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Topic: Woman (Women)

Showing 51 to 100 of 152.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-08-13 Headcoverings: Is it not inconsistent to say that the headcoverings are simply cultural, in light of the context? [I Corinthians 11:16]. Recommended; topical article; "Headcoverings & Women."
2021-07-26 Mary Magdalene: What do you know about Mary Magdalene's background, and if she was a prostitute? [Luke 8:2, Luke 7:36-50].
2021-05-06 Masculine & Feminine: Could you share both masculine and feminine traits from scripture?
2021-05-04 Women to remain Quiet: Regarding the women being instructed to remain quiet in church, where is that in the law? [I Corinthians 4:34, I Timothy 2:11, Genesis 3:16, I Corinthians 11:2-16].
2021-04-22 Women in Ministry as Elders: How seriously should we be taking the scriptures about women who preach and exercise authority over men? [I Timothy 2, I Corinthians 14].
2021-04-12 Women Be Quiet: Could you talk about the scripture that says women should be quiet? [I Corinthians 11, I Corinthians 14, I Timothy 2-3].
2021-03-22 Family Roles-Wives Submitting, Men Loving: Are the roles played in the family, such as a wife submitting to her husband, and man loving his wife, simply a cultural directive? [Ephesians 5:22-33, Colossians 3:18, I Peter 3:1-6].
2021-03-11 Women Teaching Men: Could you help me with this passage about women teaching men and if it is applicable to us today? [I Timothy 2:9-12, Genesis 2-3, Timothy 3].
Elders & Overseers: Do you make a distinction between "elders" and "overseers"? [Titus 1:5], Acts 20:17-28, I Peter 5:1-2, Matthew 20:27].
2020-12-21 The Woman in Revelation: Could you clarify the meaning of the woman in Revelation 12? [Revelation 12:1-6, Genesis 37:9, Psalm 2:8-9].
2020-09-23 Women Wearing Head Coverings: Should women wear head coverings today? [I Corinthians 11:10, I Samuel 16:7].
2020-09-03 "Wisdom" as Woman in Proverbs: Why is "Wisdom described as a woman in Proverbs?
Wisdom's Voice as Little Girl's: What do you say to someone who says that wisdom, in the voice of a little girl, has spoken to them?
2020-09-01 Paul's Teaching's Commandments or Not: Caller comments on Paul's teaching as if they are a commandments, but says they are a vision, instead. [I Corinthians 14:14-36].
2020-08-17 Old Testament Law About Virginity: Could you clarify the circumstances surrounding the law about women's punishment if accused of not being a virgin? [Deuteronomy 22:13-21].
Evidence for Crimes in Old Testament Law: What do you think of God using such unreliable evidence when there is such serious consequence in the Old Testament Law? [Deuteronomy 24:1-4].
Harshness Against Women in the Old Testament: Is it because of cultural differences when I balk at the harshness against women in the Old Testament, and yet there were still some women remarkably revered?
2020-08-17 Old Testament Law About Virginity: Could you clarify the circumstances surrounding the law about women's punishment if accused of not being a virgin? [Deuteronomy 22:13-21].
Evidence for Crimes in Old Testament Law: What do you think of God using such unreliable evidence when there is such serious consequence in the Old Testament Law? [Deuteronomy 24:1-4].
Harshness Against Women in the Old Testament: Is it because of cultural differences when I balk at the harshness against women in the Old Testament, and yet there were still some women remarkably revered?
2020-08-17 Old Testament Law About Virginity: Could you clarify the circumstances surrounding the law about women's punishment if accused of not being a virgin? [Deuteronomy 22:13-21].
Evidence for Crimes in Old Testament Law: What do you think of God using such unreliable evidence when there is such serious consequence in the Old Testament Law? [Deuteronomy 24:1-4].
Harshness Against Women in the Old Testament: Is it because of cultural differences when I balk at the harshness against women in the Old Testament, and yet there were still some women remarkably revered?
2020-07-29 Women in the Church: It seems that the scripture about women's roles in the church is affected by the culture of that time, and that there is still a stigma about women teaching. Can you help? [Ephesians 5:23-31].
2020-07-24 Women Teaching in Church: Could you talk about women teaching in church? [I Timothy 2:12, Acts 18:24-28].
Steve Gregg and His Radio Show: How did your find yourself teaching on your radio show? Caller is wondering about possibly to the same thing.
2020-07-16 Women in Ministry: Could you talk about examples of women in ministry in scripture? [Matthew 20:26, Acts 2, Romans 16:1, I Corinthians 11:3-16, Acts 18:26, Acts 20:28, I Peter 5:1-4].
2020-07-09 Roger Williams: Do you know anything about Roger Williams who was the founder of the Baptists?
Woman (Harlot) in Revelation: What do you think of the woman (the Harlot) in Revelation 17 represents? [Revelation 17:18].
2020-06-26 Ezekiel's Parable of the Women: Caller comments on Ezekiel 16 about the parable of Israel an unfaithful women. [Ezekiel 16].
Creation: Do you think that plants were reproducing before the sun and the moon were created?
2020-06-23 Women Received Gifts at Pentecost: At Pentecost, did women receive the same gifts as the men did, including tongues? [Acts 1:8]
Other Gifts at Pentecost: Were there other gifts, besides tongues, given at Pentecost? [Acts 2:4, Acts 1:8].
Steve Gregg's Receiving of the Holy Spirit: What was your experience, Steve Gregg, when you received the gift of the Holy Spirit?
2020-05-20 Women Speaking in Church: What does it mean in scripture when it indicates that women should be silent in churches? Do it mean she should not teach? [I Corinthians 14:34, I Corinthians 11:5, I Thessalonians 4:11].
2020-05-12 Parable of the Unjust Steward: What are we being taught in the parable of the unjust steward, and his manipulating the funds of his employer after getting fired? [Luke 16].
Women Not Above Men: What does the Bible mean when it talks about women not being above a man? [I Timothy 2].
2020-03-24 Woman Taken in Adultery: Do you think that Jesus would have agreed that the woman taken in adultery should be stoned, if the Roman government had allowed stoning?
Gossip & Envy-Crimes Worthy of Death: How do you assess the list of crimes like gossip and envy, being identified as worthy of death? [Romans 1:30-32].
2020-03-16 Women in Church: Is it acceptable for women to read scripture out loud in church? [I Corinthians 11:15, 14:34].
2020-03-16 Jezebel: Am I understanding it correctly that the correction in Revelation 2, is not about her being a woman, but what she is teaching? [I Timothy 2:12-15, Revelation 2:14-20].
2020-03-06 Her Desire Will be for Her Husband: Does the scripture about a woman's desire being for her husband in Genesis, actually about a woman wanting the take over the role and position of her husband? [Genesis 3:16, 4:7].
2020-02-04 Dating something B.C.E. & C.E.: What does B.C.E. and C.E. mean?
Woman Taken in Adultery: Would you talk about the story of the woman taken in adultery in John 8 and the question of it being possibly added later? [John 8:1-12, Luke 23].
2020-01-17 Christian Charities: Are you familiar with the organization called "Persecuted Church"? What is the one you mentioned with "Martyrs"? (Voice of the Martyrs).
Women & Circumcision: How to women fit into the circumcision symbolism?
Thoughts into Obedience: How do you bring your thoughts into obedience to Christ? [2 Corinthians 10:5].
2019-12-20 Women Ministry & Childbearing: Would you help me with the passage about women in ministry and "saved in childbearing"> [I Timothy 2:12-15, Acts 17:30, ].
2019-08-21 Bible & Verses: Why does the Bible read like a story, but is broken into verses?
Women Wanting to Rule Over Husbands: Can you talk about the verse in Genesis that talks about how women, after the fall, are going to want to control their husbands? [Genesis 3:6, 4:7].
2019-08-20 Women Baptizers: Is it acceptable for a women to baptize someone? [2 Corinthians 9:13, Acts 9:10-21].
2019-06-24 Head Coverings, Men's Long Hair: Can you help me understand this passage about head coverings, especially the part about the "power on her head because of the angels?" [I Corinthians 11:2-16, Psalm 119:11].
2019-06-24 Women Adorning Themselves: Could you clarify the verses about women adorning themselves? [I Timothy 2:9, I Peter 3:3-4].
2019-06-21 Head coverings & Cross-Dressing: What does scripture actually mean when discussing women and wearing head coverings? [I Corinthians 11:10, 16].
2019-06-20 Head Coverings & Long Hair: Can you clarify the passage about head coverings and long hair? [1 Corinthians 11:16].
2019-06-05 New Covenant: What did He mean when he said, "I will make a new covenant"? {Jeremiah 31:31-34, I John 2:27, Ezekiel 37].
"Virgin" or "Young Woman": Do the following verses necessitate the translation of "a virgin", rather than just a "young virgin"? [Isaiah 7:14, 8, Matthew 1:23].
2019-06-03 Jewel in a Vineyard: Is there a passage that talks about a woman as a jewel in a vineyard? [Malachi 3:17].
2019-05-28 The Amplified Bible: Why don't you like the Amplified Version of the Bible?
Translation of the Word, "Virgin": Why is the word for "virgin", sometimes translated as, "young woman"? [Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23].
2018-10-19 Me-Too Movement: What about this Me-too Movement, some women falsely accusing people of rape.
2018-04-30 Women's Ordination verses self-appointed So can a woman be a lead Pastor as long as she was appointed by the church & not self-ordained? Isn't that what it's actually saying in the Bible? How do I not become critical of the church not following the Biblical standard then?
2018-04-05 Woman before Eve: Was there a woman before Eve?
2018-04-04 Debate w/ Doug Batchelor: Thank you for doing the debate w/ Doug Batchelor re the Sabbath
Baptism: Baptism needs be done as soon as possible for so many reasons.
Saved in Childbearing: What does this mean that women will be saved in child bearing? [1 Timothy 2:15]
2018-03-28 Bride Claiming to be a Virgin but not: What if you Bride to be claims to be a Virgin, you get married & it turns out she isn't?
Marriage & Divorce: What if a wife is divorced for just causes? Is the person still marrying her committing adultery because she was already married even though it was for right causes?
2018-03-26 Beatitudes-Sermon of the Mount: The Beatitudes that are mentioned in both Matthew & Luke, is that all one sermon, recorded differently, or is it 2 separate sermons? [Matthew 5-7, Luke 6:20-49]
Women's Authority: Women authority, in church AND secular venues? What would Paul have thought of Women leaders in the secular realm? [1 Timothy 2:11-12]
2018-02-05 7 women taking hold of one man: What does 7 women taking hold of one man mean? [Isaiah 4:1]
New Jerusalem: Is New Jerusalem a spiritual way of talking about the present kingdom?
2018-01-08 Head Coverings: What do you think about going to a church that is insistent on women wearing Head coverings & being silent in the church?
2017-10-27 Women Pastors: Caller who is a woman, even though she's been a teacher for 34 years, thinks people are right that women should not be pastors in the church, but that there's many leadership roles they can be in.
2017-10-16 Women in Ministry I would like to know the reasons why a woman is not allowed to be a pastor or elder. Do you know the reasons? [1 Timothy 2:11-15]
Church Traditions & Customs & Head Coverings: What can you tell me about church traditions & customs, especially involving head coverings for women? [1 Corinthians 11:2-16]
Communion & Agape Feasts: The Early Church had real agape feasts for communion instead of just a token bread & wine like nowadays.
2017-06-06 Tabernacle Decorum: Could the women come anywhere into the outer courtyard of the Temple/tabernacle?
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