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Topic: Politics (General)

Showing 51 to 100 of 361.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-09-13 Climate Change: Can you shed light on a Christian's view of "climate change?"
2022-09-13 Political Differences & Current Events: What do you think about churches not taking a stand on some of the current events and political issues?
2022-09-12 Christian's Involvement in Politics: Since Jesus indicated that we should not be involved in politics when He said "His Kingdom is not in this world", what do you think? [John 18:36, Matthew 28:18, Luke 12:48].
2022-09-01 Critical Race Theory: Is there something the church can do to help educate people regarding CRT (Critical Race Theory) and it's Marxist roots? [Galatians 1:10].
2022-08-18 "The Great Commission" & Politics: What do you think about Andy Stanley's view that Christians involvement in politics interfers in the "great commission"? (A whole lot of crackling noise going on in the caller's line.)
2022-08-16 Living in Continuous Sin: Caller comments on believers who think they can live in continuous disobedience and sin. [I John 3:6-7, Ezekiel 18:20-24].
Two Kingdoms: In light of current events, do you think we are living in two kingdoms? [2 Corinthians 5:20, I Peter 2:11].
2022-08-16 Teenage Rebellion: Is teenage rebellion and disrespect grounds for removing a child from the home?
"Church & State": Could you explain "church & state?"
2022-08-03 Gender Pronouns: Do you address someone with a pronoun as they wish to be called, regardless of their evident gender? What would you do?
Not Taking a Husband's Last Name: How should I address my granddaughter and her live-in boyfriend, if she is not taking his name in their marriage?
2022-07-29 Sunday Law: (Seventh Day Adventist) Seventh Day Adventist caller: Do you know that the constitution could allow there to be a Sunday law?
2022-07-27 Land Covenant with Israel: Where do I go to see the clearest presentation of God's land convenant with Israel? [Deuteronomy 28:1-46, Genesis 12:1, Genesis 12:7, Genesis 15:18-21, Joshua 21:43, Leviticus 26].
The Promised Land: With Israel be restored all the land that they were promised in the future? [Romans 4:13, Galatians 3:16, Psalms 2:8, Matthew 5:5, Galatians 3:29, Luke 21:24].
Global Warming & the Bible: What does the Bible say about global warming and is it related to the verses that talk about the earth being destroyed by fire? [2 Peter 3:10-12, Revelation 20:11, 2 Thessalonians 2:8].
2022-07-26 Warfare-Russian Invasion (Gog & Magog): Why do so many people complain about Russia and their invasion and war, and don't talk about the American invasions? [Ezekiel 38-39].
2022-07-01 Praying on the Football Field: Since we are to pray in our closets, was it correct for the coach to pray in the middle of the football field? Could you also comment on the lawsuit over it. [Matthew 6:3-6, Matthew 5:42, Luke 6:30, John 17:20-23].
2022-07-01 Abortion in the Case of Rape: Is it acceptable to abort a baby in the case of rape?
2022-07-01 Abortion Legislation: Are we taking away a woman's right to her own body if we don't allow abortion?
2022-06-24 Roe vs Wade: What is a Christian's responsibility in living in states that don't uphold restricting abortion,now that Roe vs Wade has been overturned at the federal level?
Politics & the Left: Is staying in states that are primarily leftist a little like living in Sodom and Gomorrah? [2Peter 2:7].
2022-06-24 Roe vs Wade: What is a Christian's responsibility in living in states that don't uphold restricting abortion,now that Roe vs Wade has been overturned at the federal level?
Politics & the Left: Is staying in states that are primarily leftist a little like living in Sodom and Gomorrah? [2Peter 2:7].
2022-06-21 The Bad Influence of the Pope: Do you see how the "Man of Sin" (the Pope) is bringing on events in the present day.
2022-06-06 Abortion & Government Interference: Is it wrong for the government to force women to not have an abortion?
Abortion & Government Regulation: If God doesn't force people to choose Him, or follow Him, should we be regulating and preventing abortion?
2022-06-06 "Emotional Love" vs "Choosing to Love": Could you clarify the difference between "emotional love" and "choosing to love"? [Matthew 7:12, Matthew 5:44].
Emotions & Politics: Don't you think that people have voted according to their emotions, rather than according to doing the right thing?
2022-05-30 Ezekiel 38-Prophecy Yet to Come: Caller proclaims that the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 is yet to come.
2022-05-20 Ezekiel 38-Still Future: Has the whole house of Israel come to know the Lord? [Ezekiel 38, Ezekiel 39:22-29].
2022-05-10 "Separation of Church and State": What does "separation of church and state" actually mean?
Mary Baker Eddy (Christian Science): What do you know about Mary Baker Eddy?
2022-05-09 Global War & Burned Up Earth: Doesn't it follow that nuclear war could fulfill the prophecy that the earth will be burned up? [2 Peter 3:10].
2022-05-06 Satan Bound, but Yet a Roaring Lion: When Jesus said He bound the "strongman", is it contradictory to other verses, like he is like a "roaring lion" and later, Satan will be sealed up? [Matthew 12:29, I Peter 5:8, Revelation 20:3, Matthew 28:18].
Loving Your Enemies: How do I love my enemies when they are doing such heinous things, like killing innocent babies? [Psalm 139].
2022-05-06 Critical Race Theory & Systemic Racism: As a black man, I find "Critical Race Theory" offensive and demeaning. Do you feel differently now than you did during the writing of your books on the Kingdom of God (Empire of the Risen Son)?
Later Generations Having to Pay for Earlier Generation's Sins: Do you think that supporters of "Critical Race Theory" could use Old Testament examples of God making later generations pay for sins of a previous one? [Ezekiel 18, Exodus 20, Exodus 34:7, Deuteronomy 5:9, Numbers 14:18].
2022-04-14 Christianity & Conservative Politics: Why is real Christianity always aligned with conservation politics? [Matthew 7:21-23].
2022-04-12 Ukraine Invasion: Do you think that there has been intervention by God in this Ukraine invasion?
2022-04-08 Submission to Government Authority: How can it be that someone like Adolph Hitler could be a government official ordained by God? [Romans 13:1-4, Romans 1:25, 2 Corinthians 10:13, 1 Peter 2:13-14].
2022-03-25 Pandemic and War Today: Do you think that verses about war and dramatic events in Deuteronomy relate to us and today's pandemic? [Deuteronomy 28:25, Jeremiah 28, Deuteronomy 28:15-63].
2022-03-24 Putin: Is it biblical for someone to take Putin out?
2022-03-22 Consecration of Russia: Do you think that the consecration of Russia by the pope will lead to peace?
2022-03-18 Steve Gregg, The Narrow Path & the Ban Culture: Comment about the value of the teachings of Steve Gregg and keeping external drives of the content.
2022-03-18 Putin & Eastern Orthodoxy: What do you think about Putin claiming himself a messianic figure involved in the reuniting of the Eastern Orthodox Church?
2022-03-18 Eschatology & Politics in Judges (Daniel, Isaiah): Atheist asks-Is there any eschatological or current political application to the Old Testament story of Ehud? [Judges 3].
Determining Biblical History from Parables & Allegories: From an atheist-How does one determine the difference between actual Biblical history, allegory, fables, parables, etc.?
Atheist Questions Authenticity of Scripture: Atheist challenges that various religious groups differ dramatically in their opinions of the meanings in scripture, asserts that the Bible is false, and challenges how one determines the correct interpretation of scripture.
2022-03-16 Current Political Event-Zelenskyy & Ukraine: Do you think that Zelenskyy is a prophetic voice from God in this current situation with Ukraine and Russia?
2022-03-16 Zelenskyy's Jewish Heritage: How does my Jewishness fit into the current events in Ukraine and Zelenskyy and prophecy?
2022-03-10 Atheist Discussion: Atheist caller contends that Steve misrepresents the view of where Atheist's get their morality and so on.
Atheist Comments on Faith: Will faith always lead us to the truth?
Atheist Challenges Steve about Politics: Atheist suggests that one cannot get elected in the USA without being a Christian.
2022-03-09 The Missing Conscience of the Wicked (Hard Hearts): If God has given us all a conscience, where is the conscience of the wicked, such as Russia and Putin? [I Timothy 4:2].
2022-03-09 Churches Should be More Political: What is your opinion of Charlie Kirk and his view that the church should become more political? [Colossians 3:17].
2022-03-08 COVID Vaccine Requirement: How should I handle the request from my doctor that I get a COVID vaccine when I don't want to get one?
2022-02-25 The Pledge of Allegiance: Is it appropriate to be uneasy about not necessarily wanting to pledge allegiance to anything but the Lord?
2022-02-09 Name Calling in Politics: Would you agree that it is inappropriate to call Democrats and Nancy Pelosi names? [Luke 6:28, Matthew 5:44].
2022-01-20 Loving Your Enemies (Politics): How do I stand up for righteousness when some of the things that Democrats stand for, like abortion, are so heinous, and then I am to love my enemies? [Ezekiel 33:11, I Corinthians 7:21, Matthew 5:44].
2022-01-20 Immoral Culture & Voting: Should I spend my time trying convince others of the evil developing in our culture, particularly relative to voting?
2022-01-13 God's America: Has God given up on America?
2022-01-04 When Your Life Doesn't Reflect Christ's Standards: Should one leave a church that promotes the idea that your life doesn't have to reflect God's standards?
2022-01-04 Israel Signing a Treaty & the Antichrist: What kind of treaty will Israel sign, as prophesied in Revelation 6? [Revelation 6, Daniel 9:26-27].
2021-12-30 Government Obedience: Can this phrase be backed up by the Bible; "Disobedience to tyrants is obedience to God"?
2021-12-28 Government's Role: Would you agree that the government should not be allowed to become preeminent? [Romans 13:1-4, John 19:11].
Refined as Silver: What is the difference between being refined as silver and being tried by affliction? [Isaiah 48:9-11, I Peter 1:7].
2021-12-13 Critical Race Theory: What is the big objection to "Critical Race Theory"?
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