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Topic: Eternal Life

Showing 51 to 100 of 123.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-05-28 Judgment & Rewards: Would you help me understand the judgment, the assignments, and the rewards to follow? How much of a motivation should the rewards play in our efforts to serve the Lord? [II Corinthians 5:10f, Romans 2:6, Luke 19, Matthew 25].
2019-03-27 Mentally Ill: Will the mentally ill go to heaven?
2019-01-18 Knowing That You Are Saved: What is a Biblical affirmation of one being "saved"? How does one know for sure? [I John 5:11-12, 24, Romans 10:9
2018-12-27 Our memory on the other side of Glory: Are we going to remember our past on the other side of glory?
Dead seeing us: Can the deceased in heaven look down & see us?
2018-11-29 Other side of Glory: What do you think we are going to be doing on the other side of glory?
2018-11-21 Never Die: "He who believes in Me will NEVER DIE", what does "never die" mean because everyone has died? John 11:26
Changed in Twinkling of an Eye: What about 1 cor 15:51, where it say people won't die, but will be changed in a twinkling of an eye? [1 Corinthians 15:51]
Changed in Twinkling of an Eye: What about 1 cor 15:51, where it say people won't die, but will be changed in a twinkling of an eye? [1 Corinthians 15:51]
2018-11-16 John the Baptist baptizing & getting Baptized: John the Baptist baptizing Jesus, & John getting baptized, & people in heaven, people in earth (I frankly have to idea what the caller is getting at.)
2018-11-09 Eternity will have a different Time Dimension: Trinity before creation, matter & space relative to time, eternity to time, the caller feels.
2018-11-01 Knowledge in Heaven: What will we know in heaven? Will we know each other or care if we do?
2018-10-31 The Other Side of Glory: Will we remember people who are didn't make it on the other side of glory?
2018-09-20 Catholic Prosecution: How can "Christians" who have slaughtered 1000s of people be eligible to have eternal life?
2018-09-13 Heaven before Judgment: When do you actually get to go to heaven after we die since we still have to go through a judgment?
2018-08-21 Two Judgments: Are there more judgments than just the one at the end? Judgment for salvation vs judgment for works? [john 3:16-18]
2018-07-16 Remembering the Bad Stuff in this Life: Caller doesn't think that we'll remember all the bad stuff anymore on the other side of glory, including lost loved ones. [Isaiah 65:16-18, Revelation 21:4]
Estranged Children from the Lord: Children that are not following the Lord, caller will be praying for a previous caller who's son has departed the faith.
2018-06-29 Videos of your Verse by Verse Lectures: Do you have a VIDEO of all your verse by verse?
Eternal Life: What will eternal life be like?
2018-05-22 Divorce: Divorce is it not allowed at all? You are always committing adultery if you remarry someone who is divorced?
Adolph Hitler: Why would God allow an Adolph Hitler to happen?
Worshipping God all day in Eternity: why should we want to sit in heaven all day worshipping God?
2018-04-30 Eternity taught in the OT: What did the Jews know about eternity from the Old Testament?
2018-02-02 God Allowing Tragedies: Why does God allow certain tragedies to happen? Why do we always have to believe He had a better idea?
Effects of Sin in Eternity: Will there be lasting effects of present sin in eternity?
2017-12-28 Alpha & Omega: How can God be the end? How does He know what's happening in the end? What happened to eternity? [Revelation 22:13]
2017-12-18 Righteous in Eternity: Where do the righteous go after the judgment, to heaven & come back again to the New Earth? When is the judgment day? What is the judgment for?
Hades & Paradise: Can you explain what you were saying about Hades & Paradise?
2017-11-29 Unbelievers Going to Heaven: An unbeliever thinks it blatantly unfair of God not to let unbelievers in heaven.
2017-11-17 Falling in Eternity: What if I can't go the distance in the next life, in the new heaven & earth, since we are required to be good SO long; for eternity?
2017-11-10 No Marriage in Heaven: There is going to be no marriage anymore in heaven? [Matthew 22:30]
2017-11-09 Activities in Heaven: Do you have any idea what we will be doing in Heaven or what it will be like?
2017-11-07 Negative Emotions in Heaven: When we get to heaven how are we not going to be jealous or have major regrets of people getting rewards we could've gotten?
2017-10-06 Grace & Works: A nominal Christian thinks he's saved because he's under grace & not works. What would you say about that? [Ephesians 2:8-9, James 2:14-19, Galatians 6:7-10]
Varying Rewards in Eternity: Will there be different rewards for amount of work done?
2017-09-11 Discrepancies about the Manna: There seems to be some discrepancies about the manna in the wilderness, Moses making manna happen from Heaven in Exodus, but then Jesus said Moses didn't in the gospel of John, & that they who ate it would live, but they died, but did Moses give them bread from Heaven or did Jesus? [Exodus 16:4, John 6:32, John 6:50-51]
2017-08-24 Last Act is a Horrible Sin: What if your last sin a terrible sin at the very last minute of your life, what will God do with you?
2017-08-15 Trinity in Heaven: Will we see the Trinity in Heaven?
2017-06-26 Striving, but then Easy: These 2 verses seem contradictory to each other, one saying we have to Strive to enter the Kingdom of God, but then it says that His yoke is easy. Which is it? [Luke 13:34, Matthew 11:30]
2017-05-30 Treasure in Heaven: How do you lay up treasure in Heaven? [Matthew 6:20, Matthew 19:21]
2017-05-02 Recognizing each other in Heaven: Will we know one another in heaven?
2017-05-02 New Heaven & New Earth: New heaven & New earth follow-up & where will we be in eternity?
2017-03-07 Eternal Life: What will we be doing in eternity, & what will it be like?
2017-03-03 Remembering Loved Ones who didn't make it: Will we be grieved on the other side of glory for people who didn't make it?
2016-12-09 Holy Sprit's Role in Eternity: What will the role of the Holy Spirit be in eternity since we are already redeemed?
2016-11-30 Recognizing people in Heaven: Are we going to recognize people in heaven?
2016-11-28 King Saul: Why did God give Israel Saul as the first king?
Regret in Heaven: Even though a person might be saved, is it true they won't be happy if they fail to really obey God while down here on earth?
2016-08-15 New Names on Other side of Glory: Will it be our current names or new names when we are on the other side of glory?
Name Blotted Out of Book of Life: Is it true everyone's name is in the book of life & is simultaneously blotted out if we don't accept Christ?
2016-05-13 Motivated by Love for Christ: We shouldn't be motivated to be saved just to be either wanting euphoria in heaven for eternity or fear of burning in hell, but for the love of the Master Himself, right?
2016-04-18 Knowing each other in Heaven: will we know each other in Heaven? Do people know each other in Heaven right now after death?
2016-03-17 Conversion without Baptism: If someone on their deathbed receives Christ but are not baptized, are they still saved? [Luke 23:42-43]
2016-03-08 Meeting Family in Heaven: Is there anything biblical about us meeting family in heaven?
2016-01-25 Glorified Bodies: Did Jesus eliminate while in His glorified body? Is there going to be sex? Should we use birth control?
2015-07-30 Soul Sleep: Do we go to Heaven or stay here when we die? He's having trouble finding any place in the Bible that we go there. [Philippians 1:21-23]
Heaven or Planet Earth On Side of Glory: Misphrased his Question: Do you go to heaven or live on the earth in eternity?
2015-04-03 Ruling & Reigning over Whom: Who are we going to rule & reign over in eternity? [2 Timothy 2:12]
2015-03-30 Recognizing each other in Heaven: Will we know each other on the other side of glory?
2015-03-30 Time: What do we know about time? God lives outside of time?
2015-03-09 Recreation in Heaven: Will there be recreation on the other side of glory? Is recreation acceptable here on earth for that matter?
2015-03-03 Pets going Heaven: Do pets go to heaven? But what about Ecclesiastes 3:21? If they do go to heaven, what do they do to go there, to get there? [Ecclesiastes 3:21]
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