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Topic: Word of God (The Word)

Showing 51 to 75 of 75.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-03-21 Not being Confused: Comment about not being confused.
2015-12-22 The Word becoming Flesh: Michael the Buddhist wants to know about "Logos", the Word, Jesus, becoming Flesh. [John 1]
2015-12-21 The Word being Jesus: What does it mean that Jesus was "The Word" before He came down here to earth? [John 1]
2015-07-28 Jesus as the Bread of Life: Doesn't Jesus make it seem like we wouldn't die if we ate His bread? [John 6:43-51]
2015-07-10 Word, Logos, Rhema: Caller gives a little bit of his insight & gives a little interesting Bible study about Hebrews 4:12, but thinks that after Hebrews 4:1-11 take a dynamic shift in verse 12. [Hebrews 4:1-12, Mathew 10:34, Chronicles 28:9, Romans 8:27]
2015-05-04 The Torah & the Talmud: You could sort've compare the Torah & the Talmud to the Word of God, & the "tradition", exactly like the Catholic Church.
2015-04-30 God has the Last Word: Caller just wanted to comment on the first call that God has the final word!
2015-03-31 Catholic Tradition & Word of God: Tom the Catholic wants to continue his discussion of a few days ago regarding Church Tradition, w/ addition to the Word of God.
2015-03-27 Believing in Jesus & once you do: A caller asks a litany of questions about following Jesus, in relation to the following verses. [john 14:23, 1 john 2:3-4, 1 john 3:8-9]
2015-02-03 Meaning of Words & Interpreting Scripture: What's the benefit in saying that some words & verses don't mean what they normally would in the English language?
2015-01-30 "And this Word": What does "this word" mean in Hebrews? Isn't this book talking about Jesus, & don't forget about Moses & the Law, but that Jesus is SO much better? Why is he referring to Haggai? [Hebrews 12:27, Haggai 2:6]
2015-01-12 God's Glory, Shekinah Glory: Is john referring to the glory of Jesus in relation to what happened in the Transfiguration? [Matthew 17:1-9, John 1:14]
2013-12-04 Morning Star Describing both Lucifer & Jesus?: So did you say that the term "Morning Star" was describing Lucifer as well as Jesus too? [Isaiah 14:12, Revelation 22:16
Infallibility of the Bible: If it's the case that the KJV translators got the word, "Lucifer" wrong in Isaiah, does that still mean the Bible is completely infallible & inspired?
2013-11-14 Trinity Always Existed: Has the Trinity always existed even before the Bible?
Jesus' Form before His Incarnation: What type of form was Jesus in before His incarnation? [John 1:1-5]
2013-11-04 "The Word" Was God: Can you please interpret John 1:1? Is it "a" god or the God? [John 1:1]
2013-10-31 Verbal Inspiration: I've been reading A.W. Tozer's book, "The Deeper Life", & he mentioned "verbal inspiration", & what does that mean, the verbal inspiration of Scripture or being inspired it as we are reading it?
False Religion but Sincere: What happens to people who are in false religions but really think they are following the truth & would follow Jesus if they knew about Him?
2013-10-31 Verbal Inspiration: I've been reading A.W. Tozer's book, "The Deeper Life", & he mentioned "verbal inspiration", & what does that mean, the verbal inspiration of Scripture or being inspired it as we are reading it?
False Religion but Sincere: What happens to people who are in false religions but really think they are following the truth & would follow Jesus if they knew about Him?
2013-08-20 "Methuselah" - When He Dies It Will Come: Where do people get the idea that "Methuselah" means "when he dies, it will come"?
Jesus the Same Yesterday, Today & Forever: Doesn't this verse in Hebrews Jesus say that Jesus was always the same, even before His incarnation? [Hebrews 13:8]
2013-07-22 Prophets Knowledge: How did the Prophets know they were actually getting a genuine Word from God?
2013-06-18 Jesus as the Son Before His Incarnation: Was Jesus the Son of God before His incarnation? [Psalm 2:7, Acts 13:33, Isaiah 9:6-7, Proverbs 30:4, John 1:1-5]
Everlasting Father: Is Jesus the Father? [Isaiah 9:6]
2013-04-15 Inspiration of Scripture: How do you see the scriptures, Old & New Testaments, as the "inspired" Word of God?
Inspiration of the New Testament: I have heard from some that you, Steve Gregg, do not believe in the inspiration of the New Testament, however, I disagree. Can you clarify? [Luke 1:1-4].
2013-01-16 Bibles Back in Schools: People are saying how we need to get rid of guns, but how come we never hear anything about putting the Bible back in school?
2013-01-16 No Bibles Anywhere in America: Isn't it hypocritical of the American government to say we can not preach or teach the Bible, but we must accommodate any other religion that is not Christian, such as Buddhism & Isla?.
Trinity: Can you explain the Trinity?
2013-01-16 Bibles in School: Is there ever occasion when we should "force" the Bible back in schools?
2012-01-03 Medical Marijuana (Cannabis): What do you think abut medical marijuana (cannabis)? [Psalm 31:6-7].
Martial Arts: What do you think about Christians who are involved in the martial arts? [1 Corinthians 10:31].
"Words" from God-from Others: How do you know when someone is actually speaking the "word" from God? [Acts 17:11, 1 Thessalonins 5:21].
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