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Topic: Restoration

Showing 51 to 100 of 115.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-05-17 Old Testament Concept of "The Messiah": Did Old Testament Jews see "The Messiah" as the savior, or did they have more of a political view? [Luke 2:38, Micah 7:19, Matthew 1:21, Isaiah 53:6, John 8:32-34].
2021-05-11 Forgiveness of Others & From God: Could you talk about the dynamics and conditions of our responsibility to forgive others and God's forgiveness of us? [Mark 11:25, Luke 17:3, Matthew 18:16, 2 Corinthians 5:19, I John 1:9, Jeremiah 17:5, Psalm 146:3-7, Luke 6:28, Matthew 5:44].
2021-05-03 Church Discipline is Unloving: Isn't church discipline unkind and unloving to execute in today's Christian culture? [I Corinthians 5, 2 Thessalonians 3, Romans 16, I Corinthians 11, Revelation 2].
2020-12-31 Eastern & Coptic Churches View of Eternal Torment in Hell: Where does the Coptic or Eastern churches stand on the issue of eternal torment view of hell?
2020-10-26 Eternal Punishment in Hell: If you are familiar with the atheists called "the four horseman" (Dawkins, Hitchens, Dennett, Harris), isn't their argument against hell and it's implied eternal torment and punishment, actually impotent in light of the various views of hell? [Genesis 2:17].
2020-10-06 Clarification on Salvation for the Muslim: Caller makes some observations about the Muslim (Islam) faith and asks for Steve's clarification about salvation for the those in Islam.
2020-09-29 Is Hell Eternal Torment?: Do you think that Hell is eternal torment? [Matthew 5:22].
2020-09-09 Modern Israel & Demonic Rejection of Christ: Could the Jewish people rejecting Christ parallel the verse about the demons coming back in force once the exorcized did not fill themselves back up with Christ? [Matthew 12:45, Luke 11:26, Matthew 23].
2020-08-21 Forgiven for All, Then Why Judgment: If we are forgiven of all our sins, past, present, and future, then why would we have to stand before the Great White Throne of Judgment? [I John 1:7-9, Romans 6:15].
The Lord's Prayer Once a Week for Forgiveness: If you say The Lord's Prayer once a week, it that enough cover the sins you have committed during the week? [1 John 1:7].
2020-08-11 Why Was Israel Chosen: Why did God choose Israel to bring about New Testament restoration?
"Already, Not Yet" Hermeneutic: I don't understand the "already, not yet" hermeneutic in Progressive Dispensational thinking?
2020-08-11 Prayer for Restoration and Revival: Caller encourages prayer for restoration and revival.
2020-07-13 "Day Off" for Jesus & the Prophets: Did Jesus or the prophets ever take a "day off"?
Jesus at Capernaum: When Jesus was waiting at Capernaum, was it a time for rest and relaxation, or was He waiting for a specific timing?
Prophet (Elijah) Rest and Depression: Was the prophet, Elijah, who struggled with depression, needing "time off"?
2020-07-13 "Day Off" for Jesus & the Prophets: Did Jesus or the prophets ever take a "day off"?
Jesus at Capernaum: When Jesus was waiting at Capernaum, was it a time for rest and relaxation, or was He waiting for a specific timing?
Prophet (Elijah) Rest and Depression: Was the prophet, Elijah, who struggled with depression, needing "time off"?
2020-07-13 "Day Off" for Jesus & the Prophets: Did Jesus or the prophets ever take a "day off"?
Jesus at Capernaum: When Jesus was waiting at Capernaum, was it a time for rest and relaxation, or was He waiting for a specific timing?
Prophet (Elijah) Rest and Depression: Was the prophet, Elijah, who struggled with depression, needing "time off"?
2020-06-19 New Testament Parallel to Hosea: Is there a New Testament verse that parallels to and explains Hosea 5? [Hosea 5:14-15, Ezekiel 37, Luke 21:20-22].
Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord: Doesn't this verse parallel Hosea 5, and therefore predict that the Jews will turn back to Christ? Matthew 23:39? [ Hosea 5:14-15, Matthew 23:39, Matthew 6, Zechariah 14].
2020-06-16 Lake of Fire: What kind of bodies do the unrighteous have when they are cast into the Lake of Fire? [Revelation 20:14-15, Luke 12:48].
2020-06-11 Return to Earth: In the book "The Last Hour" by Amir Tsarfati, the author says we will return to earth, could you talk about that? [Genesis 3, Revelation 5:10, 2 Timothy 2, Psalm 2:8].
2020-06-03 Forgiveness Required: In light of the scripture that requires that we are to be forgiving, what does it look like to forgive in a variety of situations-great to small? [Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 18:15-17, Luke 23:34].
2020-05-20 Devastating Events-Though God Promises Good: Can you help me understand how to apply the promise for good from Romans in my devastating circumstances, including my divorce and son's suicide? [Romans 8:28].
2020-05-04 Hell-Conditional Immortality: Does your understanding of the Conditional Immortality allow for only a brief period of suffering?
Hell-Conditional Immortality & Universal Reconciliation (Restoration): How does the view of Conditional Immortality align or differ from the Universal Reconciliation (Restoration} view in regard to the punishment?
2020-04-01 Baptism Requirements: Would you comment on a church that requires re-baptism in their own church with their stipulations on how to do so? [Acts 2:38, Acts 3:19-31, I Peter 3:20].
2020-01-13 Confession of Sin: Do you think that you need to confess your sin to another person instead of just to God? [I John 1:7, 9, Matthew 5:23].
2019-09-16 Impossible to Renew to Repentance: Would you talk about Christians falling away and whether than can be restored to faith? [Hebrews 6:1-6, 3:12, Matthew 19:24, James 5:20].
2019-09-06 Transgenders: How do we treat transgenders?
Fallen Away-Come Back: Can a believer who had fallen away, still come back to the Lord? [Hebrew 6:4-6, 10:26].
2019-09-06 Restoration View of Hell: On the restoration view of hell, what does God do with Satan and the fallen angels?
2018-08-22 God Restoring Israel: Restoration of Israel & the Jewish nation, God forgiving & then condemning multiple times, is God really that indecisive? [Nehemiah 21]
2018-07-10 Hell-Universal Reconciliationism: What are your views about Universal Reconciliationism (what the caller calls, "restorationism")?
2016-11-23 Restoration of Israel: Doesn't it say in Amos that Israel is going to be restored? [Amos 9:11, Acts 15:14-17]
2016-10-05 Hell-Universalism: Doesn't Matthew 7:13 dispel Universalism? [Matthew 7:13]
2016-09-20 Restoration of Israel: Caller disagrees with Steve about the Kingdom of God being restored right now, but that it's talking about ethnic Israel in the future. [Acts 1:6]
2016-09-14 Restorarion of All Things: What is Steve's understanding of "Restoration of all things"? [Acts 3:18-24]
2016-08-15 Hell-Universal restoration: Caller believes in the 2nd chance doctrine once they are in hell, & so what is hell & who goes there & how long is it going to last? (Steve's answer cuts out a lot, like not a good internet connection.)
2016-08-05 Antinatalism (No Procreation): Should parents have children if they can't guarantee that they won't suffer?
Children Going to Hell: What if you run the risk of children burning for eternity in hell?
God Irresponsible: Does it possibly make God irresponsible by letting children being born who are going to burn in hell for eternity?
2016-07-15 Questioning the Traditional View of Hell: I've read your book on "all you want to know about hell, 3 Christian views" & am an annhilationist myself, but what is your official viewf? Revelation 20:14]
2016-07-14 Restoration of all things by John the Baptist: Was John the Baptist the fulfillment of Elijah, & what did he mean by the restoration of all things? [Malachi 4:5-6]
2016-07-11 Tribes of Judah & Benjamin: restoration of the 10 tribes from babylonian captivity, and the tribe of judah & benjamin will be fulfilled, according to caller's friend. Can Steve explain why it's not so? [Ezekiel 37]
2016-06-27 The Fig Tree Budding-Restoration of Israel: hat is your position on the fig tree budding oossibly representing the coming of the Nation of Israel? [Matthew 24:32]
2016-06-27 Jesus asking Peter 3 Times if he Loved Him: Why was Jesus making such a big deal of asking Peter 3 times if he loved Him?
Day-Age Theory: Is the day-age theory biblical?
2016-06-17 Replacement Theology-Kingdom being Restored: This can't be the church because it has never fallen down [Acts 3:21 sic (Acts 1:6 actually), Acts 15:16, Amos 9]
2016-06-10 Immortality of the Soul: How does each view of hell view mmortality of the soul? The annihilatist view, the unversal restoration view & the traditional view of Eternal Torment. [Romans 2:7, John 3:16]
2016-03-15 Godly Forgiveness: (caller from second to last question is back also) What does Godly forgiveness look like? [John 20:23]
Forgiving other People: What about forgiving people & reconciling with them?
2015-05-11 Christians who are in Sin: How do we deal in a Christ-like matter those who claim Christianity but who are living in sin? [Galatians 6:1, Matthew 18:15-20]
2015-03-24 Disagree about Restoration of Israel: The "Remnant" of Israel & then a restoration of Israel. [Romans 11]
2014-10-08 Church Fathers & Restoration of Israel: You had a caller say that some Church Fathers believed in the Restoration of Israel, then another caller called & gave you some citations. Did you ever have a chance to look at them?
One left, One taken: You wrote an article for CRI (Christian Research Institute) once about One left & one taken. I couldn't find the article. Do you know where I could find it?
2014-07-03 Sun going dark & moon turning to blood: In Revelation, what is your opinion of the Sun going dark & the sun turning to blood? [Revelation 6:9, Isaiah 13:9. Ezekiel 32:7]
Meteorology: So it has nothing to do w/ real Meteorology then?
Earth being Fired w/ a fervent heat: So is the earth literally going to be burned up or just restored? [2 peter 3:10]
2014-06-30 Being Redeemed from the Depths of Hell: Can you expound on the people who will never be redeemed because of the clutches of evil they found themselves in?
2014-05-06 Future Restoration of Israel - the Mystery of Paul: "In Christ, all things are fulfilled." That statement just seems too simplistic to me. Paul talks about it being a "mystery". He seems to think that Ethnic Israel will be re-attached. So what are your thoughts on what Paul is talking about here in this passage of Scripture? [Romans 11:11-16, 26-29] (Editor's Note: I put the exact same question from the day before because Steve was answering from the exact same question.)
2014-05-05 Future Restoration of Israel: "In Christ, all things are fulfilled." That statement just seems too simplistic to me. Paul talks about it being a "mystery". Paul seems to think that Ethnic Israel will be re-attached. So what are your thoughts on what Paul is talking about here in this passage of Scripture? [[Romans 11:11-15, 26-29] (Steve got cutoff there.)
2014-02-21 Innocence Restored: Michael the Buddhist discusses about humanity going back to innocence/restoration after the Fall.
Bible Translated many Times: The Bible has been translated so many times it might've lost its accuracy, caller surmises.
Jesus' physical presence: It must've been wonderful being able to be around Jesus when He was here, but now all we have is the Bible to rely on, so it makes it a little hard to believe. [John 20:24-31]
2014-01-15 False Prophets: False Prophets just carrying out the will of God, but them not really prophesying anything, but in spite of.
Speaking in Tongues: Speaking in tongues as a sign that you are filled w/ the Holy Spirit, & does Paul contradict himself about speaking in tongues? [1 Corinthians 14:22-23]
Putting everything under Christ's feet: Did Christ put everything under His feet in the past or in the present? [1 Corinthians 15:22-28, Psalm 8]
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