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Topic: Spirit (s)

Showing 51 to 100 of 175.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-06-04 Objects with Demonic or Evil Attachments: What do you think about the possibility of an evil attachment to an object in my home that makes my kids uncomfortable?
2021-05-26 "The Kingdom Within You": Could you help me fully under the verse that says, "the kingdom of God is within you"? [Luke 17:20-21]
2021-05-21 Saved to the "Uttermost" & Eternal Security: Could you comment on this phrase; saving us "to the uttermost", and any relationship to "Once Saved, Always Saved"? [Hebrew 7:25, Matthew 1:21].
Evil Spirits or Demons: Could you expand on the concept of "demons"? [Matthew 9:33].
2021-05-19 Family Curses & Divine Counsel for Prayer: Have you heard of bringing prayer to a "counsel of divine judges" which may be tied to Genesis? He feels he may have a family curse. [Genesis 1:26-28, I Corinthians 6:3].
The Didache: What do you think about "The Didache"?
2021-03-29 The Holy Spirit-Various Experiences: Could you give us a primer on the Holy Spirit "in", "on" and having the Holy Spirit? [Romans 8:9, I John 3-4, Ephesians 1:13, Acts 1:8, Acts 1:5, Acts 2:4, Ephesians 5:18, John 7:39].
2021-03-26 Walking in the Spirit: How does one achieve walking in the Spirit and living a holy life? Recommended Gregg's new books; "Empire of the Risen Son" (Vol 1 & 2) and Lecture series; Charisma & Character [Isaiah 11:2, Colossians 3:15, Luke 12:11, I Peter 4:11].
2021-03-25 Jesus in the Tomb: When Jesus was in the tomb, where was His soul? [Psalm 16:10, Acts 2:27, I Peter 3:20, I Peters 1:11, 2 Peter 2:5].
"Do Not Touch Me": What was meant when Jesus said to Mary that she was not to touch Him? [John 20:17].
2021-03-22 Strong Delusions Scare Me: I am experiencing some doubt in my faith, and am afraid God's sending of strong delusions and fear associating with the wrong people, for fear that I will feel the spirit of the wrong kind or be mislead? [Hebrews10:25, 2 Thessalonians 2, I John 4:1-6].
2021-03-08 DNA Alteration Ramifications: If your DNA can be altered by vaccines, then at what point could we become irredeemable? Did not Jesus die for human, not animals?
Soul & Spirits of Humans & Animals: Isn't the spirit what separates us from the animals? [Ecclesiastes 3:21].
2021-02-01 The Spirits (Both Holy & Evil): Could you share some scripture about how the spirits work (both evil ones and the Holy Spirit)? [Matthew 12:43, Proverbs 4:23, 2 Corinthians 5:8].
2021-01-26 Water Baptism Required: Is water baptism required for entering the "Kingdom of God", and if it is, then why do so many evangelists not require it? [John 3:5, Acts 2:38, Acts 9:10-21, I Peter 3:20-21 ].
Born of Water & Spirit: What does it mean to be, "born of water and of the spirit"? [John 3:5-6].
2020-12-01 Christians Surprised by the 2nd Coming of the Lord: Will Christians be surprised at the 2nd coming of the Lord? [I Thessalonians 5:4-8, Matthew 24:43-51, 2 Peter 3:10, Matthew 25:1-13].
Watching & Losing Sleep: When "watching" is referred to in scripture, is it saying that we literally should be losing sleep as we look for the coming of the Lord? [Matthew 25:1, Ephesians 6:18].
Body, Soul, Spirit in the Lake of Fire: Will the body, soul, and spirit be thrown in the lake of fire?
2020-11-18 Dungeons & Dragons Game: Is there any danger to playing the game, "Dungeons & Dragons"?
Demon Presence: Are angles and demons around us all the time?
2020-11-18 Dungeons & Dragons Game: Is there any danger to playing the game, "Dungeons & Dragons"?
Demon Presence: Are angles and demons around us all the time?
2020-09-30 Judas' Repentance: Do you think that had Judas repented, he would've been forgiven?
Mind, Consciousness, Spirit: Do you think that the mind or consciousness is the same as our spirit? [Hebrews 4:12].
2020-08-12 Animals Created from Dust of the Earth: Is it possible that God created the animals in the same way that Adam was created - out of the dust of the earth? [Genesis 2:18, Genesis 3].
2020-05-29 Soul, Spirit, Heaven: Could you clarify what happens to the soul, if the spirit goes to heaven? [2 Corinthians 4:16].
2020-05-19 Demon Possession & Exorcism: How long does it take to get rid of demons?
Demon Exorcism: Do people know when demons come out of them when they are being exorcised?
Demon Deliverance & Laying on of Hands: Should you lay hands on someone you are trying to see delivered from demons?
2020-05-19 Demon Possession & Exorcism: How long does it take to get rid of demons?
Demon Exorcism: Do people know when demons come out of them when they are being exorcised?
Demon Deliverance & Laying on of Hands: Should you lay hands on someone you are trying to see delivered from demons?
2020-05-07 Worship in Spirit and Truth: What is "truth", when the Bible says "worship in spirit and truth"...particularly in light of the varying opinions among believers and denominations? [John 4:24].
2020-04-17 Human Spirit and Holy Spirit: Is this passage actually talking about the Holy Spirit or just our human spirit? [Romans 8:16-27].
2020-03-13 Physical or Spiritual Strength: Is the Isaiah verse about "mounting up with wings like eagles" talking about physical or spiritual strength [Isaiah 40:31, Genesis 5:24].
2020-03-09 Worship Service in Church: What form of worship should take place in church, when worshipping in Spirit & Truth? What should it look like on a Sunday morning as far as the raising of hands, singing, and so on? [John 4:19-24, 5:42, Isaiah 29:13].
2020-03-05 Trinity: Could you elaborate on the 7 spirits in heaven? [Revelation, Isaiah 11:2].
Race Distinctions: Why do people divide races into black and white when no one is really black and white?
2020-02-26 Soul vs Spirit: What is the difference between your soul and your spirit? [I Corinthians 14, Romans 8].
2019-12-31 Soul & Spirit: What is the difference between the soul and the spirit? [Ecclesiastes 12:7].
Between Death & Judgment: What happens between death and the final judgment? [Luke 16:19-31, John 5:46, 2 Corinthians 5:8].
2019-10-16 Animal Spirits: Does scripture indicate that animals also have spirits? [I Corinthians 15].
2019-08-14 Spirits: I saw an image that appeared translucent just like what you talked about last week.
2019-08-02 Saul Summons Samuel: Do you think that Saul actually summoned up the real spirit of Samuel? [I Samuel 28:11-20].
2019-08-02 Emanuel Swedenborg: Emanuel Swedenborg, and others, have claimed that they had a special connection to the spiritual realm. What do you think about reported experiences like these?
Deconstruction of Faith: What do you think about the newer term for losing one's faith, called "Deconstruction of Faith"?
2019-03-27 Walking in the Spirit: What does it mean to "walk in the Spirit"?
Ten Virgins Parable: What does the parable of the 10 virgins mean? And the oil?
2019-03-25 Ashes on Foreheads: What do you think about people putting ash on the forehead for Lent? Is it OK?
After death: What happens after death to the believer & unbeliever?
Soul & Spirit: What is the difference between spirit & soul?
2019-02-20 Spiritual World: Is the spiritual world just as real as the physical world?
The Firmament: What is the firmament in Genesis? [Genesis 1]
2019-02-15 Differing Kinds of Spirits: We know there are different kinds of evil spirits, spirit of infirmity, & spirit of fear, but what about different kinds of good spirits?
2019-01-24 Marriage Supper of the Lamb: When is the marriage supper of the Lamb?
Ghosts & Goblins: What is your opinion about people seeing ghosts?
2019-01-22 Adam-Breath of Life: Can we assume that when God breathed into Adam the breath of life, that he breathed His Holy Spirit into him, and withdrew it when he sinned? [Genesis 2:7, 3:7].
2019-01-22 Holy Spirit Restored to Us Through Jesus: Would it be accurate to suggest that after Adam sinned and the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from him, that Jesus has since cleansed us, and made us eligible again? [Genesis 2:7].
2019-01-14 Soul, Spirit, Holy Spirit: Are spirit and soul separate? Could The Holy Spirit be our spirit?
2018-12-27 Soul, Spirit, & the Breath of Life: Can you define the soul, spirit & the breath of life, is there a distinction between the 3?
2018-12-10 7 Spirits: The 7 Spirits of Revelation, how did we get to that number at the end of the Bible? [Revelation 1:4, Revelation 3:1, Isaiah 11:2]
2018-11-01 Distinguishing Evil Spirits & Demons: Is there a difference between evil spirits & demons?
Supernatural Reports: What do you think of the books "Heaven is for Real" or "23 min in Hell"?
2018-10-29 Prejudice: I have prejudice against multi-racial relationships.
Filled with the Holy Spirit: Being filled w/ the Holy Spirit (conversion of the Spirit)
2018-09-24 The 7 Spirits: The 7 spirits of God in Revelation paralleled to Isaiah 11:1-3. [Revelation 1:4, Revelation 3:1, Revelation 4:5, Revelation 5:6, Isaiah 11:1-3]
Only Begotten: What does the "only begotten" of the Father mean? [John 3:16]
2018-09-20 Paul's Spirit is with them: What does it mean when Paul said that his spirit is with them? [Corinthians 5:4]
2018-08-17 Familiar Spirits: My husband just recently died, & I've been experiencing all kinds of weird things happening, & I've been told they are familiar spirits, so can you help me?
2018-04-02 Original Sin - Lust of the Flesh: I always thought we got a sinful nature from Adam & Eve, but the Bible talks about being drawn away by our lusts, whether it's food, sex, so were we possibly born with a lust of the Flesh?
2018-03-29 My Spirit shall not always Strive: My Spirit will not strive w/ men forever, what does that mean that He'll run out of patience? [Genesis 6:3]
2018-03-27 Divide the Water from the Water: Why does the Bible say that waters were separated from waters? [Genesis 1:6-7]
Destruction of the Flesh: Putting one out of the church & giving them over to satan, that his spirit might be saved, doesn't this sort've defend once saved, always saved? [1 Corinthians 5]
2018-03-27 Along with My Spirit: What was Paul saying when he said, "my spirit will be with you"? [1 Corinthians 5]
2018-03-26 Soul, Spirit & Body: I've been being taught that our soul/spirit & body are all one unit, all part of the same thing. What do you think?
Resurrected Bodies: What are our resurrected bodies going to be like? Are Jesus' scars from His hand & side going to be gone?
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