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Topic: Word

Showing 51 to 85 of 85.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-05-22 Receiving a Word from God: How are we supposed to know that we have a "Word from the Lord"?
2017-01-16 Words for God: Elohim in Genesis singular & plural forms of a word used for the one & only God
2017-01-12 Bible interpretation in Romans: vine's expository dictionary, the word "use" in rom 1:26, natural use for
2016-09-16 The Word being Jesus: Did Steve say the Word being referred to as Jesus only in 3 places, all by the apostle John, & IF so, John probably got it from the vision in Revelation 19, implying that it was written before the gospels? [John 1:1-3, Revelation 19:13]
2016-03-11 Cruising Ministries: Caller disagree with Steve about cruise ministries, suggesting it's too worldly, too luxurious for the Christian for the Christian to be participating in.
2015-12-22 The Word becoming Flesh: Michael the Buddhist wants to know about "Logos", the Word, Jesus, becoming Flesh. [John 1]
2015-12-21 The Word being Jesus: What does it mean that Jesus was "The Word" before He came down here to earth? [John 1]
2015-07-29 Earth/Land Confusion: Not sure what he's asking. [Genesis 32:30]
2015-07-28 Jesus as the Bread of Life: Doesn't Jesus make it seem like we wouldn't die if we ate His bread? [John 6:43-51]
2015-07-21 Every Idle Word Spoken: We'll have to give an account for every idle word, Jesus says, but then it also say in the bible that God won't remember our sins as east is from the west. [Matthew 12:36, Psalm 103:12, 1 Corinthians 3:12]
2015-07-10 Word, Logos, Rhema: Caller gives a little bit of his insight & gives a little interesting Bible study about Hebrews 4:12, but thinks that after Hebrews 4:1-11 take a dynamic shift in verse 12. [Hebrews 4:1-12, Mathew 10:34, Chronicles 28:9, Romans 8:27]
2015-05-07 Swear Words: Does God care about people using Swear Words? Are they harmful or immoral?
2015-05-04 The Torah & the Talmud: You could sort've compare the Torah & the Talmud to the Word of God, & the "tradition", exactly like the Catholic Church.
2015-04-30 God has the Last Word: Caller just wanted to comment on the first call that God has the final word!
2015-03-27 Believing in Jesus & once you do: A caller asks a litany of questions about following Jesus, in relation to the following verses. [john 14:23, 1 john 2:3-4, 1 john 3:8-9]
2015-03-20 The "word" in James: What was the "word" James was talking about, Jesus' words? [James 1:18-27]
2015-03-16 The word "God": What does the name/ word "God" exactly entail?
Jesus the Son before Incarnation: So did Steve say Jesus was not the Son of God before the Incarnation in one of the lectures the caller heard?
2015-02-18 Let Nays be Nay & Yeas be Yea: What did Jesus mean by saying, "Let your nays be nay & your yeas be yeas"? Was He being strict, saying to be honest? [Matthew 5:37]
2015-02-05 Word Usage Questions (Thief): Was the thief on the cross executed for just petty theft or does the word "thief" have a deeper meaning than that?
Word Usage Questions (Predicted - Prophesy): Is there a difference between Predictions & Prophesy?
2015-02-03 Meaning of Words & Interpreting Scripture: What's the benefit in saying that some words & verses don't mean what they normally would in the English language?
2015-01-30 "And this Word": What does "this word" mean in Hebrews? Isn't this book talking about Jesus, & don't forget about Moses & the Law, but that Jesus is SO much better? Why is he referring to Haggai? [Hebrews 12:27, Haggai 2:6]
2015-01-12 God's Glory, Shekinah Glory: Is john referring to the glory of Jesus in relation to what happened in the Transfiguration? [Matthew 17:1-9, John 1:14]
2014-12-12 "In Essentials, Unity, in Non-Essentials, Liberty, in all things, Charity": Who coined that phrase? What are the essentials? Can they boiled down to the fact that they are the Word of God & the Truth?
2014-12-11 Mediterranean Sea & Jesus' Ministry: Did Jesus ever do anything at the Mediterranean Sea? Did any Biblical character for that matter?
Cremation: What does the Bible say about Cremation?
Profanity: What does the BIble say about profanity/cursing?
2014-11-19 Incarnation: If the Logos had not been conceived in Mary, would Jesus had just been a Man, being able to function like you & me? [1 Timothy 2:5, John 1:1-3, 1 Peter 3:18]
2014-11-10 JW's & the Word was A God: Can you explain the Jehovah's Witness NWT's Bible saying the Word was "a" God in the gospel of John? [John 1]
2014-10-08 Idle Words: What is meant by an "idle word"? What are idle words? [Matthew 12:36]
2014-09-11 Word equals Law: Caller has a friend who thinks the word, "Word" in John 1 is actually supposed to be referring to the "Law". What do you think? [John 1:1]
Pagan Days in contrast to Jewish Feast Days: Caller's friend is really against pagan holidays but thinks we need to keep the Jewish Feast days.
2014-08-28 "Slain for the Word of God": Can you explain who the souls are that are crying out that were slain for the word & testimony of God? [Revelation 6:9-11]
Activity in Heaven in Contrast to the New Earth: What is everyone doing in Heaven when they die? I know some things we are doing on the New Earth, but what are we doing in Heaven?
2014-07-14 Dispensationalists: What do Dispensationalists believe?
Adding or taking from the prophecy of this book: Would Dispensationalists be guilty of the curse at the end of the book of Revelation? [Revelation 22:18-19]
Mormons & JWs: Would you say Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses are guilty of adding & subtracting Scripture? [Revelation 22:18-19]
2014-06-26 Logos Coming on Jesus when Born: Would Jesus still have been able to function as a Man if the Logos hadn't come upon Him when He was born?
2014-06-06 Studying "Logos" & other words: What is the best source to go to do deep word studies?
2014-02-10 Meditation: What does it mean to, "Meditate on God's Word"? [Psalm 1:2]
2013-07-22 Prophets Knowledge: How did the Prophets know they were actually getting a genuine Word from God?
2013-01-31 Word of Faith: Words creating things, what do you think of about idea, calling those things which be not as though they were? [Romans 4:17]
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