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Topic: Forgiven Sin

Showing 51 to 100 of 108.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-08-11 Pastors Forgiving Sins in Church: Caller comments on the inappropriateness of church pastors pronouncing the forgiveness of their congregants sins. [John 20:23].
2020-07-20 Binding, Losing, Forgiving, Remitting, Retaining Sins: Could you help me understand the phrases about "forgiving, remitting and retaining sins", and "binding and losing" things on earth? [Matthew 16:19, Matthew 18:18, John 20:23].
2020-07-17 Difference in Translations: Could you clarify the difference in translation of this verse in Acts? [Acts 13:39].
Forgiveness of Sin in Old Testament: How were people forgiven of sins in the Old Testament? [Hebrews 10:4, Psalm 51:17].
2020-07-15 Be Angry or Don't Be Angry: Could you explain why the scripture says to be angry, but also not be angry? [Matthew 5:22, Ephesians 4:26, Mark 3:5].
2020-07-08 Remitting and Forgiving of Other's Sins: Could you talk about the verse about "the remitting of sins" or the forgiving of other's sins in John? [ John 20:23].
2020-06-17 "Father, Forgive Them"-Manuscript Variance: The "Father, forgive them..." verse does not appear in all of the manuscripts, would you speak to that? [Luke 23:34].
2020-06-12 Roman Empire & Julius Caesar: Wasn't Julius Caesar the last King?
Trinity and the Church: Can you help me sort through the theology of trinity and if the church is actually part of the trinity? [John 10:30, John 17:21-23, John 3:18, John 10:30, I John 5:5, Ephesians 1:23, Ephesians 5:30, I Corinthians 12].
Forgiving Those That Don't Repent: Can you help me sort out if we are required to forgive someone even if they don't repent? [Ephesians 4:32, Ephesians 5:1, Luke 17:3, Mark 11:25].
2020-06-04 Unforgivable Sin and Not for Me, but Against Me: Would you explain Matthew 12, about "who is not for me is against me" and the "unforgivable sin"? [Matthew 12:22-37].
2020-06-03 Forgiveness Required: In light of the scripture that requires that we are to be forgiving, what does it look like to forgive in a variety of situations-great to small? [Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 18:15-17, Luke 23:34].
2020-05-27 Jesus-The Propitiation: Is Jesus the propitiation for the sins of the whole world, for all time? [I John 2:2].
Gospel in a Nutshell for Evangelism: What would be the best way to put the gospel in a nutshell for evangelism?
2020-05-07 Propitiation is God Being Paid-off: If Jesus was the "propitiation", and propitiation means a pay-off, was requiring a God paid off? [I John 2:2].
Sin Already Forgiven: If our debt was paid by God, then are our sins forgiven past, present, and future, requiring no further repentance? [I John 5:12].
2020-04-22 Repentant Suicide & Forgiveness: Is there anything in the Bible that addresses the ramifications if someone asks for forgiveness just before they commit suicide? [Isaiah 29:13].
2020-03-09 Forgiven Sins-Past, Present & Future: Do you agree with Dr. Michael Brown in that only our past sin is forgiven when we are converted to Christ, and future sin requires repentance? [2 Peter 1:9, I John 7, 9].
2020-02-07 Judgment for What: If our sins are forgiven when we are saved, why do we need to judged later? [I Corinthians 3:10, 5:10, Titus 3:14, Romans 2:6f, 14:10, I Peter 1:17, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Matthew 16, 25:31].
Separate Judgments for Saved and Unsaved: Are there two separate judgments? One for the saved, and one for the unsaved? [Matthew 25:31].
2019-11-19 Forgiving Other's Sins: Would you comment on the passage about forgiving other's sins? [John 20:23].
2019-10-31 Little Horn: Is the "little horn" speaking of the papacy (popes) in these verses? [Daniel 7:8, 25].
Forgive Sins-the Catholic Church: Do not Catholics commit blasphemy when they think that the priests can forgive sins?
2019-07-17 Your Sins Are Forgiven: When Jesus said, "Rise up and walk", wasn't it easier to say that, than to say "Your sins are forgiven"? [Matthew 9:5-7, Luke 5:23-25]
2019-06-07 Forgiveness & Remission of Sins: Is there a difference between the forgiveness of sins & the remissions of sins?
2019-06-05 Forgiveness: How to really forgive someone who has hurt you, and not just say that you do?
2019-05-13 Restitution: If Jesus paid it all on our behalf, do we still have to make restitution? [Luke 19, Matthew 5:25-26].
2019-01-07 Judgment vs Forgiveness: Would you harmonize the contradictory ideas that we will stand before the judgment seat of Christ & answer for our deeds, but then He said that won't remember our sins ... they will be far as the east is to the west? [Psalm 103:12, Romans14:12-13, Matthew 7:2, 12:36 2 Corinthians 5:10].
2018-07-24 Eternal Security: How come you didn't use a couple examples in the Bible in refuting the Once Saved, Always Saved Doctrine, especially the Prodigal son story? [Luke 15:11-32]
All Sins Covered by Atonement: Are all our sins, for all eternity, covered by the atonement? Charles Stanley holds the view that one cannot lose their salvation.
2018-07-05 Don't Have to Repent anymore: So once we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord & Savior we don't have to repent anymore since He forgave our Past, Present & Future sins? Is that true? [Romans 6]
2018-06-20 Elders Praying over the Sick: The elders praying for sick, & they will be forgiven, aren't you ALREADY forgiven? Aren't they 2 different things? If his sins weren't forgiven how does the elders praying over him do it? [James 5:15]
2018-06-11 Baptism: Do you have to be dunked in water in order for our sins to be forgiven? [Acts 2:38]
Baptism on same Day of Salvation: When did the practice of not getting baptized on the same day you became saved happen?
2018-04-16 Forgiveness & Baptism: I listened to most of your New Testament verse by verse, but I still have questions about forgiveness & baptism.
2018-02-20 Authority to Forgive Sins: When Jesus gives the disciples authority to forgive sins, is this just for Apostles or all believers? [John 20:23]
OT Sacrifices: Were the sacrifices in the Old Testament believed to be for forgiveness of sins at that time or just a covering for future forgiveness?
2018-02-14 Divorced Christians: Can a person be a Christian if they are divorced? Is divorce forgivable?
2017-06-01 Taking Communion in an Unworthy Manner: A lot of churches say NOT to take Communion unworthily, but if we all did that, none of us would be fit to take it. [1 Corinthians 11:27-28]
Hyper Grace & Confession: Yes, i believe in "hyper-grace", we don't need to be continually confessing our sins, that once we do it, we are good! [1 John 1:9]
2016-12-19 Forgiveness of Sins: Steve says we are forgiven up to a point, but does God hold our sins against us? (not having to repent idea going around) [1 John 1:9]
2016-11-09 The Judgment: Why a judgment if our sins are forgiven?
2016-08-31 Once Saved Always Saved: So once you are a Christian you are always saved?
Free from Sin: Can a Christian really live free from sin?
One too many Sins: How many sins can one commit before they lose their salvation? Discipleship?
2016-06-10 Authority to Forgive Sins: Did Jesus give the apostles authority to forgive other people's sins & does this translate down to us? [John 20:20-23]
Ananias & Saphhira: Ananias & Saphhira were not forgiven, & Peter seemed to have that power to forgive them or not forgive them & have them die immediately. [Acts 5]
2016-06-10 Authority to Forgive Sins: Did Jesus give the apostles authority to forgive other people's sins & does this translate down to us? [John 20:20-23]
Ananias & Saphhira: Ananias & Saphhira were not forgiven, & Peter seemed to have that power to forgive them or not forgive them & have them die immediately. [Acts 5]
2016-06-01 Forgive them for they know not what they do: When Jesus said on the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do", do you think they were actually forgiven right then?
Authors of Genesis: How many authors do you think there were of Genesis?
2016-03-28 Mary equal with God: Where does the Catholic church get their idea that Mary is equal with God?
Priests Forgiving Sins: Where do they get the idea that the priest can forgive sins?
2016-03-15 Varying Degrees of Sin: So if sins are of different degrees, do "serious" sins fall under what it says in 1 John too? [1 John 1:9]
2016-03-15 Godly Forgiveness: (caller from second to last question is back also) What does Godly forgiveness look like? [John 20:23]
Forgiving other People: What about forgiving people & reconciling with them?
2016-02-29 Forgiving People: So if we forgive others & their sins, even Hitler, God will forgive them? [John 20:23]
2016-02-29 Forgiving People who don't Repent: In order to receive forgiveness we have to repent, but what about people who don't repent, but I still have to forgive them, doesn’t that make me more merciful than God?
2016-02-24 Authority to Forgive Sins: Asking a priest for forgiveness, When WE forgive, or the priests forgive & the sins are forgiven, what authority does the priest have to forgive sins? [John 20:21-23]
2016-02-19 No More Repentance Required: since we are under grace, once we accept Jesus we no longer have to pray for forgiveness? Is that true?
Shedding of Blood: Why was the shedding of blood necessary?
2015-12-09 encouragement about guilt over a murder-suicide: I just wanted to call & encourage the man who had a guilty conscience about a murder-suicide his father committed.
Celebrating Christmas: comments about a previous caller about not celebrating Christmas.
2015-05-12 Forgiving & Retaining Sins: Catholic priest told the caller that that verse give him the authority to forgive sins....or not. [John 20:23]
2015-05-04 Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage: When a divorcee gets divorced for non-biblical reasons, if they sincerely repent, they are fine, right?
2014-10-29 God's Forgiveness Once God forgives us, does He really not really remember them anymore? [Isaiah 43:25, Jeremiah 31:34, Hebrews 8:2, 1 Corinthians 11]
2014-08-26 Forgiven but Judgment: Why if we are forgiven down here on earth, why do we then have to go through a judgment in heaven? [1 Corinthians 11:31]
2013-12-10 Judged by our Works: What are we judged by in the Judgment?
Present with the Lord upon Death: It says in the BIble that we are in the presence of the Lord if we are Christians, but it also says that the righteous will be resurrected first.
2013-10-08 Death Before able to Forgive: What if the offender that you need to forgive dies before you forgive them?
God Forgiving us, Us not Forgiving Others: How does this verse in Matthew square with the fact that Jesus died on the cross for us, forgiving everyone? [Matthew 6:14-15]
2013-07-17 Unable to Forgive Ex-Husband: I can't forgive my husband, but I want to. If I don't, I won't go to heaven. But isn't that a selfish motive?
Unpardonable Sin: What is the Unpardonable Sin?
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