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Topic: Law of Christ (Royal Law)

Showing 51 to 90 of 90.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-11-01 Moral law over Ceremonial Law: I'm confused about God summarizing loving God with your whole heart mind & soul, & love your neighbor as yourself & the moral law seems to be divided to those 2 commandments. We still need to keep the moral law, don't we? (Very convoluted question.)
2017-09-27 Law Written in our Hearts The law's written in our hearts, is this written to the Jews or to the Gentiles?
2017-09-07 Law of Liberty & Action over Word: What is the "word" He is talking about? [James 1]
2017-08-25 Law Written in our Hearts & the Sabbath: I've been studying w/ the Seventh Day Adventists, & they say Sabbath keeping & the 10 commandments are for now, law written in our hearts, but the commandments were changed from the Old to the New, so the ultimate question is, WHICH commandments are still binding?
2017-07-06 Law Before Christ, Grace After: It seemed before Jesus died people were required to keep the law, but after He rose again we were under grace, is that true?
2017-02-09 Establishing the Law, Not doing Away with it: Can you explain these 2 verses in Romans about Abraham being justified by faith? [Romans 3:30-31-4:1-2]
2017-01-18 Obedience to the law: Following the laws of God as Christians, & it's true we are going to be judged by Christ, but by what criteria?
2017-01-11 Law still Binding: Is the law still applicable because I just got done reading Isaiah 2:1-4, & it is a prophetic passage & says, "out of Zion shall go forth the law", & it's talking about the future, so doesn't the law continue? [Isaiah 2:1-4]
2016-12-16 Letter of the Law vs Spirit of law: Sometimes the "spirit" of the law seems stricter than the "letter", & I thought we were under grace. [2 Corinthians 3:6]
2016-11-21 Law - OT vs NT: What is the difference between the law of the Old Testament & the NT?
2016-11-02 Seventh Day Adventistism: Can Steve explain about SDAs verrsion of law & grace?
2016-09-15 Anti-Nomianism What is Anti-nomianism? Can Steve please explain it?
2016-08-29 Colossians 2: Doug Batchelor says this is NOT talking about the 7th day Sabbath? Is this true? [Colossians 2:16]
10 Commandments Written on Stone, not Parchment: Batchelor says that the 10 commandments were written on stone so they are distinguised from the laws written on the parchment.
9 of the 10 Commandments: So do we have 10 commandments or only 9?
2016-08-17 Law of Liberty & Law of Spirit of Life: Is the law of liberty that is mentioned in James similar what is said in Romans 8 about the law of the Spirit of life? [Romans 8:2, James 1:25] (followup to the previous show, last Q)
2016-08-16 Law of the Spirit of Life: What does the "law of the Spirit of life" mean? Are there any synomyms to that phrase, like law of liberty? [Romans 8:2]
2016-08-12 Think not that i came to Destroy: Jesus did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill, but that still doesn't make the law obsolete, does it?, the caller would like to know. [Matthew 5:17-19, Jeremiah 31:31] (A very lengthy debate about still needing to keep the law.)
2016-08-08 Curse for Trying to Obey the Law: So are people under a curse if they try to obey the law instead of trust in Christ? [Galatians 3:10, Galatians 5:2]
Royal Law of Love: What about the "royal law of Love", is that superior or the same as the law of the of the old law? [1 John 3]
2016-07-22 Dead to the Law Through the Law: What is Paul saying here, "dead to the Law through the law"? [Galatians 2:19, Romans 7:9]
2016-06-01 God's Law: Caller is interested in talking about keeping God's commandments, His law, because he thinks most denominations don't care about the law. [Romans 7:1-4]
2016-06-01 God's Law & Commandments: Caller who has called many times in previous shows, & has already called once in this show, wants to talk more about God's commandments & law, that we need to keep them. [Matthew 5:17-19] (Caller asked to not call back anymore.)
2016-05-10 Old Testament Law: Which Old Testament Laws do we decide to keep or not?
2016-05-09 Not One Jot or Tittle: Caller doesn't think the law has been done away with, that Jesus just came to fulfill, but not destroy it. Paul kept the jewish law & also the law of Jesus. [Matthew 5:17-19, Romans 3:19, Galatians 3:22]
2016-01-27 The Law of Moses & the Law of Christ: Is the Law of Christ just a continuation of the Mosaic law?
2016-01-13 Requirements of the Law: What are the requirements of the law in Romans 8? [Romans 8]
Walking in the Spirit: What does it mean to "walk in the Spirit"? [Romans 8]
2015-10-23 Grace & Law: Can we live under Grace without defining the aspects of the law?
2015-10-02 Inconsistency in American laws: The conundrum of some of the laws is, do we obey man or Christ?
2015-03-25 Drama of the Israelites: Why is all this drama necessary before Christ came? Why not just promise Abraham that Christ could come & leave it at that?
2015-03-17 Law being Fulfilled: Caller wanted to chime in about the law being fulfilled in [Matthew 5:17-19]
2015-03-11 Laws that we keep & don't keep: How do we know what laws to keep or not, from the Old Testament? The 10 commandments we hold to, right?
Building Altars to Worship God: What about building little altars to worship God, extracting stuff from Old Testament stories?
2015-02-25 Perfect Law of Liberty: What did James mean by the Perfect Law of Liberty back then, & what does it mean for us today? [James 1:25, James 2:8, Galatians 5:1]
2015-02-09 Grace over the Law: Are we still supposed to be absolutely obedient to Christ even though we are under grace, which Martin Luther believed we were under.
God being Unisex: So He made Adam unisex until God separated Eve out of him, & both were equal, until the curse, then man took headship, until the resurrection of Jesus?
2013-11-26 The Old & New Covenant: Could Steve explain the progression of the New Covenant from Old Covenant, especially the Sabbath & so on? [Galatians 4, Romans 14, Colossians 2]
Paul Following Rituals Why did Paul participate in the Jewish customs after he knew he was free from that law? [1 Corinthians 9:19-21]
2013-10-08 "by" & "through" Is there a different meaning when Paul says in Romans chapter 3 about "by" & "through" the law? [Romans 3:30-31]
"We Establish the Law": What does Paul mean that "we establish the law"? [Romans 3:30-31]
2013-09-16 Paul's Pre-Conversion or Current Spiritual Experience: Is Romans 7 talking about his preconversion experience or his Christian experience? [Romans 7, Romans 8, Galatians 5:16]
"With the Mind" & "With the Flesh": A Pastor said that we need to commit to obey the law of God, but with our carnal nature we are always going to be serving our flesh. Is that true? [Romans 7:24-25, Matthew 26:41]
2013-08-02 R. J. Rushdoony & Christian Reconstructionism: How do yuo reconcile the Old Testament law to the New Testament law? Should we be using the Mosiac Law as the standard? [Matthew 5:17-18]
2013-07-03 "All Thing Are Lawful To Me": When Paul said, "All things are lawful to me", what does he mean? [1 Corinthians 6:9-12, 1 Corinthians 10:23]
2013-05-14 Heaven without Jesus: Can Romans 2 be used support the idea that people don't need Jesus to go to heaven? [Romans 2:14-15, Jeremiah 31:33, Romans 8:4].
2013-04-17 Christians Subject to the Law: What do you think about Christians having to be subject to the law (of Moses)? Do we still have to obey the commandments? [Romans 8:6-7, Romans 7:12, Romans 8:4, Galatians 5:16, Matthew 22:37-40, Matthew 28:20, John 8:31, I Corinthians 9:20-22, Hebrews 8:13, Hebrews 8:6].
2013-02-11 Appreciates Steve's Teachings of the Law: Caller appreciates Steve's teachings about the Law of God.
2013-01-25 The Perpetual Sabbath: Don't these verses seem to support the necessity of keeping the Sabbath? Isn't it a perpetual covenant? Doesn't the first verse prove that Jesus still expected them to be keeping the Sabbath? [Matthew 24:20, Matthew 5:18-20, Exodus 24:4, Exodus 31:16]
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