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Topic: Foundation (s)

Showing 51 to 67 of 67.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-05-13 Motivated by Love for Christ: We shouldn't be motivated to be saved just to be either wanting euphoria in heaven for eternity or fear of burning in hell, but for the love of the Master Himself, right?
2016-04-25 God Obligated to Answer our Prayers: Is God obligated to do what we pray in His name? 1john 5:13-15,
Christian Essentials: Do you have anything on Christian Essentials or non-negotiables?
2016-04-15 Baptism Mandate: Do you have to be baptized in order to become a Christian & can you only do it once?
2016-04-04 Followers of Christ Considered Disciples: As followers of Christ are we considered Jesus' disciples too?
Everything Jesus instructed to His Disciples: Are we supposed to do EVERYTHING Jesus told His disciples?
Spiritual Gifts like the Disciples: Are we supposed to be able to have spiritual gifts like the disciples out, such as healing, or only the spiritual gifts Jesus gives us?
2015-11-06 Pastors & Non-Essential Doctrines:: Is it sort've an obligation of the pastor to share the main views of non-essential doctrines other than just their own?
2015-07-10 Foundations: How do we get a Foundation that resists against the storms of life? [1 Corinthians 3:11]
Renewing our Minds: What does it mean to renew our minds? [Romans 12:1-2]
2015-07-06 Genuine Christians vs Feigned Christianity: How can we determine who are genuine Christians or people who have a feigned Christianity? Especially churches believing correct Doctrine.
2015-05-01 Celebrating Christmas: Are we not supposed to celebrate Christmas? [Jeremiah 10:2-5]
List of Essential Doctrines: Do you have a list of all the Essential Doctrines we must all agree on?
2015-03-30 Essential Doctrines & Behaviors: Caller is concerned that Steve didn't say the important things about sharing the gospel. (bad clicking).
2015-03-27 Essential Doctrines & Behaviors: What are the Essential Doctrines & Behaviors of being a Christian?
2015-03-12 Baptism & Partaking of the Lord's Supper: Can a person be a part of the Body of Christ, but not fully a member of the Kingdom of God, but yet be able to break bread (for example, if they haven't been baptized yet)?
2015-01-05 Sound Doctrine: Church takes a strong stand on Sound Doctrine, but how much doctrinal purity is important over just a relationship w/ Jesus?
2015-01-05 Sound Doctrine: There are some doctrines that are VERY important, & this caller goes to a church where they can discuss doctrine they don't agree with
2014-04-22 Dispensationalism: Can you explain to me about Dispensationalism?
Old Covenant & New Covenant: Would you say in Dispensationalism there's a separation between the Old Covenant into the New Covenant or is it going back to the old?
Majoring in the Minors: Would you say that Dispensationalism is just majoring in the minors, or is it something major?
2014-04-16 Non-Negotiables: "In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, and in all things charity." So what is your list of non-negotiables to be a Christian?
2013-08-08 He Gave His Only Begotten Son: Is John 3:16 enough? Can you be a true Christian just by understanding John 3:16? [John 3:16]
2013-06-19 The Mind of a Christian: What is the state of mind we should have as a Christian? [1 Corinthians 10:31]
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