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Topic: Jesus (as King, Lord)

Showing 51 to 100 of 133.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-04-01 How to be Saved: What does one do to be saved? [I John 5:11-12, Romans 10:9].
Understanding God & Jesus: How do I understand the various labels for Jesus, God, and in the Trinity (Messiah, Son of God, etc.) and who should I be praying to, or addressing? [Matthew 11:29-30, Ephesians 3:14, John 14:6].
2021-04-01 How to be Saved: What does one do to be saved? [I John 5:11-12, Romans 10:9].
Understanding God & Jesus: How do I understand the various labels for Jesus, God, and in the Trinity (Messiah, Son of God, etc.) and who should I be praying to, or addressing? [Matthew 11:29-30, Ephesians 3:14, John 14:6].
2021-03-30 Defining the Gospel: Does Paul ever really specifically define what the gospel is? [Romans 1:16, Mark 1:1, I Corinthians 15:3, Psalm 110:1, Matthew 28:20].
2021-02-24 The God of This World-Jesus: Could it be that Jesus was the "God of this world"? [2 Corinthians 4:4, Isaiah 6, Matthew 13, Mark 4, Romans 11, Revelation 20:9, James].
2020-12-22 The Virgin Birth's Relevance to the Gospel: If the virgin birth was not part of the text, what harm would be done to the gospel?
2020-12-18 The Kingdom of God: What is the Kingdom of God (or Heaven)? [Mark 4:30, Revelation 21:2, Revelation 11:17].
2020-12-14 Jesus's Rule Over the Rest of the Universe: Is it possible that Jesus does not have preeminence over the rest of the universe, even if he does have control over the earth?
2020-12-10 Jesus Not Necessarily the Eternal God: Is it possible that scripture doesn't necessarily affirm that Jesus is actually exactly the same as the eternal God? [John 1:1-3, John 8:58, Revelation 1:8].
2020-11-24 New Age vs Christianity, Self & Selflessness: Caller comments on Steve's assessment of the difference between New Age and Christianity being one is about "self" and one is about "God" and "selflessness".
2020-10-27 Jesus Proved His Deity by Miracles: Was Jesus God because He did miracles? [Acts 2:22, Psalm 107:29, Psalm 77:19].
2020-10-26 Belief in Jesus: If someone believes that Jesus is the Son of God, is he saved?
2020-10-22 By Whom also He made the Worlds What other worlds is Hebrews talking about? [Hebrews 1:2]
Being Made so much better than the Angels: What does it mean that Jesus was "made" so much better than the angels? [Hebrews 1:4]
2020-10-21 The Point of Salvation: When is someone saved? What level of belief and obedience is required?
2020-10-15 Jesus is God Required Knowledge to be Saved: Based on the scripture, "I am He", does one not then have to believe that Jesus is God in order to be saved? [John 8:24, John 8:58, John 9:9].
2020-09-14 Prophecies in Daniel & Revelation: If Revelation was written before 70AD, then what do the prophesies in Daniel 2, 7, and Revelation 13 represent? [Daniel 2, Daniel 2:44, Daniel 7:12-13, Daniel 7, Revelation 13].
Christ Conquers & Reigns: Doesn't the image of Christ conquering and reigning have a future fulfillment when He reigns physically, since He certainly doesn't reign now? [Colossians 1:13, Philippians 2:8-11, Daniel 7:14, Matthew 13:24-30].
Birds in Trees = Evil?: Doesn't "birds in trees" represent evil in scripture? [Ezekiel 31, Ezekiel 17, Daniel 4, Matthew 13].
2020-08-31 Who is in Charge on Earth?: Who is actually in charge on earth? [Proverbs 21:1, Psalms 34:7, Daniel 2:24, Romans 8:28].
The Earth Getting Worse Till the End: Do you think that the earth is going to get worse progressively before He returns? [Revelation 20:7-8].
2020-08-10 Jesus-King Now or Not Till Later: Is Jesus the King of the earth now? [John 17:4, Matthew 28:18, Acts 2:36].
Authority of an Ambassador: How much authority does an ambassador have and do they have authority over demons?
2020-06-19 Hyper-Grace: Would you describe Hyper-Grace? [Romans 10:9, Titus 1:16, John 1:12].
Calminian: What is a Calminian?
Steve Gregg - an Arminian Are you, Steve Gregg, an Arminian? And would you define Arminianism:
2020-05-28 Caller Attempting to Disprove Christianity: A non-believer presents his postulates about the necessity of proving ones' genealogy from David without such the fallacy of Christianity would be proven. An discussion ensues about what makes him hesitant to follow Jesus. [Matthew 1:1].
Comment on Coronavirus/ COVID-19; Non-believing caller comments on the Coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic:
2020-05-21 Kingly Line of Jesus (Jaconiah): Why is Jaconiah (Coniah) included in the genealogy in Matthew, when he wascursed in Jeremiah, which excluded him from being in the kingly line ? [Matthew 1:12, Jeremiah 22:30, Luke 3].
2019-09-10 Jesus to Sit on David's Throne: Does scripture indicate that Jesus will literally sit on David's throne? [Luke 1:32].
Triumphal Entry & David's Throne: Does what the people said at the triumphal entry in Luke 1:32 also relate to the idea of Jesus sitting on David's throne? [Luke 1:32, 19:38, Mark 11:10].
Jesus on David's Throne: In Luke 1:13, did this take place at the resurrection, and when will Jesus sit on the throne of David? Is this throne literal? [Luke 1:13, Acts 13:30, Isaiah 55:3].
2019-09-10 Jesus to Sit on David's Throne: Does scripture indicate that Jesus will literally sit on David's throne? [Luke 1:32].
Triumphal Entry & David's Throne: Does what the people said at the triumphal entry in Luke 1:32 also relate to the idea of Jesus sitting on David's throne? [Luke 1:32, 19:38, Mark 11:10].
Jesus on David's Throne: In Luke 1:13, did this take place at the resurrection, and when will Jesus sit on the throne of David? Is this throne literal? [Luke 1:13, Acts 13:30, Isaiah 55:3].
2019-07-29 Spiritual Warfare: Do you think that sometimes we are encouraged to focus too much on the devil, rather than leaving the battle to Christ and His authority? [Matthew 28:18, 12:29, Jude 9, I Peter 5, I John 4:4, James 4:7, Galatians 5:16, 2 Corinthians 3:18].
2019-06-28 Liars Who Acknowledge Christ: Is this verse saying that there are liars that acknowledge that Jesus is the Christ? [Matthew 24:5]
2019-05-23 Jesus is God: How do you convince others that Jesus is God? {Revelation 3:20, Hebrews 1:8}
2019-03-22 Jesus on the Throne: Will Jesus one day, sit on the literal throne of David?
2019-03-15 God as 2 Persons: Does scripture seem to indicate that there are two different entities; the King of Israel & His Redeemer, the first & the last [Isaiah 43:1, 44:6]?
2018-09-05 God Replacing what Satan stole: I heard that Jesus came to replace what Satan had lost?
2018-08-30 Seed-Single or Plural: Seed is both singular & plural, why? [Galatians 3:16]
2018-06-25 Jesus Having a God: How can Jesus have a God? [John 20:17]
2018-05-01 New Covenant: Doesn't really say in the New Covenant that Christ is required? My Jewish friend is telling me that Jesus wasn't even mentioned in the New Covenant, so how Could the Messiah be the New Covenant?[Jeremiah 31:31]
2018-04-10 Narrow Path Website Forum: How come I haven't been added to the Narrow Path Website Forum yet?
Description of Jesus: Is this Passage of Scripture describing Jesus Christ since it's so similar to the description in Revelation? [Ezekiel 1:26-28]
2018-04-10 Lordship: Is calling Jesus the Lord the same thing as recognizing Him as King?
2018-03-16 Melchizedek: Who is Melchizedek? Is Jesus part of Melchizedek or is He superceding him? [Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 7]
2018-02-16 Jesus Learned Obedience: What does it mean when the bible says, Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered? [Hebrews 5:8]
2017-11-30 Making it to Heaven: New believer wondering how one becomes a committed disciple, how do you make it "up there" (to heaven)?
2017-11-30 Who do you say that I am?: "Who do you say I am?", what did Jesus mean by that? Why did He ask that? [Mark 8:39, Matthew 16:13]
2017-11-28 Nation of Israel or Jesus: Is the Servant of YHWH Israel or Jesus? [Isaiah 53:11]
2017-11-20 Worshipping Jesus & God the Father: Did Jesus ever command to be worshipped? What is required for worship? Worshipping God through song?
2017-11-16 Betrothed or the Bride of Christ: Is the Body of Christ, the church, a betrothal or the actual bride of Christ right now? [Matthew 26:29]
2017-11-08 The Book of Romans: Do you feel you are getting a lot more questions about romans lately since that is what is being on in BSF right now?
Messiah & Abraham: Where do you find evidence about the Messiah in the Genesis? Wasn't he promised through Abraham?
2017-11-08 God's Mercy & Forgiveness: God is infinite in forgiveness, but people still have to be held accountable who scorn Him.
2017-09-18 Jews Looking for a King: Are the Jews just looking for a King who does not claim to be the Son of God, the Messiah?
2017-08-03 Unholy Desires: This verse frightens me because I have unholy desires & afraid I'm going to be told this. [Matthew 7:23-24]
2017-07-26 Bible Interpretation in Luke: I was listening to your lectures on luke, & you seemed to have skipped verses luke 19:26-27, what do they mean?
2017-07-24 Jesus' Uniqueness Over other Leaders: Jesus taught the same thing as leaders of other major religions, like do unto others as you'd want to be done, so is Jesus real?
2017-07-12 Jesus' Ministry only 3 Years: Why did God only have jesus' ministry last 3 1/2 years?
2017-06-06 Bright & Morning Star: Who is the bright & morning star? Is it Jesus or David? [Revelation 22:16]
Wicked cutoff from the Land: In Proverbs where it says the wicked cut off from the land, is this talking about end time events? [Proverbs 2:21-22]
People who Commit Suicide: Can't God forgive people for suicide?
2017-05-09 Seeing a Different Jesus in the Paradigm of Adventism: Seventh Day Adventists preach a different Christ. (follow-up)
2017-03-06 2 Natures of Christ: 2 natures of Christ, Him being fully Man & fully God, how can they co-mingle?
Christ's Omnipresence: Was Christ omnipresent while He was here earth?
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