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Topic: Giving

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Episode Topic Audio
2020-07-31 The Least of These Brethren: Caller comments that he would punctuate the sentence differently, so that the meaning of what Jesus meant would change to who Jesus was addressing, rather than who Jesus was talking about. [Matthew 25:40].
2020-07-30 Giving to the Unbelieving Poor: If you are generous to poor unbelievers, does it count meritoriously to God? [Matthew 25:40, Galatians 6:6, Galatians 6:10].
2020-07-13 PayPay for Donations: Can we use PayPay to donate that now?
Third Temple Mystery: Isn't the Third Temple the mystery of Christ and the church?
2020-06-22 Telephone Lines at The Narrow Path: How many lines do you have coming in?
Wisdom About Giving to Charities: I am bothered by how much I am giving out of my social security check. Can you give me words of wisdom in this regard?
2020-06-11 What Change is Needed in Society Today?: What kind of change do you think we need in our society and government?
Do we need Spiritual Revival: Do we need Spiritual Revival in order to save our culture?
Three Things to Do in Secret: What are the three things we are told to do in secret? [Matthew 6:4].
2020-06-09 Tithing: Can you tithe as you decide rather than 10%, and can you tithe to other ministries, other than your church?
2020-05-11 Children Being Required to Fast: Do you think children should fast, or be required to fast, to overcome sinful behavior?
Train Up a Child: What does the verse in Proverbs mean, "train up a child in the way he should go..." [Proverbs 22:6].
Donations Through PayPal: Can people still donate through PayPal?
2020-02-17 The Widow's Mite: What do you think of John MacArthur's take on the story of "The Widow's Mite"? [Luke 21, Mark 12].
2020-02-05 Giving & Stewardship: Could you talk about the gift of giving, and how the early church dealt with their finances, giving, and communal living and care for one another? [Acts 2:44, 4:34, 5:4, 11, 2 Corinthians 8:15, Exodus 16:18].
Financial Management-Descriptive or Prescriptive: Do you think that some of the financial references in scripture is more descriptive, rather than prescriptive, particularly because of special depressed circumstance? [Acts 11].
2020-02-05 Giving & Stewardship: Could you talk about the gift of giving, and how the early church dealt with their finances, giving, and communal living and care for one another? [Acts 2:44, 4:34, 5:4, 11, 2 Corinthians 8:15, Exodus 16:18].
Financial Management-Descriptive or Prescriptive: Do you think that some of the financial references in scripture is more descriptive, rather than prescriptive, particularly because of special depressed circumstance? [Acts 11].
2019-10-09 Helping the Poor: Who is our brother & sister in the verse in I John that refers to helping those in need? Is it strangers, or fellow believers? [I John 3:9, 10, 15-17, Galatians 6:10, 2 Peter 3].
2019-08-07 Excess Funds: How should handle sudden excessive funds or a financial windfall? [I Corinthians 6:20].
2019-08-07 Adamic Curse: Are we not free form the Adamic curse?
The Salvation Army: Is The Salvation Army a good group to donate to?
2019-06-07 Financial Stewardship: Retiring, Saving, Living by Faith, Giving, What to do financially?
2019-06-06 Giving Your Extra Funds: After you pay your bills, how do you save and disburse your extra money? [Matthew 6:19f, Matthew 10: 17-27].
2019-04-12 Tithing: When giving and tithing is difficult, should we expect it to be easier? [Malachi 3:10f, Philippians 4:19, Luke 6:38].
2019-01-28 Coffers: Are these 2 passages of scripture talking about the same thing where everyone just put all their money in one pot & people took what they needed? [Acts 4:34, Hebrews 10:34-36, 1 John 3:18]
2018-07-31 Michael Murdock & the Seed: What is Michael Murdock & seed money ministries saying by growing the seed? My mom thinks I should send him some moneys.
2017-10-25 Gift of Giving: Gift of giving & other spiritual gifts. [Romans 12:3-8]
2017-10-10 Steve's Giving: How & where do you give?
2017-07-21 Wealthy People: You were talking about wealthy atheists giving money the other day, & Warren Buffet, "There are many ways to get to heaven, but this is a good way" after he gave a whole bunch of money. How would you rebut that?
2017-07-20 Giving Sacrificially: Even though atheist gives billions, it's a drop in the bucket to them. They need to give sacrificially in order for it to count. [Mark 12:41-44]
2017-05-05 Freely Giving: I'm w/ you on the not being legalistic about tithing, but we still need to exercise the practice of giving
2017-01-12 Bible Translations: I like using different translations of the bible, especially the Living Bible & the New Living Translation, & want to talk about the words "judging", "giving", etc. [Matthew 7]
2016-11-14 Giving: Is this verse applying to the church or the poor? [Luke 6:38]
2016-09-13 Tithing & Giving: A church has this idea that each member has to give at least $7 because it represents completeness, but being pressured to give. Is that right?
Lectures/Articles on Tithing: Do you have anything on your website about tithing & giving?
2016-09-13 Tithing in the Old Testament: Caller makes a few insights about tithing from the Old Testament that he's learned & is relaying them to see if Steve agrees.
2016-08-12 Tithe Being Edible: the exchange involving tithe always seemed to be of something that was edible. Is that true?
Convicting the World of Sin: How will He "convict the world of sin"? [John 16:7-11]
2016-05-10 Problems for People who stole Ark of the Covenant: God caused problems for people who stole the Ark of the Covenant, giving them emerods, but what is that? (hemorrhoids) [1 Samuel 5=6]
Seed Money: Caller thnks there might be blessing in giving seed money to demonstrate your faith.
2016-02-19 First Fruits into the Storehouse (Tithing): Involving tithing, who was responsible to bring the first fruits into the storehouse?
Giving over entire Check: Pastors say that people's first check of the month has to be given over to them. Is that true?
Mount of Transfiguration Experience: Was the Mount of Transfiguration a vision or an actual appearance of Elijah & Moses?
2016-02-04 Tithing Controversy: What did the early church look like as far as tithing?
2016-02-03 Tithing: Can you shed some light on tithing? Do we need to tithe?
2015-09-25 Sowing & Reaping: Caller is having financial hardship which is having an effect upon giving. [2 Corinthians 9, Luke 6:38]
2015-04-20 Adam & Eve's Children & Incest: How did Adam & Eve's children not have been in incestuous relationship when they got married, having children?
"You Do to the Least of These": Was Jesus talking to believers when He said, "When you've helped the least of my brethren, you have helped Me"? [Matthew 25:40]
2014-09-30 Love One Another & the Good Samaritan: What is the balance of giving to the poor & having enough for yourself, & doing it w/ the motivation of love? [Galatians 6:10, Luke 3:11]
2014-04-17 Street Evangelism verses Practical Needs: We need to be a little more practical than just preaching words when doing outreach. [James 2:14-18]
2014-04-15 Tithing: We SHOULD give as much as we can because God DOES bless us! [Malachi 3:10]
2014-01-27 Feeding & Clothing the Poor: We need to have Christ-like behavior towards our fellow man according to this passage of Scripture, feeding & clothing the poor & so on? [Matthew 7 & 25]
High Priest Annas & Caiaphas: Comments about the High Priests of Annas & Caiaphas.
2013-08-27 Tithing: Is tithing still mandated?
Fornication & Marriage: What are the defintions of Fornication & Marriages?
Incestuous Relationships in the Bible: Can't get married to people too closely related to you.
2013-07-18 "First Fruits" Offering & Tithing: What is the difference between "First Fruits" offering & tithing?
Homosexuality Acceptable: Will practicing homosexuals be warmly welcomed in heaven? [1 Corinthians 6:9-11]
2013-06-18 Supporting Local Church without Tithe: How are you supposed support your local church if you are not supposed to tithe?
2013-05-08 Helping a Socialist: What are your thoughts on someone who I have been financially helping, who I just learned is very socialistic? I now don't want to help anymore. How I should handle it? Recommended: Topical lecture, "Toward a Radical Christian Counter-culture."[1 Timothy 5:3, Matthew 25:22, Matthew 20:12, 2 Corinthians 8:15, 2 Corinthians 5:14, Exodus 16:18].
2013-04-30 Church in the Last Days: Do we need to be in church in the last days? [Hebrews 10:25, Matthew 18:20, I John 5:1].
Offering Sacrifices to God Now: How do we offer sacrifices to God today? [ I Peter 2:5, Hebrews 13:15, Philippians 4:12-23, Romans 12:1].
2013-03-22 Will We Know Each Other in Heaven: Would I be aware of my wife marrying someone else, if I die and am in heaven? Will I know my wife and children or other family members in heaven? [Matthew 22:29-30, I Corinthians 13:9-12].
Steve Gregg's Financial Support: How do I support you financially?:
2013-02-08 Donating: Donating to Steve Gregg personally & donating to the Ministry, how does he do both?
Apostle Smith: Apostle Smith wants to charge for the gospel.
2013-01-04 Renunciation: What do you think about renunciation of material possessions? [Luke 14:33]
2012-01-10 Luxuries (Entertainment): How should we assess the enjoyment of luxuries in our lives? [1 Timothy 6:17, Acts 20:35, Romans 14:4, Matthew 6:19-21].
2012-01-09 Preacher Telling Me to Give a Financial Amount: Could you comment on a preacher telling me about two of my prayers and that I need to give a certain amount of money? [Matthew 5:42, Acts 8:20].
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