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Topic: Elders (Bishops, Overseers, Presbuteros, Episcopas)

Showing 51 to 100 of 169.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-12-30 Being Called to Missions: How does one get called to be a missionary? Is a missionary the same as being an elder?
2020-12-17 One's Desire or One's Calling to Ministry: If scripture indicates that when it is one's desire to be a pastor, it is a good thing, then how is that contrasted to one who is called to it? [I Timothy 3:1, Titus 1].
2020-12-02 Requirements for Spiritual Leaders (Pastors, Ministers, Preachers) in Churches: Is there any requirements for spiritual leaders, if they have been divorced or formerly fallen to sin, but repented? [I Timothy 3, Titus 1].
2020-11-04 Drifting Away of the Church: What factors may have affected the drifting away of one church over the other (as with the Galatians and Thessalonians) in scripture? [Acts 14, Acts 17, I Thessalonians 1:9].
Elders in an Immature Church: Was Paul going against his own advice when he appointed elders in the immature church in Acts 14? [Acts 14:23].
2020-10-09 Baptism Procedures: As a former Mormon, I think I want to be baptized again, could you discuss the proper way to go about this? [Acts 9, Acts 8].
2020-09-25 Apostolic Succession: Would you talk about Catholic "apostolic succession" and the early church fathers? [Acts 12].
2020-09-01 Paul's Teaching's Commandments or Not: Caller comments on Paul's teaching as if they are a commandments, but says they are a vision, instead. [I Corinthians 14:14-36].
2020-07-24 Women Teaching in Church: Could you talk about women teaching in church? [I Timothy 2:12, Acts 18:24-28].
Steve Gregg and His Radio Show: How did your find yourself teaching on your radio show? Caller is wondering about possibly to the same thing.
2020-06-19 Elders & Deacons: What is the difference between an elder and a deacon? [I Timothy 3].
Elder-Husband of One Wife: What does it mean in the qualifications for elders when it says "husband of one wife"? [I Timothy 3].
Male as Generic Descriptor in Scripture: Does the Bible use "he", the male gender descriptor, in a generic and inclusive way rather than really indicating a male is being discussed?
2020-06-19 Elders & Deacons: What is the difference between an elder and a deacon? [I Timothy 3].
Elder-Husband of One Wife: What does it mean in the qualifications for elders when it says "husband of one wife"? [I Timothy 3].
Male as Generic Descriptor in Scripture: Does the Bible use "he", the male gender descriptor, in a generic and inclusive way rather than really indicating a male is being discussed?
2020-06-18 Deacon Qualifications: My church wants me to fill the role of deacon, but I am hesitant about the qualifications? [I Timothy 3].
2020-06-12 Mormons & the Priesthood: How does the Mormon view the priesthood on earth today? [Revelation 5:10, I Peter 2:9].
2020-05-12 Parable of the Unjust Steward: What are we being taught in the parable of the unjust steward, and his manipulating the funds of his employer after getting fired? [Luke 16].
Women Not Above Men: What does the Bible mean when it talks about women not being above a man? [I Timothy 2].
2020-04-21 24 Elders & the Church: Comment regarding the 24 elders as the church. [Revelation 4 & 5].
Revelation About AD 70, Instead of End Times: What is the main thing that causes you to believe that Revelation is primarily about AD 70 instead of about the end times? [Revelation 1:1-3, 22:10, Daniel 12:4].
2020-04-20 Divorced & Remarried Pastor: Can a pastor who has divorced and remarried be a pastor? [Matthew 5:32, 19:3-12, I Timothy 3:2]
2020-04-03 Catholicism & Celibate Priests: How did Catholicism come up with priestly celibacy? Is this what is discussed in I Timothy 4? [I Timothy 4:3].
2020-03-18 Anointing the Sick & Baptizing: Who is qualified to anoint with oil for the healing of the sick? What about Baptisms, who is qualified to do that? [James 5:14]
2020-03-17 Denying Christ: One must keep in mind our public witness if we ever deny Christ, even if it was to save someone.
Greek Interpretation & Elders, Pastors, Teachers: The Greek words (such as "kai") can be interpreted in more than one way, so what is the guide for determining which meaning is meant, as in the passages about elders, pastors & teachers? [Ephesians 4:11, I Peter 2:25, Galatians 6:16, I Timothy 3].
2020-03-13 LDS View-Unbroken Chain: How do you respond to the very important LDS view that one must have someone lay hands on them from an unbroken chain in order to be filled with the Holy Spirit, or baptize others?
Qualifications for Church Leadership: What do you think the scriptural qualifications are for starting or leading a church? [I Timothy 3, Titus 1].
2020-02-11 Traditions of the Elders: Could you enlighten me about this verse and if it suggests that Catholic emphasis on tradition might necessarily be reconsidered? [Matthew 15:6].
2020-02-07 Marriage of Clergy: Why are Protestant ministers allowed to marry, and the Catholic priests are not? [I Corinthians 7:9, I Timothy 3, Titus].
2020-02-03 Prayers Offered for Us by the Saints: Do you think that the Catholics view about saints offering our prayers for us is justified by scripture? [Revelation 5:8, 8:3-4].
2020-01-08 Elders & Living Creatures: Who are the elders and living creatures in Revelation? [Revelation 4 & 5].
Liars in Revelation: Who are the liars, saying they are Jews, or apostles, in Revelation in chapters 2 & 3? [Revelation 2:2,9, 3:9, John 8:44, Acts, Romans 2:28-29].
2019-12-26 Elders - Appointed or Elected: Should elders be elected or appointed?
2019-11-27 Homosexual Elder: How do I think about my church electing an elder that is a man married to another man? [Matthew 19, I Corinthians 5, Romans 12:2].
2019-09-11 Steve Gregg-Elder in the New Jerusalem: Would you be seated with the elders and included in the special city council in the New Jerusalem?
Jesus Coming Soon: Is not the world crisis with increasing wars and threats today necessarily indicating that Jesus' coming is near? [Matthew 24:6].
2019-08-09 Leadership Are you born a leader or do you learn to be a leader?
2019-02-20 Women pastors: What do you think about Women Pastors?
Tithing: What are your views about Tithing, Old Testament & New Testament?
2019-02-11 Church Government: What is the best form of church polity, elders, overseers, & so on?
Bible Manuscripts: Why are some manuscripts considered so much better than others by some, especially KJV only types?
2018-11-14 Elder, Bishop, Overseer & Pastor: Are the terms elder, bishop, overseer & pastor all the same words?
2018-11-05 Peter denying Jesus: Didn't Peter depar from Christ for awhile, but he didn't lose his salvation or apostatize, did he?
Qualifications for being an Elder: Women Pastor qualifications [1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9]
2018-07-20 Institutional Church: If the institutional church is not important then why does Paul emphasize deacons & elders so much?
2018-07-17 Church Organization What is the role of leaders and the general hierarchy of organized church? I know you don't believe in Church Membership. [1 Timothy 3, Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12]
2018-07-11 Women Learning in Silence: Women being silent in the church, what does this mean? Paul says it's because Eve was the one who was deceived, but wasn't Adam stand right there beside her the whole time? [1 Timothy 2:6]
Novice Christians as Elders: What was Paul saying about newly converted shouldn't be elders of the church lest they fall into the same downfall of pride as Satan did? [1 Timothy 3:6]
2018-06-20 Elders Praying over the Sick: The elders praying for sick, & they will be forgiven, aren't you ALREADY forgiven? Aren't they 2 different things? If his sins weren't forgiven how does the elders praying over him do it? [James 5:15]
2018-05-03 24 Elders: Who are the 24 elders in Revelation? [Revelation 4, Revelation 5:8-10]?
24 Elders from the Calvary Chapel Viewpoint: Caller thinks Steve should take the pre-trib rapture from the Calvary's Chapel's Viewpoint, that he thinks it makes way more sense than an amillennialism.
2018-05-03 24 Elders: Who are the 24 elders in Revelation? [Revelation 4, Revelation 5:8-10]?
24 Elders from the Calvary Chapel Viewpoint: Caller thinks Steve should take the pre-trib rapture from the Calvary's Chapel's Viewpoint, that he thinks it makes way more sense than an amillennialism.
2018-03-27 Pastor having Authority: Pastor seems to have no humility & thinks he has more authority & has a better understanding than others. What do you think? [Matthew 20:25-26, Hebrews 13:17]
2018-02-20 Abortion in Numbers 5: Is the passage in Numbers 5 describing an abortion? [Numbers 5:11-31]
Appointing Someone to a Church Position: Should you appoint qualified people when there is an open position in a church organization?
2018-01-23 Church Leaders & Their Children: What if leaders in the church do not have believing children? [Titus 1:6]
2017-11-28 Pastor's Role: Pastors, shepherds of churches, can you describe their Biblical role?
2017-11-15 Healing: Doesn't this passage of Scripture mean that if elders come & pray for you that you will be healed? [James 5:14-15]
2017-11-09 Church Leadership: Church leader performed the ceremony of his daughter who was guilty of an adulterous relationship & got divorced. He remarried her without Biblical grounds.
2017-10-16 Women in Ministry I would like to know the reasons why a woman is not allowed to be a pastor or elder. Do you know the reasons? [1 Timothy 2:11-15]
Church Traditions & Customs & Head Coverings: What can you tell me about church traditions & customs, especially involving head coverings for women? [1 Corinthians 11:2-16]
Communion & Agape Feasts: The Early Church had real agape feasts for communion instead of just a token bread & wine like nowadays.
2017-10-12 Church Authority: Who has the final word of what is truth? Is the pastor the "dictator" of the church?
2017-08-21 Church Discipline Needs to be Implemented: Church discipline needs happen because of appropriate behavior by a pastor, but they are wondering what to do?
2017-04-05 Church Leadership: Are Elders, Bishops & Pastors all the same thing?
2017-03-01 Ordaining Elders: How & who should people become elders?
2017-03-01 Elders only Men: Elders should ONLY be male, right?
2017-02-14 Women being a Pastors: Pastor being a woman & men being qualified for Elders fore that matter.
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