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Topic: Jesus' Birth

Showing 51 to 92 of 92.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-12-22 Appreciating Steve's Show: Jewish caller calls to let Steve know how much he likes the show.
Jesus' Birth: It doesn't matter what day Jesus' actual birthday is.
2017-12-21 Jesus' Birth: Was Jesus born in a stable or a place for holding animals for sacrifice?
2017-12-21 Jesus' Birth: Any significance to Jesus being born in a stable? (followup)
2017-12-13 The 3 Wise men-Magi: How did the Magi even know to look for a star that was connected w/ the Messiah?
2017-11-08 The Book of Romans: Do you feel you are getting a lot more questions about romans lately since that is what is being on in BSF right now?
Messiah & Abraham: Where do you find evidence about the Messiah in the Genesis? Wasn't he promised through Abraham?
2017-09-01 Isaiah 53: Jesus is the fulfillment of Isaiah 53, but the Jews think it's talking about Israel, Jacob, so how do we counter this? [Isaiah 53]
2017-04-28 Jesus Sojourning to Jerusalem at 12 years old: Jesus had to start going to Jerusalem at 12 years old?
2017-03-07 Calendar Change: I've heard that BCE & CE is in place of A.D. & B.C., what's up w/ that?
2017-02-15 First & Second Advent: People say the 1st advent wasn't really the first advent, but when He comes at the Pre-Tribulational rapture will be the first, & then the 2nd coming will be after the Tribulation. Have you ever heard this?
2017-01-03 Joseph being the Father of Jesus: If Joseph is the father of Jesus, why isn't Joseph God?
2016-12-29 Mormonism: Jesus being born at Jerusalem, they say. The City of David being Jerusalem.
2016-11-11 Gnosticism: How should we witness to Gnostics?
Wise Men, Magi: Where did the wise men come from?
Time Between Daniel & Jesus: Wasn't there a prophecy that gave the amount of time between Daniel & Jesus' birth or life?
2016-06-09 Pharisees & Scribes Knowing it was Jesus: How come the Pharisees & Scribes didn't keep track of & know who Jesus was since His birth since the Wise men had no trouble figuring out who He was at birth?
The Book, "Killing Jesus": What do you think about the book called, "Killing Jesus"?
God doing Everthing for His Glory: "I'm not doing this for you, but for Me!" God said [Ezekiel 36:22]
2016-06-01 Magi (Wise Men) Calculating Jesus' Birth: Using Daniel 2 & 9, how were the magi able use it or know about Jesus being born?
Day of the Lord: What does the "Day of the Lord" refer to? [Malachi 4:5, Joel 2, Acts 2, Acts 5, 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 2 Peter 3:10]
2016-02-15 Jesus Coming by Water & Blood: What is your take on this verse? [1 John 5:6-8]
John the Baptist-The Last & Greatest Prophet: What made John the Baptist the last & greatest prophet of the Old Testament? [Luke 7:28]
2015-12-30 Residence of Mary, Joseph & Jesus after His Birth: How long did Joseph & Mary live in Bethlehem after Jesus' birth?
2015-12-29 Christ's Birth & being a Nazarene: I was doing some research on Christ's birth, & there's Scripture that points out fulfillment of OT Scripture such as the Virgin birth, being called out of Egypt, but it also talks about Him being called a Nazarene, but there's no OT prophet predicting Him being a Nazarene. [Matthew 1:22-23, 2:15]
2015-12-10 Paul being removed from the Bible: People actually believe that Paul needs to be removed from the Bible?
The Christmas Story: Do you have any good verses in the OT that illuminate the birth of Christ? [Luke 1 & 2, Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 7:14, 9:6, Micah 5:2]
2015-11-24 Holy Spirit as Father: Who said or where does it say that the Holy Spirit is the Father of Jesus?
2015-10-28 Jesus & Horus: Are you familiar with the supposed similarities between Jesus & the Egyptian god Horus, such as the Virgin Birth?
2015-08-14 Jesus 1st Coming in relation to His 2nd: We should look at Jesus' first coming to figure out about His 2nd Coming, caller thinks. [Isaiah 61:1-2] (A very convoluted question.)
2015-07-23 Last 2 verses of the OT: What do the last 2 verses mean about sending Elijah the prophet in the Day of the Lord? [Malachi 4:5-6]
2015-07-23 Steve & the Holy Spirit: Does Steve think of himself as in the Holy Spirit? How are we born-again?
Trinity: Does Steve understand the Trinity? The Father loves the Son, & the Son loves the Father, so the Love IS the Holy Spirit.
Virgin Mary & her Son Jesus Christ: Does Steve understand Mary & her Son Jesus? Who is the closest to Jesus that is our mother? Who was the most obedient, who was there every step of the way but His mother? He was brought in by her because she was the most faithful. She is full of grace!
2015-06-01 Scripture Referring to 70 AD or Second Coming: Is this passage of Scripture referring to 70 AD & the Destruction of Jerusalem, or the Second Coming? [Matthew 16:21-22,27, John 21:21-23]
70 AD as part of 1st Coming: Is His coming in 70 AD the same thing as part of His 1st coming, sort've like a phase 2 of it?
Verses That Apply To 2nd Coming & leaving Dispensationalism: Do you have listed all the verses that talk about the actual 2nd coming? Did you get a lot of flak for leaving Dispensationalism?
2015-04-03 Mary as a Surrogate Mother: Was Mary just a surrogate mother for Jesus?
2015-03-25 Drama of the Israelites: Why is all this drama necessary before Christ came? Why not just promise Abraham that Christ could come & leave it at that?
2015-03-23 Myrrh: Does Steve know anything about Myrrh & the spiritual significance of it?
2015-03-16 The word "God": What does the name/ word "God" exactly entail?
Jesus the Son before Incarnation: So did Steve say Jesus was not the Son of God before the Incarnation in one of the lectures the caller heard?
2015-02-17 Biblical Interpretation - Coming Messiah: What is the meaning of Isaiah 32:2? [Isaiah 32:2]
2015-02-03 Virgin Birth: The Virgin Birth story seems to be similar to other stories of leaders who were heroic, doesn't it?
2015-01-28 Mary's Conception: Was Jesus any part of Mary? Did God just use Mary's womb as an incubator?
Jesus as a Child: Was Jesus aware of who He was when He was a kid (younger than 12)?
Becoming Sinless: Can we become sinless?
2014-12-18 The Wise Men & Jesus: How old was Jesus when the Wise men actually caught up with Him?
2014-11-19 Incarnation: If the Logos had not been conceived in Mary, would Jesus had just been a Man, being able to function like you & me? [1 Timothy 2:5, John 1:1-3, 1 Peter 3:18]
2014-06-30 Messianic Prophecy: Is this a Messianic prophecy about Jesus being born in Bethlehem? [Micah 5:2]
2014-06-26 Logos Coming on Jesus when Born: Would Jesus still have been able to function as a Man if the Logos hadn't come upon Him when He was born?
2014-06-11 144,000 & Jesus' 1st Coming: What is Zechariah 12-14 talking about? [Zechariah 12-14]
2014-05-01 Jesus' Birthplace: Did I hear that there was a discrepancy of where Jesus was born?
Bart Ehrman: I've been getting my information from Bart Ehrman & was told he was a scholar. What do you think of him?
Scripture is God-breathed: I know there are 2 Scripture that says the Bible is inspired or God-breathed. Can you point me to them? [2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:19-21]
2013-11-25 Jesus called Immanuel: How come God is never called, Immanuel? [Isiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23]
2013-06-21 "He shall be called a Nazarene": Where in scripture did Matthew pull when he said that Jesus would be called a Nazarene? [Matthew 2, Micah 5:2, Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 31]
2013-01-31 Jesus in His Early Life: The other day when you were talking about Jesus & His sinless childhood, it got me to thinking that John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit from birth. I thought the same was with Jesus, but then He received the Holy Spirit after His baptism. [Luke 1:15, John 1:32]
Use of Logic: I was listening to "Focus on the Family" the other day, & he was saying it's okay to use logic an evangelistic tool when witnessing. (They figure it out at just about the end of the conversation that the caller had heard this on Focus on the Family.)
2013-01-28 Jesus' Early Life: Is there something that stopped Jesus from sinning when He was a child? (the impeccability of Jesus Chrsit.)
2013-01-07 King Ahaz's Sign: How was the Virgin Birth of Jesus a sign to King Ahaz since he never got to see it? [Isaiah 7:10-14, Isaiah 8]
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