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Topic: Types & Anti-types (Shadow, Foreshadow)

Showing 51 to 78 of 78.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-03-29 Leaven and The Passover Feast: Could you help me with the passage about leaven and if we should be celebrate the Passover Feast? [I Corinthians 5:7-8, Colossians 2:16-17, Galatians 4:10, Galatians 5:4].
2021-03-12 Restore Israel a Second Time: What did God mean when He said He would restore Israel to their land a second time? [Isaiah 11:11-16]
2021-03-01 Spiritual Interpretation of Genesis: Have you interpreted any other chapters of the Bible in a spiritual way as you did in Genesis 1? [Genesis 1, I John 3, 2 Corinthians 3:18].
Conversion at Baptism: Could you help sort out the idea of conversion at baptism, rather than at a separate time? [Ephesians 1:13].
2021-02-01 God's Wrath Poured Onto Jesus: Can you help me sort out the idea that God poured out His wrath for sin onto Jesus? [Isaiah 53:6, Psalms 22:1, 2 Corinthians 5:21, I Peter 2:34, I Thessalonians 5:9].
2020-11-16 Double Fulfillment Prophecies: Caller shares his thoughts on double fulfillment prophecies. [Revelation 18, Ezekiel 9, Joel 2, Romans 5:12, I Corinthians 10:6, I Peter 3:20-21].
2020-10-23 Being a Type of Christ: So as God's children and as Christians, are we a reflection of Christ ourselves?
2020-10-14 Servant in Isaiah: Who is being referred to in Isaiah 49:6? [Isaiah 49:6, Isaiah 53, Acts 13].
2020-09-24 Isaiah's Son: What ever happened to the son born to Isaiah? [Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 8, Matthew 1:23, Isaiah 37:22, Revelation 12].
2020-09-01 Who is Melchizedek?: What was Melchizedek's purpose and background? Was he related to Noah? [Genesis 14, Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 7:1-10, John 8:56].
2020-09-01 Prophecy-Till All is Fulfilled: What is being referred to in Matthew when it suggests that the law and the prophets were fulfilled? [Matthew 5:17, Michah 5:2].
2020-08-07 Prophecy of the Son of David: Could you help me work out the prophetic passage about David's heir - or "Son of David"? [2 Samuel 12:7, Hebrews 1:5].
2020-08-06 The Names of Adam & Eve: Why did Adam & Eve have such modern names?
Hebrews, Semites, Israelites, and Jews: Is Semintes, Hebrews, Jews and Israelites refer to the same people?
The True Sabbath Day: When is the true Sabbath day? [Hebrews 4:9, Acts 2:46].
2020-07-24 Spiritual Temple in Ezekiel's Temple: Is God fleshing out the mystery of the 3rd temple in symbolic terms, reflecting spiritual things? [Ezekiel 40-48, Hebrews 8-9, Zechariah].
2020-05-08 Types & Antitype-The Flood & Baptism: Could it be that The Flood as a type, and baptism as its antitype, also be seen as baptism as a type of being washed in the blood of Jesus?
2020-04-20 Steve Gregg on Other Shows: Caller comments on hearing and seeing Steve on Roger Marsh radio show and on the History Channel.
Foreshadowing, Double Fulfillments, & Types for Revelation: Do you discount foreshadowing, double fulfillments and typing relative to the book of Revelation?
Bloodbath & Horses Bridles In Revelation: Where do you see the bloodbath described as deep as horses bridles as being fulfilled in Revelation? [Revelation 19 end, 14:20].
2020-03-31 Thank You to Steve for His Show: Thank you for teaching outside the common theological box.
Ezekiel - Type of Christ: Was Ezekiel a type of Christ because of the frequency of the use of "the son of man" when he was referred to? [Psalm 8:4].
2020-03-10 Dual Fulfillment of Prophecy: What do you think about dual fulfillment of prophecy? [Isaiah 8, Hebrews, Psalm 89:29, Matthew 24, Revelation].
Seven Churches in Revelation: How do you see the significance of the seven churches in Revelation?
Matthew 24: Do you think that Matthew 24 has implications for both past and present? [Matthew 24].
2020-02-04 Selah: What does Selah mean? [Psalm, Habakkuk 3].
Prophecy in Psalms: What do you think about the prophecy in Psalms? When David describes crucifixion, is he speaking of himself? [Psalm 22, 2 Samuel 7:12-16, Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:25, 2:15, Luke 24:44-45, Hosea 11:1].
2017-11-13 Tree of Life & other Trees in the Garden: Was the Tree of Life as a type of Christ? What other symbolism do the trees in the garden of Eden represent?
Communion: Does Communion connect us to Christ like the Tree of Life did?
2016-10-20 Rituals, Types & Shadows: What was going on when it says in Hebrews that Jesus, the High Priest, went into the most Holy Place? [Hebrews 8-9]
2016-08-19 Messianic Movement-Hebrew Roots Caller thinks obeying the Torah for the Christian is important. [Colossians 2:14-17, Acts 10, Acts 11, Mark 7:18-19, 1 Timothy 4:1-5]
2016-07-12 Types & Shadows, Types & Anti-types: Is there a type & anti-type here, vessels of mercy, about Israel coming together with the Gentiles? David is a type of Jesus. [Hosea 1:10-11 & Hosea 2:14, Isaiah 10, Isaiah 40:1, Romans 9:23]
Stripes & Beatings for Believer or Unbeliever: Are the stripes for both the Christian and the non-believer or just the Christians? [Luke 12:35-40, 1 Peter 2:9, 1 Peter 10, Isaiah 40, Isaiah 10]
2016-07-06 Typology of Israel Gathering back together: Caller would like Steve to talk about Old Testament passages of scripture prophesying the supposed re-gathering of the Israelites into their land, but being just being examples of types & shadows of us for New Testament believers.
2013-06-05 Fulfillment of "Their" Law: Who's law is being referred to in John 18? [John 18:18-25]
Mistaken Types of Christ: Is it possible that "types of Christ" are often mistakenly attributed?
2013-06-05 Fulfillment of "Their" Law: Who's law is being referred to in John 18? [John 18:18-25]
Mistaken Types of Christ: Is it possible that "types of Christ" are often mistakenly attributed?
2013-04-26 Sabbath Fulfilled: Can you tell me how you think that Jesus fulfilled the Sabbath? [Hebrews 4:9-10, Psalm 95, Hebrews 10, Colossians 2:16-17].
Ten Commandments: Do we just dispense with the 4th commandment of the ten? Do we not obey the ten commandment at all? [Hebrews 8:13].
2013-03-26 "Baptism" Antitype of the Flood: Could you explain how Noah and the flood are a type of baptism, particularly since most often antitypes are more typically spiritual? [I Peter 3:21].
2013-01-02 The Fallen Angel or Cherub, the Devil (Satan): Do you believe in the fallen angel and a personal devil, Satan? [Ezekiel 28:12, Ezekiel 28:14-16, Isaiah 14].
Satan Alluded to Through the Hebrew: When Jesus says "Get behind me, Satan" isn't he actually talking to Satan, not really talking to Peter? Isn't the Hebrew all about allusions to alternate meanings (and types)?
"Covering Cherub" Alludes to Satan: Are not the allusions to the "Covering Cherub" indicate it is Satan? [Isaiah 7, Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28].
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