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Topic: False Teachers or Prophets

Showing 51 to 100 of 162.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-08-31 Identifying the False Prophets: If those in other religions are our brothers and sisters, then who are the false prophets in the New Testament?
2021-08-16 Seventh Day Adventists, Cults & Judaizers: Do you think that Seventh Day Adventists are cultists and Judaizers?
Investigative Judgment: Is there anything in scripture that supports "Investigative Judgment"?
2021-04-23 The SDA Leadership Promoting Falsehoods in their Church: Caller claims that many in denominations, such as, Seventh Day Adventists, know about the falsehoods they are spreading.
2021-04-21 Gift of Prophecy and Prophets: Is there a difference between the "gift of prophecy", "time of the prophets", predictions, and simply seeing what is coming in the future? [I Corinthians 14:31].
Prophets Today: Are there still prophets in the church today? And how do you tell true prophets?
2021-04-20 Warning of False Prophets Why was the warning of false propherts given twice in Matthew 24 (the Olivet Discourse)? [Matthew 24, I John 4:1].
Unless the Days Were Shortened (Olivet Discourse): Could you explain the "unless the days were shortened" in reference to whether Christians were still there during the destruction of Jerusalem, until the end? [Matthew 24:22].
2021-02-12 New Apostolic Reformation & False Prophets: New Apostolic Reformation & false prophets seem to be supported in my church, should I look for another church?
Amplified Bible: How do you value the "Amplified Bible"?
2021-02-03 Modern Day Prophets: What do you think about the prophets modern day prophets like Rick Joyner, whose prophecies do not come true? [Deuteronomy 18:10-22].
2021-02-03 Prophets Today: Do you know any true prophets today, and what evidence is there to support them as genuine? [I Corinthians 12:29-30, I John 4:1, Ephesians 2:20, Ephesians 4:11-16].
2021-01-21 False Prophets: How do the churches hold false prophets accountable for bad prophecies? [I Corinthians 5:13, Revelation 2:20].
When Do We Get Glorified Bodies?: When do Dispensationalists think we receive our glorified bodies? [John 5:25-28, I Corinthians 15:53]
2020-12-16 Enormity of God's Forgiveness & Universal Reconciliation: Caller comments on the enormity of some people's ability to forgive, thus, it supports the idea of God's love and Universal Reconciliation.
From the Devil or the Flesh: How does one tell what is actually of the devil, rather than one's own selfishness or flesh? [John 8:44, I Peter 5:8].
2020-08-17 Jeremiah, False Prophets & People Not Confronted: Could you talk about the similarity to today with the false prophets and people not being confronted in Jeremiah's day? [Jeremiah 23, Deuteronomy 13].
2020-08-10 "Man of Sin" in the Temple of God: Could you explain passage about the "man of sin" being revealed and sitting in the temple of God? [2 Thessalonians 2:3-12, I Corinthians, 2 Corinthians].
The Beast and the False Prophet: Would you explain the beast and the false prophet? [Revelation 13, Revelation 19:20, Revelation 20:14].
2020-08-05 Lake of Fire Destination of the Beast: What is the chronology in Revelation 19-20, when the devil is thrown into the lake of fire in 20:10, but in the Amillennial view the beast and false prophet would have already been thrown there. [Revelation 11-12, Revelation 19-20].
2020-07-30 The Charismatic Movement: Would you comment on the history and validity of the charismatic movement?
2020-07-08 Prophets & Idol Worship in Church Today: Regarding prophets and idol worship in the church today-how does it look and how does one judge them? [I John 4, Deuteronomy 18, Deuteronomy 13, Jeremiah 28, Acts 11, Acts 20, 2 John 1:7].
Bible Commentators: Would you recommend some authors of Bible Commentaries (Derek Kidner, F.F. Bruce, Tyndale series).
2020-07-06 Doctrine of Christ: What is the "doctrine of Christ"? [2 John 1:9-11].
Greeting Those of False Religions: If a Mormon comes to our door, are we being instructed to not welcome or greet them? [2 John 1:9-11].
2020-06-08 Shepherds of the Flock & Thieves: Regarding the shepherds of the flock, who are the thieves and robbers referred to in John 10? [John 10:8, Ezekiel 34].
2020-05-07 Hell Must be Eternal: How is hell possibly not eternal, particularly in light of reference to "tormented day and night, forever"? [Revelation 20:10, Revelation 14:11, Revelation 15, Matthew 25:41 & 46].
2020-05-01 Good Fruit From False Teachers & Prophets: If good fruit can't come from a bad tree, then how can good things come from false religions, teachers, and prophets, like Joseph Smith? [Matthew 7:15-18, I John 1:3, Deuteronomy 13:2, 2 Peter 2, James 3:2].
2020-04-30 Dangerous Bible Translation Differences: Would you comment on the excluded passages in some of the translations which I maintain indicate dangerous doctrines. [Luke 4:4, Deuteronomy 8, I John 5:7-8].
2020-04-07 70th Week in Daniel: When does the last half of the 70th week in Daniel end? [Daniel 9:27]
The Local Church: Are you familiar with "The Local Church"? What was your overall impression of them?
Peter Popoff: What do you think about Peter Popoff?
2020-03-20 Doug Batchelor: If you are still in touch with Doug Batchelor, you should correct him about being a false teacher?
2020-03-20 Beast Into Hell in Revelation: How do you explain the verses about the beast and false prophet cast into hell if this is about 70AD? [Revelation 19].
Revelation about End Times: What parts of Revelation do you apply to 70 AD?
2020-03-16 Jezebel: Am I understanding it correctly that the correction in Revelation 2, is not about her being a woman, but what she is teaching? [I Timothy 2:12-15, Revelation 2:14-20].
2020-03-13 Repentance in Hell: Doesn't the Hebrews 9 verse prove that there is no chance to repent after death? [Hebrew 9:27].
False Teachers Today: Why do Christians not root out and expose false teachers like Rick Warren, the Pope, and Hillsong, among others, more agressively?
2020-03-11 Book of Mormon: Have you read through the entire Book of Mormon? What do you think of its overall moral teaching and trustworthiness? [John 4:2, Matthew 7:15].
2020-03-10 Steve Gregg & Calvary Chapel: Why did you leave Calvary Chapel?
Lonnie Frisbee (Calvary Chapel): Did you know Lonnie Frisbee?
Pre-Tribulation Rapture: If the Pre-Tribulation Rapture is a false doctrine, then isn't Calvary Chapel full of false teachers? And what should we do about this?
2020-02-20 Beast & False Prophet: Why do you believe that the beast and the false prophet are not individual human, but rather a political system? [Revelation 6, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20, Daniel 7, Matthew 25].
2019-11-14 False Teachers: Can you talk about the false teachers who fall away in I John? [I John 2:19, Hebrews 3:1,12, 2 Peter 2, I Corinthians 8:11, I Peter 1:5].
2019-11-13 False Prophets: Does this verse about the dangers of false prophets mean that believers can be deceived? [Matthew 24:24].
Royal Priesthood: Are those that are "the royal priesthood" mentioned here, Christians or Jews? [I Peter 2:9-10, 4:3, Hebrews 8:13].
2019-10-15 False Prophets: Are Muslims, Jehovah Witnesses, and Mormons all false prophets? Will they go to hell?
2019-10-03 False Teachers: How should we determine who is a false teacher and should we name, names? [2 Peter 20, Matthew 7:15-20].
2019-08-23 False Teachers: How does the Bible define as a false teacher? [2 Peter 2, Acts 18:24-28, Galatians 2:4].
Causing Division: Would you elaborate on the sinfulness of believers dividing the body of Christ? [Romans 14:5, Acts 1:12-26, Proverbs 6:16-19, John 17:20-23].
2019-07-31 Prophetess in Our Church: A woman that claims to be a prophetess has come to our church ... will she be judged for this? [Titus 2].
2019-07-23 Workers of Iniquity: Could it be that the people to whom Jesus said, "workers of iniquity" had been believers at one point, but had fallen away? [Matthew 7:21-23].
2019-07-23 Workers of Iniquity: In the verse when Jesus called them "workers of iniquity, could He have been really calling them liars? [Matthew 7:21-23].
2019-07-12 Divorce & Remarriage: Is this pastor presenting a false teaching of the Sermon on the Mount, particularly about marriage and remarriage (reads quote)? [Matthew 5: 31 & 48, 7:2, Luke 6:36, John 12:48].
2019-07-12 The Beasts (False Prophet & Anti-Christ): Will the two beasts (the false prophet and the antichrist) rise out of European Union and Syria? [Revelation 13, Daniel 7].
2019-06-07 Astrotheology: Has Steve ever heard of Astrotheology?
2019-05-29 Satan Cursed by God: When God cursed Satan, did Satan understand the ramifications? And did Satan then response with the tactic of false religions, and errors in Catholicism, to deceive people? [Genesis 3, I Corinthians 2:8].
2019-05-14 Raising Up a Child, Not Departing: The promise, "Raise up a child in the way they should go, and they will not depart from it," doesn't seem to be true, so how can this be resolved? [Proverbs 22:6]
Prophets today: So is everyone who claims to be a prophet, really a prophet? [I Corinthians 12, 14].
2019-04-25 Temple: What is the significance of the temple and the measurements [Luke 21:24, Revelation 11:2, I Thessalonians]
Debates: When debating, it seems that many may not be being totally honest by often leaving out things that would not serve their points, isn't this like being a false teacher?
2019-04-15 False Teachers: Is Colossians 2 indeed talking about someone like Ellen G. White? {Colossians 2}
2019-02-27 John Bevere: Have you (Steve) ever heard of John Bevere?
Alcohol: Is drinking alcohol sinning? Being drunk?
2019-02-22 Shipwrecking your Faith: What does it mean to shipwreck your faith? [1 Timothy 1:19-20]
2018-09-06 Prophet Amongst Us: It's apparently our lucky day! We have a prophet in our midst!
2018-08-16 False Prophet, Anti-Christ & the Mark of the Beast: What is the significance of the false prophet, the anti-Christ & the mark of the beast?
2018-08-13 Teachers, False Teachers & the Holy Spirit: The previous call you had false teachers, that the Holy Spirit to teach us? Perhaps it's talking about False Prophets & Teachers such as Joseph Smith & Mohammed who say we need them in order to understand the Bible. [1 John 2:27]
2018-07-31 Michael Murdock & the Seed: What is Michael Murdock & seed money ministries saying by growing the seed? My mom thinks I should send him some moneys.
2018-06-21 Greg Laurie: Did you say Greg Laurie was a false prophet?
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