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Topic: Spirits (Evil)

Showing 51 to 100 of 133.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-02-20 Spiritual World: Is the spiritual world just as real as the physical world?
The Firmament: What is the firmament in Genesis? [Genesis 1]
2019-02-19 Demon-Possession: Demons, Ouija boards, wondering about the idea that something like a Ouija board could actually be dangerous. Does the Bible tell us how people get demon-possessed?
2019-02-15 Differing Kinds of Spirits: We know there are different kinds of evil spirits, spirit of infirmity, & spirit of fear, but what about different kinds of good spirits?
2019-01-24 Marriage Supper of the Lamb: When is the marriage supper of the Lamb?
Ghosts & Goblins: What is your opinion about people seeing ghosts?
2018-12-18 Demons being Fallen Angels: Are demons fallen angels? [Jude 1:6, 1 Corinthians 11:10]
2018-12-10 Demon-possession or Devil just wreaking Havoc: What is the difference between demon possession vs the devil just messing w/ you? [1 Peter 5:8, Ephesians 6:9-12]
2018-11-30 Hypnosis: What side of the fence do hypnosis work for?
2018-11-19 Demons that were cast out: When Demons are cast out of a person, can they go into animals now?
2018-11-15 Spiritual Warfare: Are the powers of hell coming against us & is Satan in hell?
2018-11-06 Demons Repenting: Can demons repent?
2018-11-01 Distinguishing Evil Spirits & Demons: Is there a difference between evil spirits & demons?
Supernatural Reports: What do you think of the books "Heaven is for Real" or "23 min in Hell"?
2018-10-31 Celebrating Halloween: Christians celebrating Halloween, we absolutely shouldn't do it!
2018-10-30 Casting out Demons: Where do the demons go once they are cast out or where do we send them?
Lester Sumrall: Lester Sumrall cast out the demons to Jesus' feet. What do you think about that?
2018-09-12 Speaking in Tongues: In speaking in tongues could one possibly open oneself up to evil spirits by asking?
2018-08-28 Reading a Nutritional Book by a Medium: Nutrition books recommended by doctor written by a Medical Medium by Anthony William, should Christians read this book?
2018-08-17 Familiar Spirits: My husband just recently died, & I've been experiencing all kinds of weird things happening, & I've been told they are familiar spirits, so can you help me?
2018-08-06 Sleep Paralysis, Demon attacks & Spiritual warfare: Caller tells about a personal experience with a demons, & calling on the name of Jesus. He would like to know what Ephesians 6 has to do with this? [Ephesians 6:12]
2018-07-30 Miracles in Jesus Name: If you can do miracles in Jesus name it seems you are pretty close to doing God's will, so wouldn't He be the One doing that?
2018-07-26 Demon Phenomenon: A story about Demon Phenomenon, Is it normal to go through what he went through?
2018-07-18 Sleep Paralysis: I, too, like felt a Sleep Paralysis, felt a force leave me.
Baptizing in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Ghost The term God the Father , The Son & the Holy Spirit, to use for Baptism, is not even in the Septuagint.
2018-07-17 Demonic Pact & Its Ramifications: I made a demonic pact made when a youth, so what are the ramifications, does there need to be a special deliverance? [2 Corinthians 5:17]
Addiction: Struggle with Addiction a lot.
2018-07-17 Sleep Paralysis: Have you ever heard of sleep paralysis? What about anointing a room for protection? an ex-mormom wants to know
2018-05-22 Aliens being Demons: Are aliens & UFO's by any chance demons?
2018-05-08 Demon-Possession: Where did demons actually come from?
2018-04-18 Shamanism: What do you think about getting into Shamanism?
2018-04-11 Marian Apparitions: Marian apparitions & other supernatural phenomenon [Deuteronomy 13:1-3]
2018-01-29 Fallen Angels: Fallen angels like to deceive, & in the end times they are going to say that demons are aliens.
2017-11-29 The Scoffer: It says in this verse in Proverbs that if you get rid of the scoffer you'll get rid of contention, strife and reproach. So how do you get rid of the scoffer? [Proverbs 22:10, Proverbs 3:34]
2017-11-21 Exorcisms: Are exorcisms only performed by the Catholic Church or in all Protestant denominations as well?
2017-11-15 Dealing with Hauntings or Evil Spirits: I'm wondering what you think of hauntings or evil spirits? Caller shares a story.
2017-11-15 Ghost Hovering: A caller's daughter dating someone who appears to have a ghost hovering near them, do you think daughter is still in danger?
2017-10-26 Demonic Activity: Demonic activity has really been running rampant lately in this country, what can/should we do about it?
2017-09-20 Saul Receiving an Evil Spirit: Can God send an evil spirit or did is it just similar language like Romans 1, "gave them over"? [1 Samuel 16:14, Romans 1:28]
2017-09-12 Halloween: What is your view of Halloween?
2017-09-01 Eternal Security: Once saved always saved pretty much diminishes the whole point of following Jesus, being a Christian. You can just say a Sinner's Prayer & remain in sin because of supposed grace.
Demons or Extra-Terrestrial: Caller thought he was a Christian, but wants to know if he's being afflicted from demons or aliens.
2017-08-31 Johann Blumhardt: Blumhardt's Battle, a true demon-possession story, was that you I heard that from, & what was his name again?
2017-08-31 Extra-Terrestrial Activity or Demons: caller knows there's extra-terrestrial beings &/or demons
2017-08-03 Matthew 24 Being Fulfilled: Is reading a book by john l bray called, Matthew 24 fulfilled beneficial? Isn't he a full preterist?
Johann Blumhardt: Discussion about Johann Blumhardt & the exorcism he performed of a girl who was demon-possessed.
2017-07-21 Christians being Demon-Possessed: Can a Christian be demon-possessed?
2017-05-15 Demon Possession Story: A deemon possession story is shared.
2017-04-27 Demons being Changed: If the demons are chained up how can they be doing their work? [2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6]
2017-04-13 Reality of Demons: I just became a Christian, but my wife is Catholic & doesn't really believe in demons, & I'm trying to show her they are real.
2017-04-13 Spirits & Demons: (followup) to the catholic caller about spirits/demons
2017-04-05 Demons not being Fallen Angels: I heard that demons are not the fallen angels & I'd love your opinion on that. [1 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6]
2017-04-04 Paying Tithe: Going to Hell if you don't pay tithe, is that true?
Territorial Demons: The Prince of Persia preventing prayer, does that mean territorial demons? [Daniel 10]
2016-11-11 Demons: In the Bible, who or what are Demons? Where do they come from & are there still Demons today?
2016-11-11 Witchcraft, Wiccan: Why does this seem so prevalent nowadays?
Noises in House: Caller hears noises inside & outside her house? Are they demons?
2016-09-15 Demonic activity, Spiritual Warfare & Power of Suggestion: Demonic activity/Spiritual warfare: Can Steve please critique the caller's about how the power of suggestion? [Hebrew 4:12, 2 Timothy 2:6]
2016-09-14 Demonic Presence: Could Steve please share the specific cases of demonic activity in houses he lived in, asked because of an answer he gave the day before.
2016-09-13 Spiritual Warfare, Demonic Territories & Inanimate Objects: Do demons only possess human or real estate & inanimate objects as well?
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