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Topic: Debate (Debating)

Showing 51 to 91 of 91.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-04-20 Sabbath Debate: I watched the debate you had with Doug Batchelor, & you need to go review it at 1 hour & 22 minutes. It sums up the whole debate.
Aaronic & Melchizedek Priesthood: Is the Aaronic Priesthood parallel today with the Melchizedek Priesthood? Is there duality there?
Joseph Smith & the Melchizedek Priesthood: Wouldn't it have been blasphemous for Joseph Smith to claim that he received the Melchizedek Priesthood from God?
2018-04-19 Presuppositional & Evidential Apologetics: What is your opinion of Presuppositional & evidential apologetics? Just because God has foreknowledge of everything doesn't mean He can control everything. [Romans 1:19-20]
James White Calvinism Debate: I enjoyed the Debate you had with James White, & he's right in so many things but completely wrong with Calvinism!
2018-04-17 Sabbath Debate with Doug Batchelor: Where can I find the debate you had with Doug Batchelor?
2018-04-13 Former SDA Enjoyed Sabbath Debate: Former SDA had to relearn all his theology, really liked watching the debate & Steve's followups to it & pointed out that Batchelor never rebutted like Steve did.
2018-04-12 Enjoyed Sabbath Debate with Doug Batchelor: I loved the debate you had with Doug Batchelor, but my best friend converted over to that group, & I tried everything I could to stop him.
2018-04-04 Debate w/ Doug Batchelor: Thank you for doing the debate w/ Doug Batchelor re the Sabbath
Baptism: Baptism needs be done as soon as possible for so many reasons.
Saved in Childbearing: What does this mean that women will be saved in child bearing? [1 Timothy 2:15]
2018-04-04 Follow-up to the Sabbath Debate: I heard there was a continuance or a follow-up of the sabbath debate you had w/ Doug Batchelor, do you have a video of it?
2018-03-29 Lord of the Sabbath: I am Lord EVEN of the Sabbath, what exactly is He saying in this verse? [Mark 2:23-28, Matthew 12]
2018-03-26 Investigative Judgment: When debating Doug Batchelor, ask about the false doctrine of the investigative judgment, because if they were so wrong about that, how can they not be wrong about everything else, including keeping the Sabbath?
2018-03-23 The Investigative Judgment: Why don't you ask doug batchelor about their false investigative judgment doctrine?
2018-03-22 Jesus' Appearance: Is there no description of the physical appearance of Jesus or Heaven?
Church Service becoming Theatre: Large campuses w/video not at all like the early church.
Debating with Theologians: What's the point in debating if not to change their mind?
2018-03-22 Sound Doctrine: This passage of Scripture in 1 Timothy seems to describe doug batchelor & their group [1 Timothy 1:9-10, John 12:48]
2018-03-22 Preterism Lectures: Do you have anything on Preterism, any lectures?
Partial Preterism vs Full Preterism: Why are you a partial preterist as opposed to a full preterist?
2018-02-27 Pentecostal/Apostolic Attitude: Why are so many Pentacostal/Apostolic people so mean and defensive? Are we not supposed to love?
2017-12-19 Partial Preterism Debate: Caller challenges Steve partial-preterist view on end times prophesy, Israel, & unconditional covenants. (cont after break)
2017-09-19 Douglas Wilson or James White Debate: Which is the better debate to listen to, Douglas Wilson or James White?
God Directing Salvation for People to His Glory: If God is really the only one determining who is saved or not, why didn't He give people like me understanding so i could comprehend it?
College Education: College Education can very often be a liablitity. [Act 4:13]
2017-08-23 Original Sin: Is there a debate over Augustine's doctrine of Original Sin?
2017-01-30 Hitchcock/Hanegraaff Dating of the Book of Revelation Debate: Caller thinks Steve should really listen to Mark Hitchcock during the Debate he had with Hank Hanegraaff about Dating of the Book of Revelation. (I'm guessing because he had an internet issue because he now has a bit of a delay in hearing the caller.)
2017-01-18 Debating Seventh Day Adventists about the Sabbath Keeping the law, especially the Sabbath, Adventist say we absolutely have to keep the Sabbath, that it says it in Acts & so on.
2016-11-08 Hebrews Roots Debate: Caller comments on the debate Steve had just had over the weekend with a Hebrew Roots person, thinking that he did an outstadning job.
Weakness of the Flesh: What is the "weakness of the flesh"? [Romans 6:19] Baptism: Baptism is a picture of how we should be living? [Romans 6:3-6]"
Baptism: Baptism is a picture of how we should be living? [Romans 6:3-6]
2016-10-21 The Elect: Caller has been listening to the debate Steve had w/ James White on Calvinism, but it never addressed the elect. Will he right now?
2016-09-16 Arguing People into Truth: Can you debate/argue people into the faith? What about loving/fellowshipping with people who are not Christian but other religions?
Church, Ecclesia & English Definition: What is the English definition of "church"? Isn't it in contrast to the Ecclesia derfinition which means "assembly", "a gathering" of people?
2016-07-18 Bart Ehrman & Daniel Wallace Questioning the Christian Faith: Have you heard the debates Bart Ehrman/Daniel Wallace had, questioning the Christian faith & how valid they are?
2015-12-09 Anti-Paul Movement: There seems to be this anti-Paul Pharisee Movement going around saying that we can't believe Paul. What do you think about it?
2015-11-05 Jack Hibbs Video: No fellowshipping in the Calgary Chapel if you don't agree w/ Dispensationalism. What is a hyper-dispensationalist compared to a garden variety Dispensationalist, & what would be the danger of going that direction?
Hanegraaff - Hitchcock Debate: They discuss the debate Hank Hanegraaff & Mark Hitchcock had about the dating of the book of Revelation, or actually, Dispensationalism verses Preterism.
Chuck Smith: What about Chuck Smith, would he have ever debated preterists?
2015-10-27 Mormonism: I appreciate the Mormons zeal to share their gospel, even though it's in error. You should have a debate w/ Mormonism because the contrast of the debate comes out on both sides, & it would with all these other religions. [Galatians 1:8-9]
2015-09-25 The Jack Hibbs video on Replacement Theology: Comment on Jack Hibbs response about partial Preterism & replacement theology.
Mark Hitchcock gloating over Debate Victory: At the end of the Hibbs replacement video, Mark Hitchcock gloated about the victory he had over Hank Hanegraaff on the debate about the Date of the Book of Revelation.
2015-09-25 The Jack Hibbs video on Replacement Theology: Comment on Jack Hibbs response about partial Preterism & replacement theology.
Mark Hitchcock gloating over Debate Victory: At the end of the Hibbs replacement video, Mark Hitchcock gloated about the victory he had over Hank Hanegraaff on the debate about the Date of the Book of Revelation.
2015-08-25 Tommy Bertoli Debate & the Future: Caller watched the debate between Gregg & Bertoli, but wants to know what Steve think is going to happen in the next 100 years according to the Bible?
2015-07-17 Steve Gregg's Lectures on Israel & the Debate with Michael Brown: In response to claims of Michael Brown, why would Israel come back together in 1948?
2015-06-12 Ekklesia/Ecclesia in the Septuagint: Caller was listening to a debate Steve had w/ Tommy Bertoli, & wondered if Steve studied the word Ekklesia in the Septuagint. Were they deliberately using this word that applied to Israel before?
2014-10-03 Tom Morris Debate: I enjoyed the debate you had with Tom Morris.
Strategies for Unity: Will the meeting you are doing tomorrow night be recorded?
2014-06-27 Christian Martyrdom: What is the best book on Christian Martyrdom?
Steve Gregg Debates: Have you ever debated Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses or Muslims?
2014-05-16 Learn Directly from the Bible: Why would you want to listen to somebody's hashed up version of what the Bible says as opposed to just reading it for yourself?
Disagreeing Views: Caller actually enjoys listening to people of opposing beliefs than what he believes.
2014-02-05 Atheism: I'm trying to figure out how to deal w/ an enormous amount of Atheists or Agnostics.
Ken Ham - Bill Nye Debate: What were thoughts on the Ken Ham - Bill Nye debate?
2013-12-13 Don Preston Debate: Whatever happened to the debate you just had with Don Preston regarding Full Preterism?
Full Preterism Problems: Can you talk about some of the problems with being a Full Preterist?
2013-10-03 Getting to the Debate: Caller wanted to thank Steve Gregg for getting him to the debate.
2013-08-22 Atheist Debate: Caller refers to a debate Steve had with an atheist the night before.
2013-03-12 Hell (Universal Reconciliation): Would you talk specifically about "Universal Reconciliation" [Matthew 26:34, Hebrews 11:1].
Universal Reconcilation (Hell): In the scripture of "the sheep and the goats", how do the univeral reconcialtion supporters, explain how the goats get saved? [Matthew 26:34].
Steve Gregg Debates: May I try to set up some debates with Chris Date, Gene Cook, and Michael Brown?
2012-01-16 Catholic Guest: Tim Staples: Steve introduces Tim Staples, host of the "Catholic Answers" radio program ( Steve and Tim discuss opposing views in the Catholic and Protestant Views.
Catholic vs. Non-Catholic (Protestant)-Spiritual Authority: Steve and Catholic Tim Staples discuss the difference in views about the spiritual authority of the church. [2 Thessalonians 2:15, Matthew 18:15-18, Matthew 21:23-27, Isaiah 22:16-22, Acts 15, Matthew 23:2, Matthew 15, 2 Peter 1:20-21, Deuteronomy 17:8, Matthew 18:6, Matthew 20:25-29, 2 Peter 2:10, 2 Peter 3:15, 1 Corinthians 11:3, Matthew 23:10, 1 Samuel 2:2, Isaiah 51:1-2, Luke 10:16, Matthew 23:8, Ephesians 4:11, James 3:1, 1 Corinthians 12, Matthew 16:19].
Catholic vs. Non-Catholic (Protestant)-The Stakes: Steve and Catholic Tim Staples discuss; If one doesn't think Catholics are correct but can be saved, then what is at stake? What is the benefit of being Catholic or Protestant? [Hebrews 13:17, Matthew 23:10].
2012-01-16 Catholic Guest: Tim Staples: Steve introduces Tim Staples, host of the "Catholic Answers" radio program ( Steve and Tim discuss opposing views in the Catholic and Protestant Views.
Catholic vs. Non-Catholic (Protestant)-Spiritual Authority: Steve and Catholic Tim Staples discuss the difference in views about the spiritual authority of the church. [2 Thessalonians 2:15, Matthew 18:15-18, Matthew 21:23-27, Isaiah 22:16-22, Acts 15, Matthew 23:2, Matthew 15, 2 Peter 1:20-21, Deuteronomy 17:8, Matthew 18:6, Matthew 20:25-29, 2 Peter 2:10, 2 Peter 3:15, 1 Corinthians 11:3, Matthew 23:10, 1 Samuel 2:2, Isaiah 51:1-2, Luke 10:16, Matthew 23:8, Ephesians 4:11, James 3:1, 1 Corinthians 12, Matthew 16:19].
Catholic vs. Non-Catholic (Protestant)-The Stakes: Steve and Catholic Tim Staples discuss; If one doesn't think Catholics are correct but can be saved, then what is at stake? What is the benefit of being Catholic or Protestant? [Hebrews 13:17, Matthew 23:10].
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