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Topic: Prosperity Doctrine (Name & Claim, Health & Wealth)

Showing 51 to 76 of 76.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-01-28 Promises for the Church Today: Are there any other promises made to the New Testament church, beyond He will "never leave or forsake" us? [2 Peter 1:4, Hebrew 8:6, 13:5, Jeremiah 31, Ezekiel 36, Matthew 6:33, Romans 8:28].
Called a Nazarene: Where is it said in the prophets "He will be called a Nazarene" as described in Matthew 2? [Matthew 2:22, Micah 5:2, Hosea 11:1]
2019-10-09 Profiting from Ministry & Prosperity Doctrine: Do Creflo Dollar and Kenneth Copeland make money off the Bible, and is that a sin? [2 Peter 2:1-3, I Timothy 6:5-10]. 09
Creatures in Heaven: What are the creatures in heaven & under the sea in Revelation 5? [Revelation 5:13, Psalm 19:1-6].
2018-11-09 Word of Faith Movement: Health & prospering should always be answered, that it's always God's will Word of Faith people say?
2018-11-09 Contradiction about Judging in the Bible: Scripture seems to contradict itself about judging one another [John 8:15-16, John 9:39]
Apostolic Authority: Jesus & His Disciples just commanded healing & casting out demons. [John 14:12]
2018-10-31 Joel Osteen & Getting Rich: Joel Osteen says that we can get rich from God. [2 Kings 4:1-7]
2016-12-28 Prosperity Preachers: False or watered down gospel of prosperity preachers.
2016-08-04 Dispensationalism & Prosperity Doctrine: Are Dispensationalism & the Prosperity doctrine in any way connected to or responsible for the other?
2016-07-05 Seed time & Harvest: What is Seed-time & harvest? Is it related to prosperity preaching?
2016-04-29 Word of Knowledge: what is the "word of knowledge" in the Bible? Preachers have become rampant again calling out people's private information.
2016-04-05 A believer having Sickness or Disease: Caller saying that he was told a true believer won't have sickness or disease, that it was a result of sin in life or a generational curse. Is that true? [Isaiah 53:5]
2015-12-01 Prosperity & Adversity: A caller calls to ask what a specific verse means, but it turns out he doesn't know where it is, & Steve Gregg couldn't find it since the caller thought it was Ecclesiastes 6, so he calls later in the show & clarifies it. [Ecclesiastes 7:14]
2015-12-01 Prosperity & Adversity: A previous caller from the same show calls to clarify the actual verse he was asking about, which was [Ecclesiastes 7:14].
2014-03-06 Kenneth & Gloria Copeland: What can you tell me about Kenneth Copeland?
Creating your own Reality: So you can't have faith that you have something even before you have it to sort've show you have faith that you will get it?
2014-01-03 Martin Luther being Anti-Semitic: How could someone like Martin Luther be anti-Semitic?
Product of our own Culture: Are some of the things we believe might just be culturly related?
Motivational Speakers: Isn't it true that most preachers of Mega churches are more like motivational speakers rather than actual preachers, such as Zig Zigglar & Joel Osteen?
2014-01-02 Prosperity Teaching & Positive Thinking: What are your thoughts on prosperity teaching & positive thinking? [Proverbs 23:7]
2013-11-13 Planting a Money Seed for More Money: What about these prosperity preachers asking people to send a seed of $1,000 or $200 to get blessed even more?
2013-10-10 Word of Faith & Spiritual Gifts: I think you are too critical of the Word of Faith movement, & I want to share some of my own experiences. She also talks about Rhema and Logos. [John 14:12]
2013-10-09 Word of Faith Movement: What is wrong with believing in the Word of Faith Movement?
2013-08-05 Bore our Griefs & Sorrows: How do you interpret the famous verse in Isaiah about boring our griefs & sorrows, or is it our pain & sicknesses? [Isaiah 53:4]
2013-07-31 Rich Christians: Is it okay to be a rich Christian?
2013-07-22 Joel Osteen: What do you think of Joel Osteen?
2013-07-18 "First Fruits" Offering & Tithing: What is the difference between "First Fruits" offering & tithing?
Homosexuality Acceptable: Will practicing homosexuals be warmly welcomed in heaven? [1 Corinthians 6:9-11]
2013-06-27 Sid Roth & his Ministry: What can you tell me about Sid Roth's ministry?
2013-05-27 Word of Faith (Name it & Claim it): Having been involved in the Hobart Freeman movement, I want to comment on the weakness and dangers of the Word of Faith movement. [2 Timothy 4:20, 1 Timothy 5:20, Philippians 2:27-30].
2013-03-25 Those that Disagree: Caller commends Steve for the way he responds to fellow Christians who disagree.
Do We Have the Right to Healing: What do you think about those that think every believer has a right to complete healing? Recommends topical lecture series; "Word of Faith"-"Is Healing in the Atonement" and "Healing on Demand". [Proverbs 13:12, Luke 17:2, Matthew 18:6].
Cessationists (Ceasing of the Gifts): What do you think about Cessationists (ceasing of the gifts)?
2013-03-15 Pastors Driving Expensive Cars (Prosperity Doctrine): What do you think about pastors who drive expensive cars? Are Health & Wealth and Prosperity Doctrines the same thing? [Matthew 6:19-21, Luke 6:24, Matthew 19:23-24].
Saving Money: Should we be saving up for retirement, and how does one balance that with caring for the poor?
Waiting on God: How does one "wait on God"?
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