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Topic: New Testament

Showing 51 to 100 of 107.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-08-31 On the Brink of Nuclear War: Caller thinks we are on the brink of War with Russia (in 2018).
Old Testament Emphasis: Caller think there's too much emphasis on OT scripture, instead of focusing on the NT & what is happening in the world today
2018-07-20 Jesus' Words on Paper: Did Jesus know His words would be written down?
Paul's Writings: Do we rely too much on Paul's writing? Paul's insight and directives as binding? He was the chief advocate for the Gentiles?
2018-03-19 The Pre-Trib Rapture: The 7th trumpet & Jesus coming on the last day, does this negate the pre-trib rapture?
Morality in the Old Testament: Is morality different in the Old Testament vs New Testament?
2018-03-14 Knowing Koine Greek: Just because you understand New Testament Greek does not mean that you know all the truth, error-free.
Eastern Orthodox Church: What do you think of Hank Hanegraaff switching over to eastern orthodox church? How can he possibly still be a legitimate host of The Bible Answer Man?
2018-03-12 Tithing in the NT I've been listening to Doug Batchelor & he quoted a verse in Matthew that talks about tithing & says that tithing is for the New Testament Christians also. What do you think? [Matthew 23:23]
2018-02-21 Grace: Has God Always Operated Under Grace?
Pluck Out Your Eye: What does Jesus mean when He says pluck out the eye?
2018-02-14 New Testament Tithing: Are pastors taking passages of scripture out of context when they claim we are to tithe?
2018-01-04 New Testament Reliability: People say we can't trust the Scriptures of the New Tesament because they were just letters all compiled together centuries later. [2 Timothy 3:16]
2017-12-21 Gnostic Gospels: What are the Gnostic Gospels & why are they not included in the New Testament?
2017-12-19 Preterism: So you don't agree with all of Revelation is the model of Preterism, relative to 3.5 year? [Revelation 10-13]
Replacement Theology: Salvation of the Old Testament was the same as the New Testament, was it?
2017-09-21 The Book of Romans: Is Romans a personal book or a theological treatise?
2017-08-31 Letters of New Testament Complete: When were all the writings of the New Testament complete?
70 Years: Is the year 70 AD Destruction of Jerusalem of any significance to 70 year captivity in Babylon?
2017-08-04 Timeline of the New Testament: Do you know a detailed reference timeline for the New Testament?
2017-07-31 Prosperity & Blessing in OT, Suffering & Persecution in NT: In the Old Testament there seems to be an emphasis that if you live a righteous life, you will prosper, be blessed, but in the New Testament, just the opposite seems to be true, that we'll be suffering more than being blessed.
2017-07-28 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: Can you explain the difference between the new & old covenant regarding the Holy Spirit?
2017-07-24 Heaven & Hell not Addressed: In the Old Testament NOR the New Testament there's not much mention about what happens to you after you die, heaven or hell, need to love Him just because
2017-06-06 Testament & Covenant: Are "testament" & "covenant" interchangeable? [Natthew 26:28, Luke 22:8, 1 Corinthians 11, Hebrews 8]
2017-03-21 Trusting in the Lord: I was studying the word "trust" in the OT & the NT & you don't hear much about "trust in the Lord" in the NT, why is that?
2017-03-08 The Jesus Story Book Bible: Caller recommends a kids' Bible called, The Jesus Story Book Bible to the previous caller.
Typological Applications to the Bible: How come Dispensationalists are not consistent in applying prophecy to the Bible like they do to the Old Testament?
2017-01-06 Holy Spirit in the OT: Are there different relationships w/ the Holy Spirit, especially in the New Testament verses in the Old Testament?
2016-09-15 Interpreting OT in light of NT: Why is the best interpretative way to understand the OT in light of the NT?
2016-05-04 Books of the Bible: How were the books for the Bible selected?
2016-04-14 Old Testamanet saints & New Testament Saints: Is there any difference between the Old Testament saints & the New Testament saints?
2016-01-27 The Sabbath: Caller wants to rebutt some of the thigns Steve said about the Sabbath: God rested on it, the command was to all people, not just Jews, Jesus replaced ceremonial law only & the reason it's not mentioned in the New Testament is because it was just a given.
2016-01-15 Lists in the Bible: Are the things listed in the Bible more important by the order they are listed?
1000 Commandments in New Testament: How many Commandments are in the New Testament?
2016-01-14 Salvation in the Old Testament & New Testament: Was there any difference in the way people were saved Old Testament vs the New Testament?vove
2015-12-30 Intertestamental Period (silent years) between the OT & NT: Can you please explain the "silent years" between the OT & NT?
2015-12-16 Grace in the OT: Was there just as much Grace in the Old Testament as there is in the New Testament? [Romans 4, Psalm 32, John 1]
2015-10-26 The Inspiration of Scripture: Paul was only talking about the OT Scriptures when he said 1 Timothy 3:16, about all the Scripture is given by inspiration, but did he have foresight & knew that the NT would be Scripture too? [2 Timothy 3:16]
2015-09-17 God of the OT & NT: Why did God seem so much harsh in the OT more than Jesus, also God, was in the NT?
Christianity & the LGBT community: Why are Christians so harsh to other people, including to the LGBT community?
2015-09-08 Chronological Order the Books of the NT: What would Steve say about the chronological order of the books of the New Testament?
2015-08-28 Hebrew Roots Movement: Doesn't Dispensationalism feed into the Hebrew Roots Movement?
New Testament Books Written after 70 AD: Were ANY books of the Bible written after 70 AD?
Old Testament Prophets: Steve believes that all the OT prophets wrote in a prophetic/symbolic/poetic language, but which ones wrote in the LEAST amount of poetic language?
2015-07-09 Canon of the NT: When was the Canon of the New Testament put together? What about the Old Testament?
2015-05-29 Saved by the Law in Old Testament: Were not the people of the Old Testament saved by keeping the law, in contrast to being saved by faith in the New Testament?
2015-05-27 Salvation & Heaven in the Old Testament: Did the Old Testament believers have the concept of salvation and heaven like we do?
2015-05-15 Tithing: What is the Bible stance on Tithing (in the New Testament)?
2015-04-27 Old Covenant: Is there any valuew in reading the Old Testament since we are in the new Covenant? Shouldn't we just focus on the New Testament since we aren't under the Old Covenant anymore?
2015-03-11 Laws that we keep & don't keep: How do we know what laws to keep or not, from the Old Testament? The 10 commandments we hold to, right?
Building Altars to Worship God: What about building little altars to worship God, extracting stuff from Old Testament stories?
2015-02-12 Abandoning the Old Testament: Since we are no longer under the Old Covenant, shouldn't we just abandon the Old Testament altogether?
2015-01-07 Rewards (to the Pharisees): What did Jesus mean when He said, "...they have their reward"? [Matthew 6:5]
God of the OT vs the NT: The God of the Old Testament seems to be different than the God of the New Testament, is this true?
2015-01-07 Finances - NT/OT version: There seems to be a completely different role of the importance of finances in the Old Testament vs the New Testament.
2014-12-24 Holy Spirit in OT & NT: What is the difference between the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament & the New Testament?
2014-10-01 Rising of the Sun & Incense being offered: Caller follows up on a call about a verse they were talking about sacrificing in a previous call. [Malachi 1:11]
Apocrypha Books: The New Testament supposedly quoting to or alluding Apocrypha Books.
2014-08-06 Red lettering of Jesus speaking in a verse: I have a red letter Bible, & so shouldn't this print be in red because isn't it Jesus speaking? [Revelation 21:3,5-6]
2014-07-21 Letters of Paul: How did the early Christians receive the instruction from Paul before the New Testament was put into the Bible & grow from it before it was?
Wrath of God revealed from Heaven: How can we make the leap from Paul addressing people in the 1st century church to it applying to us now? [Romans 1]
2014-06-25 God Sovereign & Unchanging: How can God be claimed to be Sovereign & Unchanging when you see major differences from the Old Testament to the New Testament?
Discipling Children: What is the Biblical way to disciplining your children? [Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 22:15, Proverbs 23:13-14, Proverbs 22:6]
2014-02-10 Society in the OT times verses now: Can Steve please explain the society in the Old Testament times verses how society is now? [Daniel 1-12]
2014-01-28 Paul's Writings: Was Paul speaking his own opinion most of the time even though he wrote over 2/3's of the New Testament?
God being in the OT: Was God a lot more angry in the Old Testament then He was in the New Testament, the death of His Son nullifying it?
2013-09-17 God of the Old & New Testament: Can Steve explain a good resource on the contrast between the Old Testament God & the New Tesament God regarding God's wrath? [Romans 11:22]
2013-08-19 Prophecy Fulfilled: Do you think all prophecy has been fulfilled?
Apocalyptic Events in Revelation: Do you think the apocalyptic events in Revelation have been fulfilled? [Revelation]
The Anti-Christ: Who do you think the anti-Christ is?
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