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Topic: Old Testament Application

Showing 51 to 60 of 60.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-02-12 Abandoning the Old Testament: Since we are no longer under the Old Covenant, shouldn't we just abandon the Old Testament altogether?
2015-01-07 Finances - NT/OT version: There seems to be a completely different role of the importance of finances in the Old Testament vs the New Testament.
2014-11-06 Jews & Jesus: Will Jews ever believe Jesus to be the Savior the way He's purported to save people, will they ever believe that? (Asked by Michael the Buddhist...hence the word, "purported".)
Old Testament Predictions of Jesus: What are some of the verses in the Old Testament that were fulfilled by Jesus of the New Testament?
Why hast thou forsaken Me: Was this Jesus' human side, crying out, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?" [Matthew 27:46]
2014-09-15 Homosexual Laws: Is the Old Testament no longer valid? Did Paul only look at Sodomy in light of the Temple prostitution? [1 Corinthians 6:9-20]
2014-08-14 OT practices: As long as it's not spoken against in the New Testament, are believers permitted to do things you had to do in the Old Testament? Such as Tithing?
2014-08-13 Micaiah telling King Ahab to go to Ramothgilead: Do you think when Micaiah was telling King Ahab to go prosper against Ramathgilead that he was telling him to go by himself or w/ his army? [2 Chronicles 18:14, 1 Kings 22:50]
2013-09-19 All Scripture Inspired by God: When it says in 2 Timothy that ALL Scripture was inspired by God, he was only talking about the Old Testament Scriptures at the time, wasn't he? [2 Timothy 3:15-16]
Studying The Mosaic Law: So we shouldn't worry about studying the Old Testament law?
2013-09-05 Financially Supporting the Rape Victim: Isn't the reason God permitted the victim to be married by the attacker is to financially support her since she'd have no other means?
Stoning Jesus because He Claimed to be God: Caller was trying to help a previous caller to explain that Jesus claimed to be God is why the Pharisees wanted to stone Him. [John 8:24]
2013-05-29 Ten Commandments Application: Do you think that the whole Old Testament is not really for us as believers? [2 Timothy 3:16].
Sabbath Worship is Sunday: Isn't it appropriate to consider that for us today the Sabbath Day refers simply to Sunday, or whatever day you gather to worship with others?
2013-02-08 Obeying the 10 Commandments, Pride & Reading OT: What do we take from the Old Testament to the New Testament? The 10 Commandments? [Romans 6]
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