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Topic: Church (Early & Fathers)

Showing 51 to 100 of 137.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-01-25 Apostle John: Could you help me fill in some missing information and gaps in his history of the apostle John?
2020-12-01 The Millennium & Partial-Peterism: Are we in the millennium now? And how does that relate to Partial-Preterism? Recommended lecture by Steve Gregg; When Shall These Things Be?
2020-11-04 Drifting Away of the Church: What factors may have affected the drifting away of one church over the other (as with the Galatians and Thessalonians) in scripture? [Acts 14, Acts 17, I Thessalonians 1:9].
Elders in an Immature Church: Was Paul going against his own advice when he appointed elders in the immature church in Acts 14? [Acts 14:23].
2020-11-04 Drifting Away of the Church: What factors may have affected the drifting away of one church over the other (as with the Galatians and Thessalonians) in scripture? [Acts 14, Acts 17, I Thessalonians 1:9].
Elders in an Immature Church: Was Paul going against his own advice when he appointed elders in the immature church in Acts 14? [Acts 14:23].
2020-09-25 Apostolic Succession: Would you talk about Catholic "apostolic succession" and the early church fathers? [Acts 12].
2020-09-21 Early Christians Worshipped at the Temple: Can you clarify what you meant when you have said that some of the early Christians still worshipped at the temple? [Acts 21:23-24].
2020-09-11 Mindset of the Early Church about "the Last Days": What was the mindset of the early church regarding the "last days"? [2 Timothy 3:1-9, Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17].
2020-09-11 The Holy Spirit & Oil: Is there a connection between the Holy Spirit and oil, or is there an inappropriate conflation of the two? [Zechariah 4:6, John 7:37-39].
Books on Church History: Do you have any particular recommendations of primary books on church history?
2020-09-08 Andrew of Caesarea: Are you familiar with Andrew (Andreas) of Caesarea's commentary from 1614 and did you figure out what his view of Revelation was? [Revelatioin 13].
2020-08-07 Book on the Antichrist: Caller gives the name of a book by a church father, Hippolytus, on the antichrist (Hippolytus - "On Christ and Antichrist").
2020-07-02 Geneaology of Jesus: Could you help me understand the geneaology of Jesus that seems to be traced through Joseph? [Matthew 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-38].
2020-06-22 Believing in God-Without Doubt: Should we not know that God is real with every fiber of our being, rather than related to the saying, "I would rather live as if there is a God and be wrong ..."?
The Value of the Church Fathers: Why are the church fathers important to us, since we are all fallible?
2020-06-12 Date of Writing of Revelation: Regarding the writing of Revelation, isn't most of the evidence for the early date internal, and the later date external? [Revelation 13:18].
2020-05-29 Hell: Could you talk about the concept of hell, particularly the unacceptable idea of "eternal torment"? [John 3:16].
2020-05-21 Augustine & Calvinism: Did you say that Augustine was the father of Calvinism?
Calvinism Origins & Manichaeism: What is Manichaeism?
Calvinism, Church Fathers, Alternate Views: Did the church fathers that introduced Calvinism have any opposition?
2020-05-21 Augustine & Calvinism: Did you say that Augustine was the father of Calvinism?
Calvinism Origins & Manichaeism: What is Manichaeism?
Calvinism, Church Fathers, Alternate Views: Did the church fathers that introduced Calvinism have any opposition?
2020-03-26 Authority to the Popes to the Apostles: Do the popes have the authority of "binding and loosing" that Jesus promised to the apostles? [Matthew 16:19, 18:18, 2 Corinthians 8:23].
Mary & the Saints Perfected in Righteousness: Relative to the Catholic claim that Mary and the saints are prefected in righteousness, are we not already prefected in righteouseness in Christ? [3 John].
2020-03-26 Authority to the Popes to the Apostles: Do the popes have the authority of "binding and loosing" that Jesus promised to the apostles? [Matthew 16:19, 18:18, 2 Corinthians 8:23].
Mary & the Saints Perfected in Righteousness: Relative to the Catholic claim that Mary and the saints are prefected in righteousness, are we not already prefected in righteouseness in Christ? [3 John].
2020-03-26 Church after the Book of Acts: What happened to the church after the book of Acts? [Matthew 20:26].
2020-02-20 Apostle John's Life: Can you recommend a source that would tell us about what happened to the Apostle John as he lived out his life?
2020-01-16 Book of Mark: Is the book of Mark, actually recollections of Peter, or was it really written by John Mark?
"Q" (Quelle) Source: What do you think of the hypothetical "Q" source?
Early Church-Pre-Millennial: Why do you think that many of the early church fathers were pre-millennial?
2020-01-07 Early Church Variations & Denominational Splits: Would you clarify the denominational splits in the early church and how it has affected our contemporary Christian faith today?
2019-09-04 Church Father's Writing: What church father's materials should I be reading? [Didache, Clement of Rome, Epistle of Barnabas, Shepherd of Hermas, Letter to Diognitus, Ignatius of Antioch, Justin Martyr].
The Holy Spirit (Having, Filled, Baptism): What is the difference between having the Holy Spirit and being baptized in the Holy Spirit? Are you filled once, or many times? [Acts 1:5, 2:4, 4, 8, 19, Ephesians 5].
2019-08-16 Marriage in Heaven: Do you know if the church fathers, Eusebius or Clement, thought that there would be marriage in heaven, regardless of what Jesus taught? [Matthew 22:30].
2019-03-28 Origen: Did the church father, Origen, have access to the New Testament scriptures? What would you recommend of his books?
2019-03-14 Crucifixion Discrepancies: How do you resolve the apparent discrepancies regarding the time of the crucifixion of Jesus? [Mark 15:25, John 19:14].
Church Fathers: What are good sources for reading the church fathers?
Writing of Revelation date evidence: Is there evidence that Revelation was written after 70 AD?
2019-02-21 Early Manuscripts: Early manuscripts of the Bible comment.
Eusebius: Why don't you quote Eusebius who believes the same as you, as far as eschatology? 21, 6, 2,
2019-01-31 Palestinians: What is your view of the Palestinians in regard to Israel?
Church Fathers: You like to cite the church father a lot, except when it comes to the Eucharist. Why is that?
2019-01-15 Trinity: Were the church fathers destroying manuscripts that might possibly compromise of our idea of the Trinity? [1 John 5:7].
2018-12-19 The 4 Gospels: The origins of the gospels, I heard that they were written anonymously.
Church Fathers: A discussion about the Church Fathers ensues.
2018-10-19 Dispensationalists: Dispensationalists trying to pull scripture to support the millennial sacrificial system
Mllennium: Did you say some church fathers also were premillennial?
2018-09-05 David Baxter: Have you ever debated Ervin Baxter about eschatology?
Church Fathers: Do you have any books you recommend, especially re: the church fathers?
2018-04-02 Church Fathers & Becoming gods: What is your thought on what a Mormon told me, saying that even the Church Fathers said that we can become as gods like the Mormons believe, "as God is man can become, as man is God once was"? (THIS CALL IS CARRIED ON PAST THE BREAK EVEN THOUGH IT SEEMS LIKE STEVE ENDED IT IN THE FIRST HALF.)
Baptists What are the main differences between Baptists & Presbyterians?
2018-02-27 Curse on Ham's Son Canaan: Irenaeus quotes passage from Genesis where Canaan is cursed and says Ham instead.
2018-01-12 Nicolaitans: Why exactly did Jesus hate the Nicolaitans? Who were they & what were their bad deeds?
2017-11-01 Institutional Church & the Early Churches: Modern institutional churches is in complete contrast to the apostolic or early church of the 1st century. [Hebrews 10:25]
Grounds for Divorce & Remarriage Discussion: God's view of marriage & faithfulness, but you can get a divorce if there's any impurity, like if your spouse is or becomes an alcoholic.
2017-10-16 Church Father's belief of End Times: What were the Church Father's view of end times & millennium?
2017-09-14 Cremation or Buried in Coffin: Is cremation acceptable or is it better to be buried?
Church Fathers & their Doctrine: Did the Church Fathers influence a lot of their doctrines & traditions in the church?
2017-09-12 Apostolic Traditions Not Found in BIble: Is there anything from the church father's that talks about doctrines that the apostles believed that's not in scripture?
2017-08-29 Institutional Church: Caller would like to weigh in on why Christians are leaving the Institutional churches in droves lately.
2017-08-16 Success in Evangelizing: I would love to evangelize, but it doesn't seem as effective anymore as it was in the earlier centuries.
2017-07-28 Denominations: Are denominations just possibly being an immaturity of people who choose to be divided in certain things. Is there examples of that happening the early church?
2017-07-10 Jesus' Ransom (Atonement) Involving the Atonement, who was Jesus paying the ransom to? I heard the early church thought Satan.
2017-05-18 Building the Church: "upon this rock I will build this church", is this an ongoing thing or something that hasn't been fulfilled yet?
Unity of Faith in the Church: Has Jesus' prayer been answered yet that the church would become unified as one to glorify God?
2017-02-07 Apostolic Doctrine: Apostolic Doctrine related to Calvinisn & Arminianism
2016-09-16 Arguing People into Truth: Can you debate/argue people into the faith? What about loving/fellowshipping with people who are not Christian but other religions?
Church, Ecclesia & English Definition: What is the English definition of "church"? Isn't it in contrast to the Ecclesia derfinition which means "assembly", "a gathering" of people?
2016-07-21 Christian Church Established: When did the church begin> At Pentecost? [Matthew 16, Matthew 18, Acts 2]
2016-07-20 Ignatius' & Calvinism: There's a discussion going on that there was no Calvinism before Augustine & none of the church fathers did, but Calvinists try to say that Ignatius' writings indicated that he did.
2016-06-30 Lord's Supper During Apostolic Times: When they had the Lord's Supper during the early church did they eat the bread first, an entire meal, & then drink the cup, or just how did they do it?
2016-04-28 Women being Silent in the Church: Could you talk a little bit about women being silent in the church & ask your husband at home? [1 Corinthians 14, 1 Timothy 2, 1 Timothy 3]
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