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Topic: Punishment

Showing 51 to 100 of 118.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-09-02 Christ Dying for Our Sins, Past, Present, Future: Did Christ's suffering on the cross include feeling the pain of my sins, as He actually felt them at that moment also-sort of outside of time? [Revelation 18:8].
Jesus' Amount of Suffering Due to Enormity of Sins He bore: Did Jesus suffer more on the cross because He was suffering for such an infinite number sins? [Revelation 13:8].
2020-08-17 Old Testament Law About Virginity: Could you clarify the circumstances surrounding the law about women's punishment if accused of not being a virgin? [Deuteronomy 22:13-21].
Evidence for Crimes in Old Testament Law: What do you think of God using such unreliable evidence when there is such serious consequence in the Old Testament Law? [Deuteronomy 24:1-4].
Harshness Against Women in the Old Testament: Is it because of cultural differences when I balk at the harshness against women in the Old Testament, and yet there were still some women remarkably revered?
2020-08-03 Law of Moses-Cut off Her Hand: What do you think about Moses's law when he said a woman's hand should be cut-off for an infraction? [Deuteronomy 25:11].
Loss of Eye or Tooth in the Law: Would you comment on the law and the compensation for the loss of an eye or a tooth? [Exodus 21:27].
2020-07-14 Hell and Jesus' Eternal Torment: If Jesus took our punishment for sin, and the punishment is eternal damnation, will Jesus then suffer eternally? [Romans 3:23, Ezekiel 18:20-24].
2020-06-19 Righteous Man Escaping Capital Punishment: Is Ezekiel 18 referring to the righteous man escaping the capital punishment in the Jewish Law? [Ezekiel 18:21, Jeremiah 31:29].
2020-06-16 Lake of Fire: What kind of bodies do the unrighteous have when they are cast into the Lake of Fire? [Revelation 20:14-15, Luke 12:48].
2020-06-10 The Law Penalty of Stoning After Jesus: Did the stoning penalty stop with the death and resurrection of Jesus for Christians? [Romans 12, Romans 13].
2020-06-03 Forgiveness Required: In light of the scripture that requires that we are to be forgiving, what does it look like to forgive in a variety of situations-great to small? [Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 18:15-17, Luke 23:34].
2020-06-03 Old Testament Law & Punishment Application for Today: How does Old Testament law, crime & punishment apply to us today?
2020-05-29 Hell: Could you talk about the concept of hell, particularly the unacceptable idea of "eternal torment"? [John 3:16].
2020-05-04 Hell-Conditional Immortality: Does your understanding of the Conditional Immortality allow for only a brief period of suffering?
Hell-Conditional Immortality & Universal Reconciliation (Restoration): How does the view of Conditional Immortality align or differ from the Universal Reconciliation (Restoration} view in regard to the punishment?
2020-05-04 Hell-Conditional Immortality: Does your understanding of the Conditional Immortality allow for only a brief period of suffering?
Hell-Conditional Immortality & Universal Reconciliation (Restoration): How does the view of Conditional Immortality align or differ from the Universal Reconciliation (Restoration} view in regard to the punishment?
2020-04-28 Saved Heads: Based on this verse in Amos, is God not too happy with people who shave their heads? [Amos 8:10].
2020-04-17 Stumbling Fellow Believers: How does the passage in Matthew (regarding stumbling the young in the faith) apply to people today? [Matthew 18:6-7].
2020-03-30 Eternal Life & Eternal Judgment: Could you talk about "eternal life" and "eternal judgment?" [John 3:36].
2020-03-25 Why No Hell in the Old Testament: Do you think the reason that "hell" is not mentioned more in the Old Testament is because God wanted His people to chose Him for Himself? [Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 66;24].
2020-02-20 God's Harsh Punishment in Old Testament: What do you say regarding the harshness of God's punishment on his people in the Old Testament? [2 Chronicles 15:12-13].
2020-01-23 Punishment to the 3 & 4th Generations: Can you break down what God says about visiting iniquities on the children of the 3 and 4th generations? [Exodus 20, 34:6].
2020-01-21 Women's Punishment in Genesis: I am wondering why the women's punishment for sinning in Genesis, seem so much worse than what man has to suffer? [Genesis 3:16-17].
2019-12-04 Weeping & Gnashing of Teeth: What is the weeping & gnashing of teeth for or about in scripture? [Matthew 13:42, 18:34].
2019-11-13 Punishment in Heaven: How do we know that we won't be punished in heaven for or sins, or the things we have neglected, such as not casting out demons?
2019-06-26 Cain & Abel: Why was Cain's sacrifice not accepted and clarify the "driven me out ... from the face of the earth"? [Genesis 4:1-16]
2019-05-16 Disciplining Children Biblically: What does the Bible teach about disciplining children? [Proverbs 22:15, I Kings 1:6, Ecclesiastes 8:11].
2019-03-26 Church Conflict: What should I do if my daughter is asked not to return to her youth group, when it was not her that was the bully?
2019-03-04 Old Testament Law: According to the Old Testament, should we put rebellious children to death? [Deuteronomy 21:18-21], [Mark 7:9-1].
2018-11-08 Lake of Fire - Hell: What is Hell & the Lake of Fire, & will it be the same experience for the people who make it there?
2018-07-06 Child punished for Parent's Sin: Can a child be punished or suffer for the parent's sin? {Ezekiel 18, Exodus 20:5]
2018-07-03 Chastisement of the Lord: What is the chastisement of the Lord?
2018-04-24 Sins of the Parents: Do you think God ever on occasion still does pass judgment on the children of the fathers even though in places like Ezekiel 18 He says He doesn't?
2018-04-23 Calamity: My girlfriend's 2 year old cousin just drowned & how do we not view this as a punishment instead of a blessing?
2018-03-26 Atonement-Penal & Christus Victor: Was God punishing Christ for our sins?
2018-02-08 David Taking a Census: Why was it wrong for David to take a census? [2 Samuel 24, I Chronicles 21]
2017-10-26 Predestination Exists: Caller thinks predestination exists because God knows everything.
Doctrine of Hell: Where does the doctrine of hell come from?
2017-09-13 Wicked Person goes directly to Hell after Death: People who die go to hell because of Lazarus & the Rich Man, according to this caller. [Luke 16:19-31]
2017-09-08 God Creating the Devil: Why would God create a devil to tempt us, torment us, create havoc, when he's going to be held accountable in the end?
2017-08-24 Last Act is a Horrible Sin: What if your last sin a terrible sin at the very last minute of your life, what will God do with you?
2017-08-22 Degrees of Punishment in Hell: is there different degrees of punishment in hell? isn't just going to hell for not believing Jesus enough? Is justice an attribute of God?
2017-08-02 Capital Punishment (Death Penalty): Are we dishonoring God if we don't support the death penalty? [Matthew 15]
2017-06-09 Parenting: Shouldn't parents correct their child? What about parents who don't care about disciplining their children? [Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 23:13-14]
2017-06-09 Cain's Fear: If there was such a small population when Cain was told to leave, who was he afraid of? [Genesis 4:13]
2017-04-04 Capital Punishment: Corporate Punishment going to a gentler, kinder kind of punishment.
2017-04-04 Capital Punishment (Spanking): Capital punishment (spanking) works.
2016-08-09 Purpose of God's Wrath: What is the purpose of God's wrath? Is it to satisfy His righteous requirements or is it just leaving man to his own devices? [Romans 1, 2 Thessalonians 1:6, Ezekiel 33:11]
Punishment Despite God Letting People Go: Is there still a judgement & punishment for the people God had already let go with reprobate minds? [Romans 1]
Hell, Weeping & Gnashing of Teeth & Annihilationism: Don't annihilationists believe that they are just going to be burned up & no more punishment?
2016-06-15 Number of People God Killed in the Bible: There's an atheist website about how many people God killed in the Bible. Can you shed some light on this propaganda?
2016-05-30 Wages of Sin: If the wages of sin is death how could Christ pay for all sin after only being dead for 3 days? [Romans 6:23]
2016-05-10 Problems for People who stole Ark of the Covenant: God caused problems for people who stole the Ark of the Covenant, giving them emerods, but what is that? (hemorrhoids) [1 Samuel 5=6]
Seed Money: Caller thnks there might be blessing in giving seed money to demonstrate your faith.
2016-05-06 Satan being Punished: If satan was as Satan from the beginning, why does he have to punished, why was hell created for him & his minions?
2015-09-01 The person Job Getting a New Wife: Did Job get a new wife at the end of his latter days?
Chastised by the Lord or Being Attacked by Enemy: How can we know if we are being chastening by the Lord or being attacked by the Devil? [Hebrews 12]
2015-07-21 Whistle Blowing at Work: What obligation does an employee has to tell on somebody who is hurting the company?
2015-03-25 Hell: Caller has a simple theory about why it isn't eternity in hell.
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