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Topic: Soul(s)

Showing 51 to 100 of 132.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-10-14 The Notion of the "Body of Christ": How does our notion of the "body of Christ" parallel to other groups idea of our souls are part & parcel with God? [I Corinthians 12].
2020-10-06 Are the Dead Immediately with the Lord Upon Death: Where is your deceased wife? [2 Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 1, I Corinthians 15, I Thessalonians 4:15].
2020-09-30 Judas' Repentance: Do you think that had Judas repented, he would've been forgiven?
Mind, Consciousness, Spirit: Do you think that the mind or consciousness is the same as our spirit? [Hebrews 4:12].
2020-08-12 Soul at the Time of Conception: Do we have a soul at the time of conception?
Baptism Requirement for Salvation: What do you think of those that indicate that just believing is sufficient for salvation, and do not mention baptism? [Acts 8].
2020-08-12 Animals Created from Dust of the Earth: Is it possible that God created the animals in the same way that Adam was created - out of the dust of the earth? [Genesis 2:18, Genesis 3].
2020-08-12 Soul Sleep & Rachel: Is the story of Rachel's death, helpful in disproving soul sleep? [Genesis 35:18].
Hell's Location: Is the story of Korah the earth swallowing him helpful to understand the location of hell? [Numbers 16:32].
2020-08-10 Cleansing One's House: What do you think about removing things from your house to cleanse it from the demonic?
Soul Ties: Could you talk about "soul ties"?
2020-08-05 Immortal Souls: Does Genesis 3 have any bearing on the question of human and their immortal soul? [Genesis 3:22-24, I Timothy 6:16].
2020-08-04 Eternal Living Soul in Man: What does the Bible say about the eternal or immortal living soul in man? [Genesis 2:7, Psalm 103:1, Luke 16:19-31, I Peter 3:20, Hebrews 4:12, 2 Corinthians 5:8, I Timothy 6:16, John 3:16, I John 5:11-12].
2020-07-23 Abortion and the Beginning of Life: When do you think life begins? What do you think about abortion? [Leviticus 17:11].
2020-07-21 Satan Impersonates Dead People: Are these not verses that support the idea that Satan will come back and impersonate dead people? [2 Corinthians 11:14-15, I Samuel 28:13-29].
Soul Sleep: How do we differentiate between the way other religions talk about spirit life, if we, as Christians, believe that we go to heaven to live after death instead of into a soul sleep?
2020-07-14 Josiah and Soul Sleep: Did God put Josiah to sleep so he would not see the terrible things that happened? [2 Kings 22:20].
2020-07-06 Soul Sleep: Is this verse in John a good argument against "soul sleep"? [John 8:56, Genesis 18:1].
2020-06-16 Heaven or Hell Upon Death: What happens in the intermediate state? Do we go directly to heaven or hell when we die? [2 Corinthians 5:8, Luke 16:19-31, John 5:28-29, Revelation 20:14-15, John 3:16, Ecclesiastes 9:5].
2020-06-05 Humans Have Immortal Souls: I am doing a Bible Study by Max Anders, and he makes a statement that we have an immortal soul. Should I bring that into the study?. [I Timothy 6:16].
Fall of Man or Adam: When it is often referred to as the "Fall of Man", isn't it actually "The Fall of Adam"?
2020-05-29 Soul, Spirit, Heaven: Could you clarify what happens to the soul, if the spirit goes to heaven? [2 Corinthians 4:16].
2020-04-06 Upon Death - Asleep or With the Lord: Could you share your view on the contrast between "absent from the body, present with the Lord" and the idea that we sleep? [2 Corinthians 5:6,8, 12::2-3].
2020-03-04 Pre-existence or Premortality of the Human Being: Could you help me understand Jeremiah 1:5, and in what way God knew us, or our souls, before?
2020-02-26 Soul vs Spirit: What is the difference between your soul and your spirit? [I Corinthians 14, Romans 8].
2019-12-31 Soul & Spirit: What is the difference between the soul and the spirit? [Ecclesiastes 12:7].
Between Death & Judgment: What happens between death and the final judgment? [Luke 16:19-31, John 5:46, 2 Corinthians 5:8].
2019-04-08 Eternity (Heaven, New Earth): Where will we spend eternity? Where does the soul go when one dies? Where will Jesus be? Do we still get to go to heaven, even though there will be a new earth?
2019-03-25 Ashes on Foreheads: What do you think about people putting ash on the forehead for Lent? Is it OK?
After death: What happens after death to the believer & unbeliever?
Soul & Spirit: What is the difference between spirit & soul?
2019-02-20 Near Death Experiences: Why do some people who die sometimes linger and then come back to life (near death experiences)?
2019-02-06 Death: What happens to us after we die? Are we in the presence of God? Are we asleep, unconscious? Jesus told the thief on the cross that he'd be w/ Him in Paradise that day, but a verse in Ecclesiastes says the dead know not anything. [Luke 23:43, Ecclesiastes 9:5]
2019-01-16 Immediately After Death: Where do we go immediately after we die? Do we sleep? [2 Corinthians 5:8, 12:1-4].
2019-01-14 Soul, Spirit, Holy Spirit: Are spirit and soul separate? Could The Holy Spirit be our spirit?
2018-12-27 Soul, Spirit, & the Breath of Life: Can you define the soul, spirit & the breath of life, is there a distinction between the 3?
2018-09-13 My Parents stopping having Children before Me: If my parents had stopped having children before I was born, would I have possibly been born somewhere else?
Aborted Babies: Do aborted babies have souls?
2018-08-01 Seventh Day Adventist & Soul Sleep: Seventh Day Adventists say that we are going to be asleep until the resurrection or the 2nd coming of Christ. going to be in heaven forever?
Heaven for Eternity: Are we going to be in Heaven for eternity?
2018-07-06 Holding Cell for the Wicked Dead: Where do the wicked go after they die, some type of holding cell?
2018-06-11 Eternal Soul: A Jehovah's Witness told me our souls are not immortal. I tried to find it in the Bible that they were, but I can not. Where does it say it in there?
Gold Streets in Heaven: They also told me that it doesn't say anywhere in the Bible that the streets in Heaven are made of Gold either. Is that true? [Revelation 21:21]
2018-06-11 Eternal Soul: Jesus talks about a body & soul in Matthew. [Matthew 10:28]
2018-03-26 Soul, Spirit & Body: I've been being taught that our soul/spirit & body are all one unit, all part of the same thing. What do you think?
Resurrected Bodies: What are our resurrected bodies going to be like? Are Jesus' scars from His hand & side going to be gone?
2018-02-21 State of the Dead: What is your personal view of the state of the dead?
2018-02-21 Soul & Spirit: Is there a difference between "soul" & "spirit"?
2018-02-09 Consciousness when Absent from the Body: Is your understanding that when someone dies they are conscious? Discussion of body that decomposes getting resurrected.
2018-01-22 Speaking to Dead Loved Ones: We shouldn't be attempting to speaking to our dead spouse, should we? [Leviticus 19:31, Isaiah 8:19]
2017-12-19 Celebrating Halloween & other Pagan Holidays: What about Christians taking pagan holidays & turning them toward Christ, holidays such as Halloween & Christmas?
Good Teachers: Did you say we don't need Teachers?
Birth Control: A discussion about Birth Control ensues.
2017-10-13 Praying for the Souls of the Dead: Praying for the souls that dead? [1 John 5:16-17]
2017-09-29 Worshipping supernatural or famous things: Bronze serpent, the lady touching the hem of Jesus' garment. People think they can have supernatural experiences by touching or worshipping relics or artifacts, people having wishing thinking.
Talking to the Dead: Are there any examples of talking to dead saints & other dead people? [1 Samuel 28]
2017-09-01 Immortality: Are we immortal when we are born?
2017-08-28 Life After Death: What happens immediately upon death, soul sleep?
Hallucination from drug use: Drug user still experiencing hallucinations, wondering how God views this.
2017-08-11 Buddhism & Reincarnation: Is not the resurrection a form of reincarnation?
2017-08-01 No Afterlife mentioned in the OT: People of the OT didn't believe in life after death?
2017-08-01 After Death: Where do you go after you die?
Dismembering a Body: Why did the husband dismember one of his concubines body & send it to different places after she was gang-raped & killed? [Judges 19:24]
2017-07-10 Best of Programs: Caller really likes the "Best Of" programs, because they really are the best of the questions!
Immortality of Soul: Most people believe in the inherent immortality of the soul, so what scriptures are there for only having a mortal soul?
2017-06-29 State of the Dead: What state are the dead in on the Last Day? Where is the spirit between when they die & the last day [John 6:40, John 11:44, 2 Corinthians 12:2-4]
2017-02-27 Adam & Eve: what happened to Adam & Eve? Did they repent?
Soul & Spirit & Death: What's the difference between the soul & the spirit? What happens after you die?
Mormonism: What do you think of Mormons?
2016-07-28 Soul & Spirit: Caller makes an analogy soul & spirit comment
2016-07-15 Soul, Spirit & the Heart: Are the Soul, Spirit & Heart all the same?
Satan Reading our Mind: Does Satan know our inner thoughts?
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