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Topic: Sanctification

Showing 51 to 71 of 71.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-06-10 Sanctification: Caller comments that we are sanctified or perfected as soon as we become a Christian, & continue to grow holy from there. [Hebrews 10:14]
2016-03-25 Entire Sanctification: Is there anything in the Bible that talks about entire sanctification, that once we reach that level we will no longer sin?
2015-02-20 Witnessing: How would you witness to the average American nowadays?
Responding to the Gospel: Suppose they do accept the Gospel, what is the next step?
2015-02-16 Holiness & Sanctification Process: Every 5 years the members of a church have to go through the process of elders asking them questions about their personal life.
2015-01-28 Sanctification & Age of Accountability: How does a person who dies young who gets to go heaven not have to go through the process of sanctification?
2015-01-28 Mary's Conception: Was Jesus any part of Mary? Did God just use Mary's womb as an incubator?
Jesus as a Child: Was Jesus aware of who He was when He was a kid (younger than 12)?
Becoming Sinless: Can we become sinless?
2014-12-31 Discipleship, Salvation & Sanctification: How do you forsake everything? [Mark 10:17-31, Matthew 19:16-30, Luke 18:18-30, Luke 14]
Baptism regarded as not important: Isn't the importance of Baptism sort've watered down nowadays?
2014-12-17 Unequally Yoked: What does the word "sanctified" mean in the famous unequally yoked verse? That the spouse & children of a spouse that is saved are automatically saved? [1 Corinthians 7:13=16]
2014-10-28 Sanctification & Salvation: What is the difference between Sanctification & Salvation?
Quitting Smoking: Should I quit smoking? Is it a sin?
2014-10-02 Replacement Theology (Supersessionism): Is what you were just talking about to the previous caller, would you call that Replacement Theology? What would be the opposite of that then, Dispensationalism? How would John Hagee deal w/ the verse in Hebrews you were just talking about? [Hebrews 8:6-13]
Go & Sin No more: How is it possible to sin no more like Jesus told the woman caught in adultery? [John 5:14, 8:11]
Fire from the Holy Spirit: How can I re-ignite the fire from the Holy Spirit like I used to have?
2014-09-30 Sam Harris: Sam Harris is looking into Buddhism.
Sanctification: Sanctification is change of the heart.
2014-09-11 Salvation by Grace: What if you forget one or two or a hundred or hundreds of sins that you didn't ask God to forgive you for? Is this talking about Justification or Sanctification? What about legalism, dotting every I, crossing every T? [1 John 1:9]
2014-08-26 Born again, carnal nature remaining: How come our old man, our carnal nature, doesn't just disappear once we become converted? [Romans 7]
Sinless before Glory: Can we become sinless on this side of glory?
2014-07-11 Church History - Eusebius: There's a story that Eusebius tells about King Abgarus writing a letter to Jesus about his sick son, wanting Him to come heal him, & Jesus replying that He'd send one of His disciples to heal him. Do you know anything about that?
Sanctification - Protestantism vs Eastern Orthodox: Do you know the difference between the Protestants concept of Sanctification verses the Eastern Orthodox perception?
2014-01-15 Justified & Sanctified: Michael the Buddhist called to give some insight & ask about justification & sanctification. It's all God's glory that we want to exploit, it's not about ourselves.
2013-12-23 Sovereingty of God & Providences/Coincidences: Once we are under the sovereignty of God, there is no such thing as coincidences, are there?
Working Throught the Holy Spirit: Sometimes God can make you turn on the radio at times to hear a perfect song that really hits you at the time because of stuff you are going through.
"He which hath begun a Good Work": Once you submit yourself to God, He'll perform & do things in you that can only be attributed to God. [Philippians 1:6]
2013-12-13 Becoming more Christ-like: Do you become more & more Christ-like & sanctified as we follow Him? [Romans 7:15, 2 Corinthians 3:18]
2013-10-24 Rewards Set for Eternity: Not to seem selfish, but how can I know I'm doing the most I possibly can to get the highest possible rewards or highest level in eternity, because once you are there, you are at the level for eternity!
2013-07-19 Doing the Will of God: What is the will of God besides accepting Jesus as our Lord & Saviour? [Matthew 7:21-23]
Being Saved: What exactly does "being saved" mean?
2013-02-06 Entire Sanctification: Salvation is a continuing, life-long process, that you aren't just made holy by saying a sinner's prayer at an altar call.
2012-01-16 Catholic Guest: Tim Staples: Steve introduces Tim Staples, host of the "Catholic Answers" radio program ( Steve and Tim discuss opposing views in the Catholic and Protestant Views.
Catholic vs. Non-Catholic (Protestant)-Spiritual Authority: Steve and Catholic Tim Staples discuss the difference in views about the spiritual authority of the church. [2 Thessalonians 2:15, Matthew 18:15-18, Matthew 21:23-27, Isaiah 22:16-22, Acts 15, Matthew 23:2, Matthew 15, 2 Peter 1:20-21, Deuteronomy 17:8, Matthew 18:6, Matthew 20:25-29, 2 Peter 2:10, 2 Peter 3:15, 1 Corinthians 11:3, Matthew 23:10, 1 Samuel 2:2, Isaiah 51:1-2, Luke 10:16, Matthew 23:8, Ephesians 4:11, James 3:1, 1 Corinthians 12, Matthew 16:19].
Catholic vs. Non-Catholic (Protestant)-The Stakes: Steve and Catholic Tim Staples discuss; If one doesn't think Catholics are correct but can be saved, then what is at stake? What is the benefit of being Catholic or Protestant? [Hebrews 13:17, Matthew 23:10].
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