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Topic: Authority

Showing 51 to 100 of 147.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-10-11 Women Teaching Adult Sunday School Classes: Is my sister teaching adult Sunday School classes to both men and women in conflict with the scripture that women should not exercise authority over men? [1 Timothy 2-3].
2021-10-05 Catholicism: What is the best argument against Catholicism? (Ref: Debate with Jimmy Aiken). [I Corinthians 11:3, Matthew 20:25, Luke 22:25].
2021-08-20 The Word of God (Scriptures) in Jesus' Time: What was considered "the Bible" (the scriptures) before the New Testament was written, during Jesus' ministry & the apostles thereafter? [2 Timothy 3:16, John 8:31, John 13:20].
2021-08-17 Obligation to Obey the Government Authorities: Could you help me think through our obligation to submit to government authority? Are there times when we should even submit to unreasonable authority? [Romans 13:1].
2021-08-10 About Lileth: Could you tell me about Lileth? [Isaiah 34:14].
Adding to the Bible in the Future: Do you think there will ever be any upgrading (or adding to) the Bible in the future?
2021-07-26 Inspired Scripture God-Breathed: How could the verse about all scripture being God-breathed be applicable to us and the New Testament, since the only scripture then would have been the Old Testament? [2 Timothy 3:16].
2021-04-22 The Authority of the Christian: What kind of power and authority does Christian actually have, such as commanding things to happen, directing angels, binding demons, etc.? [Romans 4, Matthew 16:18-19, Matthew 18:18].
Praying for Someone Who Wants to be Healed: What should we do if we are not sure if God wants to heal someone, since it really is up to God and His will, when we are asked to pray for their healing?
Lecture About "Speaking in Tongues": Where do I go on your website if I want to know more about "speaking in tongues"? Recommended topical lecture: "Charisma and Character".
2021-04-16 God as Absolute Authority in Contrast to a Friendship with Him: How do you abide in Him, in a close and loving way, when you know that you are dealing with your king and He has absolute authority over you? [John 15, Romans 8:1, Psalms 145:8, I Corinthians 13:4-8].
2021-04-09 Evil Government Authorities: Why should we vote or be politically active, based on what scripture says about government authority? How should we deal with evil government leaders? [Romans 13:1-4, 2 Peter 2:13-14, Acts 5:29, Mark 11:27-28].
2021-04-09 Canadian Church Under Police Authority: Could you comment on the recent news about the Canadian church that has been targeted by law enforcement and recently fenced off. The pastor yelled at them that they were Nazis.
2021-03-23 Family Hierarchy: Do you think that it is better for husband and wives to make mutual decisions, rather than as scripture directs men to be the head of his household? [Ephesians 5:22, Ephesians 5:32].
Christ Submitted to the Church: Is it correct to say that Christ submitted Himself to the church? [John 13:14].
2021-03-22 Those That "Rule Over" Us: Could you talk about those in authority and how they are to "rule over" us-those in government, institutional church, home church, and how it relates to our own souls? [Hebrews 13:17, Hebrews 13:7, Hebrews 13:24].
2021-03-10 Drinking of His Cup: What does Jesus mean when He asks "are you able to drink of this cup" when the mother asked if her sons could sit at his right & left hand? [Matthew 20:20-24].
Sons of Zebedee: [Matthew 20:20-24]
2021-02-02 The Law & the Old Covenant: Do you see "The Law" as the same as the "Old Covenant", and what does it mean to be "under" The Law? [Romans 5, Romans 2, Romans 3, Hebrews 8:13, John 8:31, I Corinthians 9:19-21, Luke 6:46].
2021-01-25 Government Responsibility: Could you help me understand Romans 13 in light of the new administration's less friendly attitude toward Christians? [Romans 13:1-5, I Peter 2:13-14].
Voting: Is voting a good thing? [Romans 13:8].
2020-11-25 Qualifications for Apostles: What are the qualifications for an apostle? Should I be at a church that calls some there apostles? [2 Corinthians 8:23, John 13:20, Ephesians 4:11, 2 Corinthians 12:12, Matthew 23:10].
2020-10-27 The Trinity: Does my view of The Trinity as a board of directors, adequately represent it? [John 17:21, I Corinthians 11:3].
"Godhead" for "The Trinity": What do you think of the word, "Godhead" in describing the trinity and the relative implied authority? [Colossians 2:9, Matthew 28:18].
2020-10-20 Word of Faith-Why Not More Healing Today: The call is cut-off, but Steve continues to talk about Word of Faith movement, Kenneth Hagin, and why there is not more healing today. [Ephesians 1 & 2, Matthew 8:9].
2020-09-04 Bad Kings Ordained by God-Leadership in the Future: Why did God allow bad kings? Were they ordained by God? Can the same thing happen again in the future in the United States? [Hosea 8:4, Romans 13:1, Daniel 2:21, Proverbs 21:1, Acts 5:12]. Where is your alternate site,
2020-09-04 God's Sovereignty Defined: What does it mean to you to say that God is sovereign?
Fallen Away-Once Partaken of Heavenly Gift: Does God's sovereignty relate to the verse in Hebrews about one who has received the heavenly gift, but has fallen away not being able to return? [Hebrew 6:4].
2020-09-03 Subjection to Government: Could you talk about subjecting oneself to government to avoiding wrath and a bad conscience? [Romans 13:5].
Limitations of Government: How does one sort the limitations of government's legitimate authority?
2020-08-04 Questioning the Authority of the Pastor: Am I obligated to follow our pastor without question?
2020-04-10 Obeying the Government: Do we have to obey government when they may ask us to take vaccinations when ultimately one may unknowingly take the mark of the beast? [Romans 13:1-2, I Peter 2:13-14].
2019-12-27 Charles Kraft & Authority: Are you familiar with Charles Kraft and his premise about our authority and power? [I Corinthians 12].
2019-08-27 Head Coverings & Angels: Can you claify what is happening in about the head coverings, and "the sign of authority" on women "because of angels" in I Corinthians 11 [I Corinthians 11:10, 14].
2019-08-23 2nd Ammendment Rights: Caller thinks that Christians should be motivated to defend themselves against government. [Romans 13].
2019-08-16 Obeying Evil Governments: What does one do with the conflict between scripture's admonition to obey the government, yet it warns of evil governments influenced by Satan. [Revelation 13, I Peter 2:2, Romans 13, Daniel 2].
2019-07-29 Spiritual Warfare: Do you think that sometimes we are encouraged to focus too much on the devil, rather than leaving the battle to Christ and His authority? [Matthew 28:18, 12:29, Jude 9, I Peter 5, I John 4:4, James 4:7, Galatians 5:16, 2 Corinthians 3:18].
2019-07-23 Satan's Authority on Earth: Did Satan get authority over man when man fell?
A Father's Prayers for His Children: Does a father's prayers have more authority, or effectiveness, for or over one's children, than do others? [Ephesians 6:1].
Dominion: Is the word in Genesis for "dominion" synonymous with "authority"?
2019-07-23 Satan's Authority on Earth: Did Satan get authority over man when man fell?
A Father's Prayers for His Children: Does a father's prayers have more authority, or effectiveness, for or over one's children, than do others? [Ephesians 6:1].
Dominion: Is the word in Genesis for "dominion" synonymous with "authority"?
2019-06-04 Adam & Eve's Sin & Authority: Did Adam and Eve actually handover their authority and dominion in the garden when they sinned? Andrew Womack seems to think so, and he indicates that Jesus came to take authority back. (Genesis 1, Psalm 115].
2018-03-27 Pastor having Authority: Pastor seems to have no humility & thinks he has more authority & has a better understanding than others. What do you think? [Matthew 20:25-26, Hebrews 13:17]
2018-03-23 Jesus as our Light: Is Jesus light?
Rulers over us: Are one who has authority over us, are they servants of God? [Romans 13]
2018-02-28 Authority: How would you respond to the question, "Where do you get your authority"?
2018-02-20 Authority to Forgive Sins: When Jesus gives the disciples authority to forgive sins, is this just for Apostles or all believers? [John 20:23]
OT Sacrifices: Were the sacrifices in the Old Testament believed to be for forgiveness of sins at that time or just a covering for future forgiveness?
2017-11-08 God's Speaking Trumping the Bible: If God personally speaks to you, is it more important than what you get from the Bible?
The Apostles Infallible: Could the apostles have been wrong?
2017-10-12 Church Authority: Who has the final word of what is truth? Is the pastor the "dictator" of the church?
2017-09-11 Kingdom of God: Caller really enjoyed the lecture about the Kingdom of God Steve had done in WA state recently. (Steve just wrote a book about the Kingdom of God called, "Empire of the Risen Son", Part 1 & 2, October 2020)
The Dove, the Flood & Holy Spirit: The Dove never coming back because he had a place to land, & soon as Jesus got baptized, & His followers were going to start being baptized, the Holy Spirit having a place to go, is what the caller thinks. [1 Peter 2:20-21]
Sons of God: We as Christians have authority as the Sons of God & our Father is our Righteous "Judge". We need to realize our authority over demons, our own sins & God's extreme love for us as His children.
2017-08-22 U.S. Constitution: Should the constitution be restricted to reflect Christian views? Caller is concerned it's too secular.
2017-08-21 Church Discipline Needs to be Implemented: Church discipline needs happen because of appropriate behavior by a pastor, but they are wondering what to do?
2017-08-02 Capital Punishment (Death Penalty): Are we dishonoring God if we don't support the death penalty? [Matthew 15]
2017-07-25 Nation Under Judgment: Is our nation under Judgment because of a reprobate mind?
Bad Cops: Is it biblical to shoot back at police who are shooting you unjustifiably, & why is this happening so much lately in our country?
2017-07-25 Police Not Being Perfect: Violence of the police is just a societal problem, it is a sin problem, in this country.
2017-07-21 Binding the Devil: Can we bind the devil? Can we claim territory for the kingdom? Do we have the ability to direct angels? [Daniel 10, Matthew 12:29]
2017-06-05 Rebuking the Devil: Is it okay to rebuke the Devil? [Luke 10:19]
2017-01-10 Power in Christ: Our "authority" in Christ, being saved, prayer, word of faith
2016-12-13 Jesse Duplantis: Does Steve know anything about him, God has power to take human life, but doesn't have the authority to take them.
2016-11-01 Sola Scriptura: There's the Bible but then there's Tradition, so where does tradition play a role?
Traditions: Are there some actual traditions in the Bible that we are supposed to follow?
Division in the Church: All this division in the church seems to have a lot to do with Paul. Is there any reason it seems that way? Did Paul teach a different gospel than Christ?
2016-10-05 Submitting to the Elders: Are we supposed to submit to our elders?
2016-09-26 Authorities & Church Leadership: What is the Biblical foundation for obeying the authorities? {Romans 13, 1 Peter 2}
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