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Topic: Racism (Predjudice)

Showing 51 to 72 of 72.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-06-05 Institutional Racism in America: Caller suggests that Steve is wrong in his view that there is not institutional racism.
2020-06-04 Black Lives Matter Movement: What is your opinion of the Black Lives Matter movement?
2020-05-26 Racism in America: Caller comments on the contradiction of Americans being so sensitized about racial issues and not sensitized to using the Lord's name in vain.
2020-05-15 Racism: Do you think that racism is learned, or part of the fall?
2020-03-05 Trinity: Could you elaborate on the 7 spirits in heaven? [Revelation, Isaiah 11:2].
Race Distinctions: Why do people divide races into black and white when no one is really black and white?
2020-02-24 Prejudicial Behavior: Could you help me understand more about what the Bible says about holding various prejudices? [James 2, Leviticus 34].
2019-11-18 Obama & Racism: Caller claims that Steve said that Obama caused more racial tension, and he disagrees with that.
2019-11-12 Racial Tension Between Believers: What do you think about the racial tension between believers?
2019-11-12 Racism in the Church: Commenting on the previous caller's assessment of racist behavior in fellow believers.
Evangelism: Do you have any recommendations of tools and resources for evangelism?
2018-10-29 Prejudice: I have prejudice against multi-racial relationships.
Filled with the Holy Spirit: Being filled w/ the Holy Spirit (conversion of the Spirit)
2017-04-11 Cain: Do you think the curse that God put on Cain was dark skin?
2016-12-14 Race: Where does race come into play, caller wants to know? Where/when did it happen since we are all from Adam & Eve?
2016-09-27 Political disagreement about Birther Issue: Caller has an issue w/ Steve’s comments regarding the birther issue.
2016-09-27 The "Birther" Issue: The caller, as an African American himself, agrees with Steve's answers of a previous caller about the birther issue, that it has nothing to do with race.
Cursing the Fig tree: What did Jesus mean by cursing the fig tree, & that you can move mountains with a strong faith? {Matthew 21:18-22}
2016-09-27 Political disagreement about Birther Issue: Caller calls to opine on why she thinks it's racist for Trump to be questioning where Obama was born.
2016-08-04 Accused of Being Anti-Semitic Is there a link between this verse in Matthew 24 & this verse 1 Peter 2 regarding the kingdom of God? By believing certain stuff you are then falsely accused of being anti-Semitic. [Matthew 21:43, 1 Peter 2:9]
1 Peter Epistle's Audience: Was 1 Peter written to just the jews or Chrisians in general?
Falsely Accused of Racism: Steve Gregg & caller makes some good points of false accusations just because you believe certain stuff, being racist, homophobic & so on.
2016-01-08 Rap Music is Not Peaceful: Jesus is the Prince of peace, & caller does not think that rap is peaceful. You are not being racist because you don't like rap.
2016-01-08 People Making Excuses for Racism: Caller thinks a person can't make excuses for people who are racists & possibly the reason some don't like rap music is because they are.
2015-08-05 Jesus Being a Racist: Caller was reading an article saying that Jesus was a racist because He used a racial slur. [Mark 7:27-28, Matthew 15:26-27]
2013-05-22 Obama Can Repent: Don't we need to forgive Obama and hope that he will repent and come to the Father?
Ananias & Sapphira & Tithing: Was the story of Ananias & Sapphira added to the Bible to pressure people into tithing? [Acts 5:1-11].
2013-05-22 Black Man's Objection to Obama: Caller shares his outrage about the black community supporting Obama and his position on abortion.
2013-03-21 Samson as a Black Man: Is there anything in the Bible to support the idea that Samson was a black man, as depicted in the Christian TV series, "The Bible"?
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