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Topic: Moral (Morality)

Showing 51 to 86 of 86.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-05-14 Eating Vegetables: What is the connection between eating vegetables and the reference to the time of day? [Romans 14:5-6].
Chapter Headings and One's Conscience: What does the chapter heading have to do with conscience? [Romans 14:5-6].
2021-05-07 Atheist's Defense of Abortion: Atheist caller objects to the Christian's view toward abortion and how it is unfairly characterized?
Ethics of Slavery: Why didn't God make the first commandment; "You shall Not Own Other Human Beings"?
2021-05-07 Atheist's Defense of Abortion: Atheist caller objects to the Christian's view toward abortion and how it is unfairly characterized?
Ethics of Slavery: Why didn't God make the first commandment; "You shall Not Own Other Human Beings"?
2021-05-04 Atheist's Position on Morals & Ethics: Atheist calls back about defending his position about how ethics and morality can exist and work without God?
2021-04-29 Pro-choice & Restrictive Views of Christian: Pro-choice caller defends the position, criticizing the religious Christian community, particularly for imposing their restrictive views on others.
2021-03-17 Judging Doctrine: What is meant by "judging a doctrine by its fruit", particularly in light of Gay-affirming churches?
2021-01-11 Believing Lies: Is the scripture about people believing lies applicable to our country today? [2 Thessalonians 2:11-12, I Timothy 4:2].
2020-12-04 The Ten Commandments: Are The Ten Commandments included in the new covenant? Should they be in our legal buildings? [Jeremiah 31:31, Exodus 31:16].
2020-07-24 The Holy Spirit vs The Conscience: Could you help me understand the differences between the Holy Spirit and the conscience? [I Timothy 4:2].
2020-06-15 What From the Old Testament Applies to Us Today: How do we determine what from the Old Testament still applies to us today-especially regarding moral vs ceremonial law, and this relative to the restriction on homosexuality?
Old Testament Restrictions on Tattoos and Menstruation Can you clarify why the sex during a menstrual cycle and tattoo Old Testament restrictions do not apply to us today? [Leviticus 18:19].
2020-02-25 River Flowing & Splitting Mountain in Ezekiel: Are the verses in Ezekiel about the river "flowing out from Jerusalem" and the splitting of the mountain,literal or symbolic? [Ezekiel 47, Zechariah 14:4, 8, Joel 3:18, John 7:37-39, Hebrews 12, Isaiah 32:14-15].
Christian Discipleship & War: Would you help me understand being a disciple of Christ, and the idea that Christians should not parcipitate in war?
2019-08-30 Before the Holy Spirit: What was the nature of the spiritual lives in the Old Testament, before they had the Holy Spirit? How did people have the strength to remain faithful? [Luke 1, 2 Peter 2, Galatians 5].
2019-06-27 Moses & Divorce: Didn't Moses indicate that one should give a written bill of divorce when putting away his wife? [Deuteronomy 24:1-4].
Defiling the Body (The Temple): What does it mean to defile the body (the temple)? [I Corinthians 6:19, 3:17].
2019-01-21 Sin's Consequences: Do the verses about generations suffering consequence of sin and the ones about the sword not departing from David's house? [Exodus 20:5, 2 Samuel 12:10].
2019-01-21 David's Character Flaws: Caller comments on David's moral character.
2018-12-21 The Doctrine of the Moral Government of God: What is the "moral government doctrine of God" & do you agree w/ it?
2018-10-30 President Donald Trump: Trump & his questionable character & the way he says things in the office of the president of the United States, what do you say about that?
2018-06-25 Atheism & Morality: How do you respond to an atheist that says that there is no morality?
2018-06-13 Traffic Question: Is it ethical to do what he's doing to bypass traffic?
2018-03-19 The Pre-Trib Rapture: The 7th trumpet & Jesus coming on the last day, does this negate the pre-trib rapture?
Morality in the Old Testament: Is morality different in the Old Testament vs New Testament?
2017-11-17 Marriage by Church or State for Financial Reasons: So what about getting married by the church or official state sanctioned marriage, for financial considerations.
2017-11-01 Moral law over Ceremonial Law: I'm confused about God summarizing loving God with your whole heart mind & soul, & love your neighbor as yourself & the moral law seems to be divided to those 2 commandments. We still need to keep the moral law, don't we? (Very convoluted question.)
2017-08-15 Thou Shalt Not Kill: How does this apply to military, police officers, not killing?
2017-04-06 10 Commandments & the Ceremonial Law: Trying to distinguishing between the moral law (10 commandments) the ceremonial law, can/should we?
2016-09-23 Making our Society Moral: A moral society in an amoral culture? political and cultural morality in modern society
2016-03-22 Doctrinal Disagreements of Moral Significance: I was listening to your lectures on "strategy for unity" & was wondering what you thought about disagreeing with doctrinal disagreements of moral implications? What about war, divorce & remarriage, forcible resistance, heresy, & false prophets? [Romans 14]
2015-02-20 Christian Morality in Law & Politics: Can you clarify Christian responsibility toward morality, law, and politics?
2013-11-26 Ceremonial Sabbath & the "Moral" Sabbath: Isn't there a difference between the moral Sabbath of the 10 commandments verses the ceremonial sabbaths, especially since it wasn't by God's own finger? [Colossians 2:14-17, Romans 14:5-6, Galatians 4:8-11]
2013-11-05 Moral Argument for the Existence of God: Can you please talk about the objective morals argument for God?
2013-07-02 Mental Adultery: When is a person guilty of adultery? Is in it thought or does it require an action? What is considered stepping over the line? [Matthew 5:28, James 1:12-15]
2013-05-31 America & George Washington's Warnings: Shares some thoughts about early America, George Washington and his warnings about what happens when we disregard His ways. [John 8:31-32, Matthew 7:23, Proverbs 14:34].
2013-04-24 Man of Lawlessness: If the Man of Lawlessness is the Papacy, what would the signs and wonders be that is referred to in 2 Thessalonians? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-7}.
Immorality & the Poor: How do you reconcile the fact that many of the poor are because of their own immorality, so should we be supporting those who at not at fault, or should it also be an evangelistic outreach? [2 Thessalonians 3:10, Galatians 6:10, Hebrews 13:5, I Timothy 6:8].
2013-04-16 Nudist Resorts: What do you think about a pastor of a nudist resort who thinks it is perfectly fine?
Disdain for Those That Know Less About Scripture Than I: Sometimes I feel distain for those that have been Christians longer, but use scripture out of context, etc., because I feel that I understand scripture better. How should I deal with this? [I Corinthians 4:7].
2013-04-02 Keeping the Law & Festivals: Though I was raised to keep the laws and festivals, do we need to be keeping the Law (of Moses)? [Matthew 5:18, Hebrews 9:8].
Keeping the Sabbath: Do you think we should still keep the Sabbath? [Romans 14:5].
2013-03-21 "Made in the Image of God": Could you talk about the creation and humans being "made in the image of God"? [Genesis 1:27, Genesis 3:5].
Calvinism-Dead in Sin: Are there other points that support the idea that when scripture indicates that we are "dead in sin" is not about physical death, but spiritual-as in Prodigal Son? [Luke 15:24, Mark 2:17].
2013-03-19 Evidence in One's Life Outcome: Caller encourages fellow believers to consider the long term, life outcomes of unbelievers, rather than just the scientific position they hold.
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