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Topic: Apostasy (Apostate, Falling Away)

Showing 51 to 100 of 276.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-04-10 God's Unconditional Love: Our pastor indicated that not only is God's love unconditional, but so is His salvation. Do the following verses apply to being saved from 70 AD or the judgment? [Matthew 24, Mark 13:13, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 5:2, Matthew 5:43-48,, Luke 15:24, James 4:6-7, Ezekiel 33:11, John 15:13, Proverbs 13:24].
2023-03-30 Apostasy: Broken Off Branches & Tares: Do these verses (Matthew 13 and Paul's testimony) indicate that one can fall away and lose their faith? [Matthew 13:22, 1 Corinthians 9:27].
2023-03-20 Apostasy vs Stumbling: Can you clarify the difference between backsliding and apostasy, falling to sin versus returning to a life of sin? [James 3:2, Proverbs 26:11, Job 23:29-30, 2 Corinthians 12:7].
Only So Many Chances: Does the verses about limited numbers of chances in Job relate to the inability to return to God? [Job 33:30].
2023-03-20 Lutheran Seminary-Steve's Commentary: Caller shares that the Lutheran Seminary in Minnesota uses Steve's commentary on Revelation.
Freedom From Religion Foundation-Dan Barker: Have you ever heard of Dan Barker or the "Freedom from Religion Foundation?" It seems like he left the faith and become an atheist.
2023-03-17 Backsliding, Losing Ground-Salvation: How does one assess where they are in the process of being saved? How do you know when you are far enough along?
2023-03-09 Sin Covered-Past, Present & Future: Does Jesus cover ours sins past, present and future? When I was saved, are my future sins already forgiven? [Hebrews 2:9, 1 Timothy 2:6, 1 John 1:7, 1 John 1:9, John 14:17-18, John 14:23, Matthew 6:9-13, Colossians 1:13 ].
2023-03-07 Doctrine of Sovereign Election (Calvinist): Buddhist caller objects to the "sovereign election" stance of the Calvinist (Reformed) denominations.[1 Timothy 4:1].
2023-03-07 Impossible to Restore the Backslider to Faith: How do you interpret the verse says that it is impossible to restore someone who has fallen away back to the faith? [Hebrews 6:4-6, Luke 1:37, Hebrews 5:12-14 ].
2023-02-20 Apostasy-Perseverance in Persecution: How should we read this verse in Hebrews about possible apostasy in persecution? [Hebrews 10:26, Hebrews 10:32-35, Hebrews 8:13].
2023-02-17 Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved): What do you think about someone who says that once you are saved, you cannot lose your salvation? [2 Timothy 4:10, 1 Timothy 4:1-3, Jude 1:21, 1 John 1:7, Romans 8:35-39, John 10:27, Hebrews 3:12, 1 John 5:11-12].
2023-01-23 Losing One's Salvation: Does the "sealing" of the Holy Spirit in Ephesians mean that one cannot leave Christ or lose their salvation? [Ephesians 4:30, 1 John 4:13, Luke 15:24, 1 Peter 2:5, John 15:7].
Day of Redemption: Is the "Day of Redemption" referring to the corporate body at the resurrection? [Romans 8:23].
2023-01-11 Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved): Can you explain why you think that we are not "eternally secure", as I disagree with you based on Ephesians about being sealed by the Holy Spirit. [Ephesians 1:13, 1 Timothy 4:1, John 15:6, Romans 11:22, Colossians 1:21-23, Hebrews 3:12, Galatians 5:4, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 5:2].
Living Like the Devil: Should we not help those who "live like the devil" all week, but do know God, learn to live better? [1John 2:4, Matthew 7:21-23, 2 Corinthians 13:5, Acts 17:11].
2022-12-30 Losing one's Salvation: How do you arbitrate a discussion about whether one can lose their salvation? Recommended topical lecture; "Content of the Gospel" series, lecture on "Eternal Security." [Hebrews 2:3, Romans 10:9, Revelation 2:10, John 15:6, Luke 15:24].
2022-12-21 Impossible to Return to God: Does this passage means that people cannot return to God if they ever fall away? [Hebrews 6:4-6, Matthew 19:24-26, James 5:19, Luke 15:11-32].
2022-12-12 Word's not Spoken by Jesus: Do you think that Jesus spoke the words in John 3:16-21?
Eternal Security: Once saved, how is it possible that I could ever not be my parent's son, even if I backslide? Isn't scripture really warning those that are not really saved? [John 15:6, Romans 11:22, 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Corinthians 13:5, Hebrews 3:1].
2022-12-12 Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved): Coming from a Catholic background, I wasn't really allowed to know Jesus, as I later did, but I think I was eternally secure, even though I wasn't filled with the Spirit until later. [2 Corinthians 12:5, 1 Timonthy 4:1}.
2022-12-08 "Carnal" Christians: Would you clarify the meaning of "Carnal" Christians, and how it relates to salvation and losing one's faith? [I Corinthians 3:1, Romans 8:6-11].
Lost Loved Ones: How much should we be witnessing to or pressuring our loved ones who seems to have strayed from the faith? [Matthew 10:16, 1 John 2:4].
2022-12-07 "Called" to Preach or Pastor: How can one distinguish whether someone has actually been "called" to be a pastor or preacher? [Hebrews 5:4, 1 Corinthians 9:16].
Falling Away: If you are really "born again" can you then ever "fall away" (apostatize)? [Romans 11:22, 2 Peter 2:20-23, Hebrews 3:12, 1 Timothy 4:1].
Studying the Bible: What is your method of studying the Bible? Recommends topical lecture series; Authority of Scripture" or "Cultivating Christian Character", then the lecture; "Cultivating the Word of God."
2022-11-09 Old Testament Salvation: If God divorced Israel, then does that then mean no one in the Old Testament could be saved? [Genesis 15:6, Deuteronomy 28].
2022-11-04 Free Will vs "Once Saved, Always Saved": Have you ever thought that if "Once Saved, Always Saved" is true, then it ultimately is taking away our free will? [I Timothy 4:1, 2 Peter 2:19, Revelations 12:11, 2 Timothy 2:26].
2022-11-02 Abandoned by God: I feel abandoned by God, and I can't seem to get in a place to get back to Him. What now? Recommends the 2-vol set of Steve's books, "Empire of the Risen Son".
2022-10-14 "Impossible to Be Renewed": Could you talk about the Hebrews 6 passage (falling away and impossible to be renewed to repentance)? [Hebrews 6:4-6, Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:27, James 5:19].
2022-10-13 Possibly Three Afterlife Destinations: Could there be three different destinations in the afterlife; heaven, hell, and somewhere inbetween? [Revelation 21-22].
Different Aspects of Salvation: Since there are different aspects of "salvation", like us being saved from the "Lake of Fire?"
2022-10-13 "Once Saved, Always Saved" (Eternal Security): Does not 2 John 1 indesputibly disprove the "once saved, alwasy saved" controversy? [2 John 1:7-9, John 15, Galatians 5:4].
2022-10-10 Losing One's Salvation: Do you believe there are sins other than "apostasy" that will cause someone to lose their salvation? [Galatians 5:19-21, I Corinthians 6:9-10].
John MacArthur is a False Teacher: Steve you should call out John MacAthur for teaching false doctrine and a different gospel.
2022-10-06 Defining "Christianity" and "Born Again": Caller disagrees that "following Jesus" is what defines Christianity rather than being "born again." Once one is "born again", they cannot be "unborn." [Acts 11:26, Matthew 7:21, Luke 14:33, Matthew 7:21, John 8:31].
Apostasy after Rebirth: How could one become "unborn" after being "born again?" [Hebrews 3:12, John 15:6, Romans 11:22, I John 5:11-12, John 15].
2022-10-06 "Losing" One's Salvation: Can I make an opposing case about "eternal security" and that those that "fall away" were never really saved and get your response? [I John 2:19, Romans 5:1, Romans 8:30, Jude 1:24, Romans 8:29-30, Romans 10:9, Romans 5:1, Acts 16:31, I Corinthians 6:20, I Thessalonians 4:3, 2 Timothy 2:11-13].
2022-10-06 Living in Obedience: Why do we keep talking in ways that seem like we are trying to get out of obediently serving the living God? [Deuteronomy 30:19, Luke 6:46, I Corinthians 6:20].
2022-10-06 "Born Again": Were you minimizing being "born again" in an earlier call? [John 3:3].
2022-09-22 Impossible to Return to God: Is the verse about it being impossible for those that have fallen away to be restored...mean it cannot happen or they would not be successful? [Hebrews 6:4-6, Galatians 6:1, Hebrews 5:12, James 5:20, 2 Peter 2:20].
2022-09-19 Judas' Salvation: Do you think that Judas was sincere and saved when he first started following Jesus? [John 6:37, John 6:39, John 17:12, John 6:70].
2022-09-12 Losing One's Salvation: Could you comment on the believer's ability (or inability) to lose one's salvation? [Hebrews 10:26, Romans 8:31, John 6:37, James 3:2, I John 2:1, Romans 7:17, Romans 7:20, Jeremiah 31:33-34, Hebrews 10:26].
Sin & Repent Cycle: What about those who seem to fall away and into sin and then frequently swing back and forth? [I Timothy 4:1].
2022-09-12 Losing One's Salvation: Could you comment on the believer's ability (or inability) to lose one's salvation? [Hebrews 10:26, Romans 8:31, John 6:37, James 3:2, I John 2:1, Romans 7:17, Romans 7:20, Jeremiah 31:33-34, Hebrews 10:26].
Sin & Repent Cycle: What about those who seem to fall away and into sin and then frequently swing back and forth? [I Timothy 4:1].
2022-09-07 What Leads to Apostasy?: Is it something we are doing (like poor teaching) that is causing people to leave the faith?
Witnessing to Former Christians: Should we be taking into consideration the prejudices former Christians have from past bad teachers who manipulated them?
2022-09-07 What Leads to Apostasy?: Is it something we are doing (like poor teaching) that is causing people to leave the faith?
Witnessing to Former Christians: Should we be taking into consideration the prejudices former Christians have from past bad teachers who manipulated them?
2022-08-29 No Hope Once Apostatized: Some, like John MacArthur, say that once you apostatize you cannot return to God, what do you say? Recommends verse-by-verse lectures on Hebrews 6 (at the website). [Hebrews 6:4-6,James 5:20].
2022-08-26 Atheist; Apostasy-Conversion to Another Religion is Compromise of Integrity: Atheist; What does it say about one's integrity if they were born in Hinduism and converted to Christianity? Isn't that compromising your committment?
2022-08-19 Apostasy: Why do some people get saved and persevere and some fall away and apostasize?
2022-08-18 The Apostle Peter: What are your thoughts about sequence of events surrounding Peter's conversion and denial, and then his later return to Christ? [Matthew 16:17, John 21:15-17].
2022-08-18 New Creation & Lost Faith: How does the question of salvation and the potential of falling away align with becoming a "new creation" when saved? [Ephesians 2, 2 Peter 2:15, I Corinthians 10, Ephesians 1:5:7, Ephesians 2:6].
2022-08-17 Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved): It seems that the Bible indicates that people can lose their salvation. What do you think? {Romans 5:2, Ephesians 2:8-9, Matthew 24:13, Revelation 2:10].
2022-08-12 Salvation, Justification, Sanctification, Transformation: Could you clarify the differences between salvation, justification, sanctification and how the need for repentance fits in? [I Thessalonians 4:3, I Thessaloninas 5:23, 2 Corinthians 7:1, I Peter 1:15].
Repentance-Only Needed Once: Is there only the one repentance when we first repent and receive Christ? [I John 1:9, I John 1:7, Galatians 5:16-17].
2022-08-12 Choosing Divorce & Losing One's Salvation: Could you clarify your position regarding divorced people losing their salvation and going to hell and compare it to a believer marrying an unbeliever? [Matthew 28:18-20].
Caller Challenges Steve About Divorce: Caller challenges Steve about the slope of suggesting the ramifications of living a life of sin endangering one's salvation. [Romans 5:8, I Corinthians 6:9-11, Galatians 5:6, 2 Corinthians 5:10].
2022-08-10 Christian Divorce & Remarriage: I just can't agree that getting a divorce means one forfeits his position as a believer.
2022-08-09 Divorce Indicative of Apostasy: I disagree with how you describe the ramifications of divorce and the connection between sin, disobedience, and apostasy. Are you misleading others in misrepresenting saving grace of God? [Matthew 7:21-23, Romans 10:9-10, Romans 6:16, Titus 1:16, Eccelesiastes 5:5, Romans 5:8, John 8:31, Mark 10:9, Matthew 19:6, Luke 9:23, Matthew 16:24].
2022-08-02 Eschatology & Raputre: Do you not believe in the "Rapture" at all? [I Thessalonians 4:14-17, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4].
The "Falling Away" in End Times: How do you see the "falling away" in the end times? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, I Timothy 4:1].
2022-08-02 Eschatology & Raputre: Do you not believe in the "Rapture" at all? [I Thessalonians 4:14-17, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4].
The "Falling Away" in End Times: How do you see the "falling away" in the end times? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, I Timothy 4:1].
2022-08-02 Satan & Apostasy: What do you think of my response to someone who had abandoned the faith when I answered why God created Satan?
2022-07-18 Eternal Security: Once you receive salvation, you can never lose it, right? [John 15:6, Luke 8:13, Romans 11:17-22].
2022-06-16 Lost Faith-No Return: If someone departs from the faith, can they return, or is that now impossible? [Hebrews 6:6, James 5:19-20, Matthew 19:23-26].
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