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Topic: Deceit (Deception, Lying)

Showing 51 to 62 of 62.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-03-17 Calvinism-Total Depravity: According to these verses, aren't we too depraved to seek God unless He seeks us out first? [Jeremiah 17:9, John 6:65]
2016-03-10 Mormonizing of America: Caller wanted to recommend a book about about Mormons called, "Mormonizing of America" by Steve Mansfield.
Understanding Cults: Caller also says people need to do research on cults, offering some resources.
2015-12-22 Jesus, the Temptation & the Devil: Was the Devil lying to Jesus when he was trying to tempt Jesus?
Progressive Revelation: Do you believe in Progressive Revelation?
2015-03-20 Dishonoring a parent (Father): Would it be considered dishonoring their father if caller's children testify against him for the way he treats them?
2015-02-20 Apostasy & Strong Delusion: When is the Apostasy & what is the Strong Delusion that is mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2? [2 Thessalonians 2]
Catholic Church: Could the Catholic Church get more evil (again) as we get closer to the end time?
2015-01-06 Strong Delusion & Satan Loosed: God says He's going to send a strong delusion. Are the Scriptures in both 2 Thessalonians & Revelation talking about the same time period? A delusion & Satan being loosed? [2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation 20]
2014-10-08 Shimei Curses David & False Accusations: Why did Shimei curse David? [2 Samuel 16:5-13, Job 4-23]
2013-12-23 Satan making people misunderstand you: It is possible that satan or demons can make something says someone says be completely misinterpreted by his/their trickery? [1 Corinthians 2:11]
The Mentally Ill: Is God going to treat the mentally ill like He will with children who can't really grasp the true meaning of the gospel?
2013-05-22 Obama Can Repent: Don't we need to forgive Obama and hope that he will repent and come to the Father?
Ananias & Sapphira & Tithing: Was the story of Ananias & Sapphira added to the Bible to pressure people into tithing? [Acts 5:1-11].
2013-05-21 Adam & Eve's Mutual Sin: What do you think was Adam's motivation to sin with Eve, since he was not deceived? [Genesis 3:13, I Timothy 2:14].
2013-02-11 Tax Loop Holes: You buy a car from private party, & they say that you paid a lower price than you actually did so you don't have to pay as much tax on it as you otherwise would, is that being dishonest, & should Christians participate in it?
2012-01-13 Defining a "Lie:" What is the definition of a "lie" or a "white lie" and when are they, or "half-truths," acceptable? [John 2:19, James 2:25].
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