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Topic: King James Bible

Showing 51 to 95 of 95.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-05-04 Confessing the Lord's Prayer & Saying Sinner's Prayer: Is confessing the Lord & saying the sinner's prayer enough to be saved? [Romans 10:8-11]
KJV Translation of the Bible: Is the King James Version the best translation?
2017-04-12 King James Version of the Bible: The King James Version (KJV) translation the best version?
Agape, Agape, Phileo Me: When Jesus was asking Peter if He loved Him, it was different the 3rd time?
2017-01-10 Lion lying down with the Lamb: The lion lying down w/ the lamb, was the King James Bible supernaturally changed because it doesn't say that anymore! [Isaiah 11:8, Isaiah 65:25]
2016-11-10 Geneva Bible: What does Steve know about the Geneva Bible?
KJV of the Bible: Is it true that King James said how it certain words could be translated in the King James Bible?
2016-08-24 KJV only People: What do you think about people who only believe in the "KJV only"?
2016-07-18 King James Version of the Bible, but older Texts: So there are older texts that were discovered after the King James Version of the Bible was written?
2016-07-07 KJV only: Caller thinks the KJV is the only way to go, that there's missing verses from the NIV. (very bad quality audio.)
The EVS by Calvinists: Was the ESV written by Calvinists?
Calvinistic Teachers: Should we listen to teachers who believe in Calvinism?
2016-07-07 KJV only: Caller thinks the KJV is the only way to go, that there's missing verses from the NIV. (very bad quality audio.)
The EVS by Calvinists: Was the ESV written by Calvinists?
Calvinistic Teachers: Should we listen to teachers who believe in Calvinism?
2016-07-07 KJV Only Issue: You said there is no scripture to KJV only mindset, shouldn’t we only have ONE translation? He says he gets confused with all the other translations. He thinks we need to have moderation. [2 Peter 1, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14]
2016-07-06 KJV Only People: The King James Version only people, why do they even think that, how does it even happen & why is it incorrect to believe?
2016-03-07 Jesus Coming or Going: Did Jesus say He wasn't going, or wasn't going yet? It seems to be saying contradictory things depending on which translation of the Bible you are using. [John 6:6-9]
Septuagint: What can you tell me about the Septuagint Bible? (A Bible that was translated to Greek the Hebrew language of the Old Testament.)
2016-01-15 Angel of the Lord: "The angel of the Lord", what does this mean? [Psalm 34:7]
The Nicean Council: What was the main reason for the Nicean Council?
Authorized KJV: Why is the KJV called the "authorized" version?
2015-12-23 Flat Earth: Followup about Christians who believe in the flat earth, & the earth is the center of the universe & KJV only believers.
2015-12-18 KJV only Advocates: KJV advocates say that if people read the King James Version of the Bible, & struggles to understand it, it means they are not saved because "My sheep hear my voice" & understand it.
Most loved verse of the Bible misunderstood: God only loves those who love Him, & we shouldn't preach the gospel of love to unbelievers. [John 3:16]
2015-11-04 Modern Bibles & exercise: The KJV seems to be downplaying the importance of physical exercise, but the modern translations seem to be making it more important than it's supposed to be. What do you think? [1 Timothy 4:8]
2015-10-07 Yahweh, the Father, the Son, & the Trinity: Discussion about the Name Yahweh for God.
KJV Translators & Colossians: Why did the KJV translators translate Colossians 1:16 incorrectly?
2015-10-02 Desires of the Flesh: The usage of the word "flesh" seems to be a little contradictory in the way it's used in certain parts of the Bible, such as in Galatians it says the flesh & the Spirit are opposed to each other, in Ezekiel it says God will give us a fleshly heart, & in Ephesians it says we aren't even at war w/ our flesh. Can you explain these apparent contradictions? [Galatians 5:17, Ezekiel 26:36, Ephesians 6:12, Romans 7]
KJV-Only People: Can you please talk about the KJV-only people, that only the KJV should be used, that if you are not reading the KJV you aren't really reading the Bible at all?
2015-10-02 KJV Translation: Is the King James translation the best to use for the simple reason that it's not copyrighted?
Dynamic Equivaltents: With Dynamic Translations, they can just translate it into what they THINK it means.
2015-09-24 KJV of the Bible: Are there errors in the KJV of the Bible?
Women Preachers: What is your position on women preachers/ordination? (never gets a chance to answer this Q however)
2015-07-14 KJV Only Movement: Modern Translations are from a corrupt manuscript, has Steve heard anything about this?
2015-07-06 Symbolism-A Day=1,000 Years: What do you think of the idea that 6 days represents 6,000 years and the millennium introducing rest?
KJV-Only Advocate: The caller is a KJV-Only Advocate but thinks you also have to pick the right year. Most say the 1611 is, but he contends the 1769 is the BEST year & translation.
2015-06-25 1 & 2 Maccabees: Did the Maccabees books used to be in the Bible & they took them out & if they did, why did they take them out? Was the time period for the Maccabees about the abomination of desolation in Daniel?
KJV Only People: How do KJV only people deal w/ the fact that the Maccabees books used to be in the KJV? There were several different versions of the KJV!
2015-05-08 Missing Bible Verses: Why is [Acts 8:37] missing out of the Modern Translations of the Bible?
2014-12-24 KJV vs NKJV: In the KJV it says, "The love of money is the root of ALL evil", but in the NKJV it says, The love of money is the root of ALL SORTS of evil. Which one is correct? [1 Timothy 6:10]
2014-12-09 KJV differences: Another KJV advocate caller trying to back up another KJV advocate who had been calling recently, saying that there wasn't many changes.
2014-11-26 KJV Translation of the Bible: My brother stands by the KJV only, that it's the most perfect Bible out there. What do you think about that?
2014-11-20 KJV Translators: So the KJV Translators said the King James Bible might not be perfect?
2014-11-19 KJV-Only Rebuttal: We don't have to depend on the scholars to translate the Greek & Hebrew correctly. For one thing, Augustine never knew Greek or Hebrew. For another, you can read a variety of Translations & get a pretty good idea of what is being said, are the opinions of the caller.
2014-11-18 Newly Published Bibles (KJV only Advocate): How can we compare new Bibles to the Greek when most people can't read Greek?
2014-10-30 Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth: There are so many Bibles out there, how do we know which Bible is correct when comparing them w/ the KJV of the Bible? [2 Timothy 2:15]
2014-10-15 Dead Sea Scrolls & the KJV Bible: Did the KJV Bible come from the Dead Sea Scrolls?
2014-09-23 Taking Words out of Prophecy & Alpha & Omega: "I am Alpha & Omega, the beginning & the end." Modern Bibles have taken those words out of Revelation. Is there a good reason why this can be done? [Revelation 22:18-19, 1:10-11]
2014-04-01 KJV & NIV: The NIV makes things clearer than the KJV sometimes (in reference to another call).
Spiritualizing Scripture: When's it okay or not okay to Spiritualize or Allegorize Scripture?
2014-02-19 A Good Bible Translation: Caller wants an excellent modern translation of the Bible that's easy to understand,
Concordances: He also wants to know about Concordances.
NKJV: Is the New King James Version translated from a good Greek text?
2013-12-09 King James Bible: Caller wouldn't recommned the KJV of the Bible because there are too many errors in it.
2013-11-12 God Creating Good & Evil: Can you talk about God creating both good & evil? [Isaiah 45:7]
Teaching from the KJV: Is teaching out of the King James Version of the Bible okay?
2013-11-06 Ryrie Study Bible: What do you think about the Ryrie Study Bible?
Lordship Salvation: Steve points out that the one main thing he disagrees with Ryrie on is that he doesn't believe in "Lordship Salvation" & talks a little bit about that.
2013-11-04 Textus Receptus & the KJV Bible: Caller was finding some minor contradictions of different versions of the BIble & was wondering where the textus receptus came from, & he had a friend that said the KJV was the only correct Bible Translation.
2013-08-21 Geneva Bible & the KJV Bible: Can you talk about the Geneva Bible? I read in National Geographic that the King James Bible was made to replace it & make it compatible with the Royalty in England.
2013-06-11 Steve's Denomination: Does Steve belong to a certain denomination?
King James Version only: Caller promotes the King James Version of the Bible, expressing that you can't have the rebirth experience without the KJV bible.
Hell-Steve's View: What is Steve's current view of Hell?
2013-06-11 King James Only: Caller is following up with a call from a "King James Only" advocate, trying to explain how ridiculous the idea is!
2013-06-11 The Poetry of the KJV: Caller thinks people like the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible because of its poetry.
2013-05-06 King James Bible: How was the King James Bible constructed? Why were the books limited to 66? What is wrong with the Catholic books (Apocrypha) that they are not included?
2013-04-11 Speaking in Tongues & Interpretation: What do you think about the interpretation of tongues speaking in churches are always 6th century King James old English?
2013-04-08 King James Version of the Bible: Were there 80 books, instead of the current 66, in the original King James Bible?
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