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Topic: Evolution (Theistic)

Showing 51 to 75 of 75.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-05-07 Different Races Created: Caller thinks the caller about Adam & different created beings is on to something, she agreeing w/ him & not Steve.
Creation being Millions of Years: She thinks there was a destruction of the "earth" before God created it again during the creation. She gives a litany of Bible references but they turn out to not be the ones she intended.
Disembodied Souls Before Creation: Caller also thinks there were disembodied souls before Creation.
2015-04-07 Genesis Being Taken Literally: What do we make of all naturalistic, scientific opinion, the radio metric, isotopes of long range dating if Genesis is to be taken literally?
2015-04-07 Creationism & Scientific Textbooks: Caller wants to discuss the call he heard about being able to take Genesis literally.
2015-03-09 Young Earth Creationism: They have a new teacher in a Christian school that is a Theistic Evolutionist, & caller has been leering about old earth & just wondering why Steve doesn't believe it. "Days" has meaning different meanings, he's learned.
2015-02-23 Alcohol & Drugs: Caller comments on previous call about drugs & alcohol.
Annihilationism: Comments about the first call regarding hell, but not universalism, but annihilationism.
Evolution for Creation: Can you combine both Creation & Evolution, God using Evolution for Creation?
2014-03-10 Old Earth New Earth: Do you think it's possible that Moses just wrote Genesis 1 as a teaching device or that it's poetry, that it's not really to be taken literal, such as literal days:
2014-03-06 Evolution: Caller believes the evolution debate is really not that big of a deal, & does Steve think God used evolution as a means of creation? [Genesis 1]
Using Correct Terminology: The Bible needs to be a little more precise in the words it uses to indicate if God literally created in 7 days or it was a long process.
God Creating man from Dust: Man might've existed in a physical form but not a spiritual form.
2014-02-24 Christian Evolution: Is Christian Evolution biblical, a possible Christian scenario, us ascending from Apes, & Genesis 1 is just an allegory?
2013-12-26 An "Honest" Atheist: Is there such a thing as an "honest" atheist who is sincere? Is it ever justified to be an atheist? [2 Peter 3:5]
2013-12-03 Dinosaurs in Creation: When did the dinosaurs come into the creation timeline? [Genesis 1, Genesis 2]
Unbiased Scientific Evidence: We need to have an unbiased interpretation of science, not a preconceived idea.
2013-12-02 Gap Theory & Theistic Evolution: Can you tell me about the "Gap Theory" and "Theistic Evolution"? [Genesis 1:1-2]
2013-10-01 Young Earth & Light before Sun: I have a theory about the Young Earth & light being before the Sun, & that is that God was so fast, has the speed of light, it's very possible that light could be available even before the sun, thus it still being a young earth. [Genesis 1:2]
2013-08-23 After Their Kind: What is the difinition of "after they kind"? [Genesis 1:21] (Steve had a very long discussion with an atheist/evolutionist who he was going to have a debate with in a few days from the date of the show.)
2013-08-23 After their Kind: Caller comments on the call about the discussion of "after their kind" Steve had with the first caller.
Shared a Testimony: Caller shared his testimony.
2013-08-21 Uniformitarianism: Uniformitarianists or Evolutionaists think that the passage in Scripture in 2 Peter denies creationism or the World wide Flood. What does Steve say? [vo2 peter 3:3-7]
Westboro Baptist Church: What does Steve think about the radical Westboro Baptist Church?
2013-08-01 Incest in the Bible a Stumbling Block: Caller has a friend who is an unbeliever & wonders how Christianity deals with the fact that incest had to happen in order for the human race to begin.
2013-07-11 Young or Old Earth: Is the age of the earth young or old?
2013-06-26 Evolution being taught in my Church: Why would someone start teaching the theory of evolution in my church?
2013-06-17 Christian Believing in Evolution: Can a Christian believe in Evolution?
2013-06-11 Noah & the Flood: Was Noah's Flood a world-wide flood or a localized one?
Young or Old Earth?: Does Steve believe in an Old Earth or a New Earth?
2013-06-06 Theory of Evolution Saves Lives-Symbiotic Relationships: Caller thinks Evolution saves lives & tries to give a thesis on why.
2013-05-30 Atheist Caller: Science vs Supernatural: Atheist caller discusses why science and Christianity is at odds, and the need to continue to pursue questions of creation, etc.
2013-01-28 Pre-historic Animals: In what part of the timeline would you place the prehistoric animals? Prior to man? During Adam's creation?
Drawings of Animals & People in Caves: What about all the drawing of animals & people in caves?
2013-01-17 Creation verses Evolution: One reason the Bible might not teach that creation was done by evolution is there were no such words as "millions" & "billions".
Seventh Day Adventism: What can you tell me about the Seventh Day Adventists? Are they mainstream theology or what? Are they a cult?
2013-01-16 Facing the Judgment: Why a Judgment for Christians?
Creation-Days or Billions of Years: How do we reconcile what the Bible seems to say about the creation of the earth (6 literal days) & what science says (millions of years)?
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