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Topic: Slave(s)(ry)

Showing 51 to 56 of 56.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-02-16 The Book of Philemon: Can Steve explain the book of Philemon, especially in relation to slavery, and also explain verse 6? [Philemon 1, Philemon 1:6]
2014-12-10 American Slavery & Slavery in th Bible: Discussion about slavery, both the American version & the slavery of the Bible.
Christian Zionism: What is the view of Christian Zionism & getting a remnant of Israel back together?
Genocide to Canaan: What about the genocide the Jews did to the Canaanites?
2014-09-23 Slavery - Servitude: If Jesus & the Apostles had perhaps been more opposed to slavery, there wouldn't have been such a problem in our own country. What say you?
2014-09-23 Slavery follow up: We are all slaves.
2013-11-07 Israelites being in Slavery: Why would God let the Israelites be in slavery for 400 years?
Jesus Coming Imminently: Does Steve think Jesus is coming very, very soon?
2013-09-02 Paul's Oppression of Women: We no longer agree with Paul's stance on slavery so why do we still have to obey his belief on the oppression of women? [Ephesians 5:21-24]
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