christian Images in One's Home: Isn't it acceptable to have images that remind you of your Christian life, like of the "Last Supper"?
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