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Topic: Afterlife

Showing 101 to 108 of 108.
Episode Topic Audio
2013-04-01 Afterlife & Soul Sleep: What happens after death? Do we go to sleep, or do we go to heaven? [I Corinthians 15:51, I Corinthians 15:18, I Thessalonians 13-18].
Thief to Paradise: Is the misplacing of the comma in the passage about the thief going to paradise significant? [Luke 23:43].
2013-03-22 Lake of Fire & the CIty of New Jerusalem: Could you explain Revelation 20-22 about entering and exiting the city and the Lake of Fire? [Revelation 20:15, Revelation 21:27, Revelation 22:14, Hebrews 12:22, Ephesians 2]
2013-02-25 Repentence & Salvation After Death: Is it possible that someone can go to hell and still be saved by repenting there? [John 3:16, I Timoth 6:16, Revelation 20:10].
2012-01-11 Resurrection & Afterlife: Doesn't scripture indicate that we are not disembodied after death until the resurrection? [1 Corinthians 5:4-8, 2 Corinthians 12:2, 2 Corinthians 4:16].
2012-01-03 Afterlife-Immediately Upon Death: What happens immediately upon death for both the believer and the unbeliever? [2 Corinthians 5:8, 2 Thessalonians 5:1-9, 2 Corinthians 12:7, Revelation 21-22, Luke 16:19-31].
2012-01-02 Repentance & Salvation After Death: If someone dies before they accept Christ, does scripture saysthey will no longer have a chance to accept the gospel and be saved after death? [Hebrews 9:27, Luke 16:19-31]
Before the Judgment, After Death: Where do people go after they die, but before judgment? Where are they being held? [Luke 16:19-31, John 5].
Regrets in Heaven: Are we going to have regrets in Heaven?
2012-01-02 Afterlife & Near-Death Experiences: What do you think about the stories of those that have experienced heaven or hell?
Motives for Evangelism: Does the motive (fear or devotion) matter to God as long as we spread the gospel? [Philippians 1:18, Proverbs 15:8].
Heaven as a Motive: Doesn't the hope of heaven help motivate us to spread the gospel?
2012-01-02 Near-Death Experiences: Couldn't the stories of heaven motivate people to believe that there is a God that they need to serve? Rec: "Closer to the Light." by Melvin Morse.
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