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Topic: Job (The Man)

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Episode Topic Audio
2020-05-05 Job Knew of Heaven: Since Job said he was going to his long home? [Job 7:10]
Kingdom of Heaven & Birds in the Trees: You are mistaken about the definition of the birds in the trees and the kingdom of heaven? [Matthew 25:34, Matthew 19:23-24]
2020-04-15 Authorship of Acts or Job: Could you talk about the oracles of God, who wrote Acts and Job? Did Luke write Acts? Were they Gentile? [Romans 3:2, Colssians 4:11].
2020-04-02 Book of Job: Would you share your thoughts about the critical comments of Job's friends, including, Elihu, in the book of Job? [Job 42].
A Bet Between God & Satan in Job: Isn't it a bit ridiculous to think the story of Job is really only about a bet between Job and Satan? [Job].
2020-04-02 Book of Job: Would you share your thoughts about the critical comments of Job's friends, including, Elihu, in the book of Job? [Job 42].
A Bet Between God & Satan in Job: Isn't it a bit ridiculous to think the story of Job is really only about a bet between Job and Satan? [Job].
2020-03-11 Eliphaz & Job: Could you help me understand what point Eliphaz was making in this verse in Job 4? [Job 4:17].
2020-01-27 Job's Wealth & Sinfulness: Was Job actually doing something wrong because of all the wealth he had accumulated? [Job 1:8].
2019-11-11 Job & His Family: Why is Job rewarded with beautiful daughters if beauty is vain? And why would Job have to live without his kids and with a wife who told him to curse God? [Job 42:15, Proverbs 31].
2019-09-30 Dinosaurs-Behemoth & Leviathan: Could you give insight in to Behemoth and Leviathan? [Job 40:15-24, 41:1.5].
2019-07-16 God's test for Job: Can you explain the conversation and test in the book of Job between God and the devil? [Job 2:3].
2019-05-21 Springs of the Sea: Are we to take literally the verse in Job about the "springs in the sea"? Is there a hermeneutic principle when determining when to ascribe literal vs symbolic meanings to scripture ? [Job 38:16, 2 Peter 3:10, Genesis 14:10].
2018-10-18 Job & His Friends: Job friend's Elihu, Bildad, Zophar & Eliphaz, Ehilu didn't have to repent at the end because a prophet?
2018-10-16 Ash Heap: What is the ash-heap? [Job 2:8-10]
2018-08-02 Book of Job: Is the book of Job pseudepigraphal? Is it a real story of a real event?
2018-04-23 Calamity: My girlfriend's 2 year old cousin just drowned & how do we not view this as a punishment instead of a blessing?
2018-03-29 Christians & Good Christians: Why is there this idea where there is some good christians & not so good Christians? [Romans 3:10-12]
2018-03-07 Job: What did Job do wrong...if anything?
2018-01-11 Sons of God: Who are the Sons of God meeting w/ God about Job? Why would Satan be allowed to be there? [Job 1:6]
2017-12-27 Satan an Angel: Was Satan an angel? Satan argued with God about Job, Jesus saw him falling out of heaven, so can you just explain about Satan?
2017-11-30 Job: Where in the timeline does Job fit in?
The Gap Theory: What can you tell me about the Gap Theory, & is it legitimate? [Genesis 1:1-2]
2017-09-22 Unknown Name: Ignorantly worshipping an unknown God. [Acts 17]
The Man Job: Was Job a righteous man? If he was, what was he repenting for? [Job 42:3-6]
2017-09-19 Job, Imputed Righteousness & Righteousness as Filthy Rags: Job & his righteousness, we need imputed righteousness because isn't our righteousness as filthy rags? [Jeremiah 17:9, Isaiah 64:6]
2017-09-15 The Man of Job: Was Job an exception to "not one righteous"? [Romans 3:10]
2017-06-05 Elihu: In the Book of Job, who is Elihu? [Job 32]
2017-02-13 Tithing: I've heard pastors say you can't afford NOT to pay tithe
2016-11-14 Getting Angry at God: Agreeing with God about what He has for you, accepting disappointments.
2016-09-07 Psalm 44, Suffering even though Righteous: Why is the Psalmist lamenting the suffering of Israel & himself, & why is it happening in the first place since they were being faithful? [Psalm 44]
2015-09-24 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Situation: Caller has anxiety, worry about the new situation he has found himself in as he's about to get a divorce, it sometimes getting the best of him & wants some Scripture to lean on, or some advice listen to.
2015-09-01 The person Job Getting a New Wife: Did Job get a new wife at the end of his latter days?
Chastised by the Lord or Being Attacked by Enemy: How can we know if we are being chastening by the Lord or being attacked by the Devil? [Hebrews 12]
2015-07-30 Elihu & Job: Does Steve have any idea who Elihu was, & he didn't seem to have anything different to say than Job's friends, so how did HE get a pass?
2014-10-08 Shimei Curses David & False Accusations: Why did Shimei curse David? [2 Samuel 16:5-13, Job 4-23]
2014-05-16 Job & his troubles: How long was the duration of Job's suffering? [Job 1-42]
2014-05-16 Job's Suffering: Caller thinks Job's suffering should take a little longer amount of time than Steve said in a recent answer to a question about Job.
Lusting after a woman: Caller wonders if Steve agrees w/ him that it's the number of times you look at a woman as to whether it becomes lust or not, & did he mention that in a previous call?
2013-09-19 Job's Children: Why did God let Job lose his children? Listener thinks that sounds very mean of God.
2013-09-05 Job Suffering: Doesn't what God allowing happen to Job proof that Calvinism might be correct?
2013-08-23 God allowing Evil: God allows evil because we are in a very evil world.
2013-06-21 Pets in Heaven: Will we see our pets in Heaven?
Job's Wife: Job's wife didn't seem to accept the tribulation, suffering & calamity that had suddenly happened.
2013-06-21 Job's Wife followup: Caller defends Job's wife's actions.
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