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Topic: John (Apostle, Son of Zebedee)

Showing 51 to 90 of 90.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-12-18 John: Who is the disciple whom Jesus loved in John? [John 21:20].
2019-09-17 Movie-The Gospel of John: Which Bible story movie did you really like which you mention on the air frequently?
2019-08-07 John as a Witness: Is John speaking of himself as a witness to the ascension in John 1:14? [John 1:14, I John 1, Psalm 19].
2019-07-23 Revelation: Date of Writing: How does the controversial date of the early writing of the book of Revelation square with John on the Island of Patmos?
2019-06-26 Measuring Temple (Revelation): Who is the John in Revelation, who is to rise and measure the temple? [Revelation 11:1].
2019-04-18 Children, Fathers & Young Men: Why did John address them as the children, fathers, and young men separately? [I John 2:12]
2019-03-29 Revelation: Does John measure the temple in his own body or is his spirit - or in somebody else's body? Did John actually get off of Patmos? Who do you think the two witnesses will be? [Revelation 11:1-14].
2018-11-08 John banished to Patmos: Is there any evidence when John was actually banished to Patmos?
2018-07-27 The Disciple that Jesus Loved: Is john really the disciple that Jesus loved, because how could John, a fisherman from Galilee, be able to get past the Gate of the palace of the High Priest, but Peter wasn't able to? [Acts 4]
2018-06-15 Dating of the Book of Revelation: What is the external & internal evidence of when the book of revelation was written?
2018-05-02 John the Apostle's Mom & Mary, & John the Baptist's Mother Cousins: Elizabeth & John the Apostle's Mother & Mary are all cousins. How do we deduce this because I can't seem to find it in the Bible?
2017-08-22 The Word being Idea: The Word, can it just be an "idea"? [John 1:1]
The Rapture: Will the rapture come before or after the tribulation? [Matthew 24]
The Book of Revelation of Jesus not John: Isn't the book of Revelation a revelation of Jesus Christ & not John? And what is your view of the book of Revelation?
2017-07-31 153 Fish Significance: Was there any significance to the number "153", the number fish that were caught? [John 21:11]
2017-03-27 John taking care of Mary, Jesus' Mom: Did Mary live w/ john in Ephesus after Jesus died? [John 19:27]
2017-02-03 Timing of Patmos: When was john the revelator banished to Patmos because that would determine the date of Revelation?
Hebrew Language in Revelation: There seems to be Hebrew Language in Revelation, so was it written for them, who would understand it & all its symbolism?
2017-01-19 John Preaching Again in Revelation: I don't recall reading that John the Revelator doing what Revelation 10 said to do about preaching to nations, kindreds, tongues & people in Patmos again. [Revelation 10]
2016-10-24 The Gospel of John Authorship: Did Lazarus write the gospel of John? Was he one of the disciples?
2016-09-16 The Word being Jesus: Did Steve say the Word being referred to as Jesus only in 3 places, all by the apostle John, & IF so, John probably got it from the vision in Revelation 19, implying that it was written before the gospels? [John 1:1-3, Revelation 19:13]
2016-03-10 People or Spirits as anti-Christ: Why does it say in one place where John talks about the anti-Christ that he says it's a person but in another place he says they are spirits? [1 John 4:1-3, 2 John 2:7]
2016-02-17 The Revelation of Jesus: Can you explain the Revelation that was given to Jesus, which was then given to the angels, which was then given to John, & the 7 churches?
Women Apostles or Bishops: What is your take woman apostles in the Bible & are there any in modern times, apostles or bishops?
2016-01-12 "Behold thy Mother": When Jesus told John to take care of His mom, Mary, why didn't He have His siblings do it? [John 19:26-27]
Vinegar & Gall: Did this really happen like it says in Psalms of Jesus both drinking Vinegar & eating Gall? [John 19:28, Psalms 69:21]
Laid in a New Tomb: Is there any significance to Jesus being buried in a "New Tomb"? [John 19:41]
2015-11-11 Write the things thou hast seen, which are, which shall be hereafter: Are things involving that verse, the things John has seen, the things which are & the things will still have yet to take place, talking about things in chronological order? Revelation 1:19
2015-10-21 John & the Island of Patmos: When was John on the island of Patmos?
Mark of the Beast: I don't think the Mark of the Beast has ever happened yet, & I was wondering how you accounted for that part?
2015-10-15 The Olivet Discourse & the Book of Revelation: Why would the Holy Spirit need to give John a very cryptic, apocalyptic book about the Fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD if Jesus had already explained it to Jews in Jerusalem while He was still here? It'd just seem to be counterintuitive. [Matthew 24 & 25, Mark 13, Luke 21, Revelation 1-20]
2015-10-12 Steve's Mom, A. Wetherell Johnson & Bible Study Fellowship (BSF): So Steve's mom learned under A Wetherell Johnson's teaching in BSF?
Preterism, Church Fathers & John at Patmos: Eusebius says that John the Revelator was exiled at Patmos in 95 AD, so wouldn't that put a damper in the book of Revelation being written before 70 AD? [Revelation 1:9]
Dating of the Book of Revelation: So you use both external & internal evidence, & one of those categories gives more evidence for a late date, but the other one gives more evidence for an early date, is that right?
2015-08-06 Gospel of John: Who wrote the Gospel of John?
Lazarus: Did Lazarus possibly write the book? Was he an apostle?
2015-07-10 Chronology on the books of John: When was the Gospel of John written, his Epistles & the Book of Revelation?
2015-06-30 Reading the Bible Out Loud: Would Steve ever consider reading the entire Bible for audio?
Speaking the Truth (in love): John the Elder, the loved Disciple of Christ, is not loving because of the negative things he said about the anti-Christ.
2015-05-05 Devil Coming Has Short Time: What is this short season that Satan has or will have? When does it start & end? Are they both talking about the same event? [Revelation 12:9-12, 20:3]
2015-02-24 Time & Sequence of John's Writings: When was John's experience at Patmos, & when did he write his gospel & his epistles?
2014-06-24 The Disciple whom Jesus loved: Where is John quoting from when he said, "...seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, 'Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee?'" [John 21:20, 13:23-26]
2013-08-16 "The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved": Why did John in the gospel of John refer to himself as, "the Disciple whom Jesus loved"? {John 21:18-25]
2013-06-20 Commentaries: Do you have any commentaries you recommend?
Anointing Jesus' Feet: Was Jesus telling people to preach what Mary did to Jesus' feet or that she would just be remembered for doing it? [John 12:1-8, Matthew 26:13, Mark 14:9]
2013-05-22 Origin of Satan: How could the angels have sinned if they were in heaven? Is there sin in heaven? [Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:12-17, Luke 10:18, John 12:31, John 8:44, I John 3:8].
Satan in Heaven: Didn't Satan have access to heaven because he was walking to and fro in Job? Then, was he not cast out of heaven? [Job 1:7, Job 2:2, Revelation 12:7-10].
2013-05-16 Mary's Care After Jesus' Death: Why did Jesus commit his mother Mary's care to John, rather than one of her other children, after his death? [Acts 1, John 7:5].
2013-04-29 Date of Writing of the Book of Revelation: What do you think about my thoughts about the controvesy surrounding the date of writing of the Book of Revelation?
2013-03-28 The Apostles' Martyrdom: What happened to the apostles? [John 21, Acts 12].
2013-03-20 Being Saved Without Knowing Jesus: Can some ignorant people be saved without knowing about Christ, but still saved on the merits of Christ, as in nthe Old Testament or the heathen who has never heard? [Acts 17:30, John 14:6, John 1:9].
2013-03-19 Reliability of Revelation: How can we trust one man's vision - the Book of Revelation?
2013-03-05 Hell: Hell must be so terrible, if God would send His own son to keep us from it, yes?
Terms for Salvation: Would you exegete these verses about those given to God in John? [John 6:37, John 6:65, John 17:6, John 6:44, Luke 7:30, Acts 7:51, Acts 9:5-6, Matthew 23:37-39].
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