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Topic: Contradiction(s) (Discrepancies)

Showing 101 to 150 of 164.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-05-24 Remember Not but Remembering every Idle Word: It says in the Bible that God won't remember our sins, that they are as far as east is from the west, yet He will remember every idle word we ever said at judgment. How is that not a contradiction? [Matthew 12:36-40, Psalm 103:12-14]
2018-05-11 I Never Knew You: God is all knowing, but then He says, I never knew you? How is that not a contradiction?
Talking in tongues: What if some people were just trying to demonstrate that they had the ability to communicate in tongues? Is that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
2018-03-15 Contradiction of Passover Meal: There seems to be contradiction when the passover happened in the gospels. Luke says they had Passover dinner before Jesus was arrested, John seems to say it was after His arrest, but others say it was at the same time. Which was it?
Passover Animal Sacrifice as Jesus' Crucifixion: Do think He was crucified on the same day they killed the literal lamb?
2018-03-13 Loving your neighbor as much or more than yourself: Paul says to love others MORE than ourselves, but Jesus only said to love others as MUCH as ourselves [Romans 12:10, John 13:34, Philippians 2,3,4]
2018-03-12 Jacob Wrestling with God: How could Jacob wrestle w/ a Man for such a long time? How could he possibly win against God? [Genesis [32:24-30]
Seeing God: There seems to be a contradiction in Scripture here because it says that Jacob saw God face-to-face, yet when Moses encountered God, God told him no one can see Him & live. [Genesis 32:30, Exodus 33:20]
2017-11-22 Abraham's Genealogy: Abraham's children, disparity in the ages, is there a discrepancy in the math from when Abram was born & his father died? [Acts 7:2-5, Genesis 11:6, Genesis 12:4]
2017-11-01 God Leading People into Temptation: Did God cause Jesus to be tempted? James says that God does tempt us, but then in the Lord's Prayer it we are supposed to say, "lead us NOT into temptation", praying to God saying that. How do you reconcile these verses? [James 1:13, Matthew 6:13]
2017-10-24 God Not Losing Anything: I don't believe in once saved always saved, but there seems to be conflict when Jesus says He won't lose anything that are His.
John the Baptist & Rewards in Heaven: If there was none greater than John the Baptist, yet he was least in the kingdom of God, so how our are rewards going to work?
2017-10-03 10 Commandments Were Written By: Did God write the 10 commandments or did the angels? There seems to be contradiction. [Exodus 24:12, Acts 7:52-53, Galatians 3:19, Hebrews 2]
2017-09-25 Mary's Genealogy: 2 different father's for Joseph, one saying that Jacob is Joseph's father & another one saying Heli is his father. [Matthew 1:16, Luke 3:23]
2017-08-23 Prophecy & Tongues: Is prophecy & tongues for the believer or for the unbeliever & if for the believer, is church for the unbeliever too? [1 Corinthians 14:23-25]
2017-07-31 Yoke is Easy & Burden Light, but is Hard Contradiction: My yoke is easy, My burden is light, but in other places He seems to make it hard, so which is it [Luke 14, Matthew 11]
2017-07-18 Don't Call Jesus Accursed, Yet called Jesus Cursed: Why does Paul say when talking in prophetic voices that you can't say Jesus is accursed, but then says Jesus is cursed by hanging on a tree, is this a contradiction? [1 Corinthians 12:3, Galatians 3:13]
2017-07-13 Jesus' Temptation: God says He tempts no man, but the Jesus had to go through the temptation, so how do these reconcile w/ each other? [James 1:13]
2017-06-23 Reconciling Scripture of Losing Gifts: There are 3 passages of scripture seem to go against what Romans 11:29 about not losing gifts, which says, "For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance". How do you reconcile them, like having the lampstand taking away, the talents taken away, the Kingdom of God taken away? [Romans 11:29, Revelation 2:5, Matthew 25:14-30, Matthew 21:33-43]
2017-05-17 Bible Discrepancy in John: I don't understand Jesus' statement that no one has asked Him where He was going because Peter asked Him where He was going! [John 13:36, John 16:5]
2017-05-17 Jesus Contradiction: No one has asked Him where He was going because Peter asked Him where He was going! [John 13:36, John 16:5]
2017-02-01 Contradiction about Tongues: There seems to be a contradiction about what Tongues are for, the believer or unbeliever. Can you harmonize it? [1 Corinthians 14:22]
2016-10-11 Gossip, Slander, Libel: Is there a contradiction about gossip in the Bible, particularly in these verses? [2 Timothy 1:5, 1 Timothy 4:14, 1 Corinthians 4:16]
2016-10-03 Bible Discrepancy of Israel in Egypt: There is seems to be a discrepancy of how long Israel was actually in Egypt. Can you clarify? [Genesis 15:13-16, Exodus 12:40-41, Galatians 3:16-17]
2016-08-18 Walking in the Spirit: Caller comments on Walking in the spirit from a previous show. [Romans 8:2]
Groanings Which Cannot Be Uttered: What does, "groanings which can not be uttered" mean? [Romans 8:26-27]
Jesus Not Praying for the World: Why did Jesus say He was not praying for the world, but yet the most well known verse says that He came to save the whole world? [John 17:9, John 3:16]
2016-08-18 Christians endorsing Democrat Platform: How can you both be a Christian & a Democrat? Isn't that an oxymoron?
2016-04-22 Feast of Unleavened Bread: When talking about the Feast of Unleavened Bread, caller thinks a verse is out of place with everything else Paul is talking about. Did he? [1 Corinthians 5:8]
2016-03-30 Crucifixion Time Contradictions: It says in Mark that Jesus was crucified in 3rd hour (9 am by our reckoning), John says He was crucified the 6th hour (12 pm noon by our reckoning), but both can't be true, How do we deal with this contradiction? [Mark 15:25, John 19:14-15]
2016-03-29 Sword Contradiction Statements by Jesus: In one place in the Bible Jesus says that if live by the sword you'll die by the sword, but then later He tells His disciples to get a sword. Why the contradiction? [Matthew 26:52, Luke 22:31-38]
2016-03-07 Jesus Coming or Going: Did Jesus say He wasn't going, or wasn't going yet? It seems to be saying contradictory things depending on which translation of the Bible you are using. [John 6:6-9]
Septuagint: What can you tell me about the Septuagint Bible? (A Bible that was translated to Greek the Hebrew language of the Old Testament.)
2016-03-03 Calvinism: I have some friends that believe in Unconditional Election yet also believe in Free will. What do you think? Isn't that sort've a contradiction.
2016-03-01 David & Goliath: Someone says there's contradiction about who really killed Goliath. [1 Chronicles 20:5, 2 Samuel 21:19]
Israelites in Egypt: Is there evidence of Israel actually being slaves in Egypt?
2015-12-31 Reconciling Scripture [Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 4:11]: How do we reconcile Jesus saying He'll provide everything we need, but then Paul saying we might go hungry & be beaten & so on? [Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 4:11]
Reconciling Scripture - Meat Sacrificed to Idols: In Revelation it seems to be a big deal about eating meat sacrificed to idols, but not a very big deal to Paul. How do you reconcile those 2 things? [Revelation 2:14, 1 Corinthians 8:9-13, Revelaion 17:1, Revelation 1:20].
2015-12-22 Bible contradicting itself: Does the Bible Contradict itself?
For example, 70 persons: [Deuteronomy 10:22, Acts 7:14]
2015-12-04 Contradiction in the Bible: In Acts 15 it said that even Gentiles couldn't eat meat sacrificed to idols, but the in Corinthians it says it's nothing to be worry about. Why is that? [Acts 15:20-21, 1 Corinthians 10:27-30]
2015-09-30 Harmonizing 2 Bible verses: Caller wants Steve to reconcile 2 particular Scriptures, one that seems rather comforting, & one that's a little hard. [Luke 13:24, Romans 8:31]
2015-08-19 Seeing God Contradictions: God told Moses he couldn't see Him face to face, but Jacob got to Him face to face? How come the contradictions? Did Jacob actually see God face to Face? [Exodus 33:18-20, Genesis 32:30]
2015-08-05 Loving Your Enemies: God was pretty severe w/ His own people, let alone His own enemies, but how do we reconcile the way He is in the New Testament?
God forgets our Sin: God forgets our sins, it says in the Old Testament, the Sea of Forgetfulness, but it also says every idle word will be held against us? [Micah 7:9, Matthew 12:36]
2015-07-28 Having or Not Having Swords: Contradictions about the usage of the Sword which Jesus instructed. Where's He going w/ this? [Luke 22:35-38] (It was also asked as the first Q on July 24, 2015)
2015-06-10 Contradiction about Sin: In one place of the Bible is says that the soul that sinneth, it shall die, but in another place it says that sin living in us is causing us to sin. [Ezekiel 18:20, Romans 7:17]
2015-05-27 Glory of God & Character: If God does not share His glory with anyone else, how does that harmonize with us one day sharing His glory? [Isaiah 42:8, Isaiah 48:11, 2 Thessalonians 2:14]
2015-04-16 Conflict between 2 statements in the NT: There seems to be a complete contrast between Demetrius said & what the town clerk said, so why? Not quoting Paul correctly or city clerk minimizing what Paul said? [Acts 19:23, 35]
2015-02-20 Reconciling some specific Scripture (Wisdom): Caller is having trouble reconciling 2 particular Scriptures. [Jeremiah 15:16, Ecclesiastes 1:18]
2013-11-12 John the Baptist Elijah or Not: Jesus said that John the Baptist was the spirit of Elijah that has come, but John the Baptist says he was not Elijah. Why the contradiction? [John 1:19-28, Matthew 17:11-13]
God or Satan Incited David to Number the People: Did God or Satan incite David to number the people? [2 Samuel 24:1, 2 Chronicles 21:17]
2013-11-12 John the Baptist Elijah or Not: Jesus said that John the Baptist was the spirit of Elijah that has come, but John the Baptist says he was not Elijah. Why the contradiction? [John 1:19-28, Matthew 17:11-13]
God or Satan Incited David to Number the People: Did God or Satan incite David to number the people? [2 Samuel 24:1, 2 Chronicles 21:17]
2013-07-30 Childlikeness to Enter the Kingdom of God: Jesus says to be childlike in order to enter the Kingdom & yet Paul says that he put away his childishness. Why the contradiction? [Luke 18:16-17, 1 Corinthians 13:11]
2013-07-03 Women Prophesying & Preaching: Why the apparent contradiction about what women can do in ministry? [1 Corinthians 11, 1 Timothy 2]
2013-06-26 "Buy a Sword": Why did Jesus tell His diciples to buy a sword, especially after He told them they didn't need swords, and later told them to put them away? [Luke 22:35-38]
2013-06-20 John the Baptist as Elijah: John the Baptist said he wasn't Elijah but Jesus said he was Elijah. Which is it? [Matthew 11:14, Matthew 17:12-13, John 1:21, 1 Corinthians 2:14]
2013-05-31 Calling Someone "Fool": Could you talk about the apparent contradiction of using the word "fool" when addressing another? [Matthew 5:22, Matthew 23:19, Matthew 7:12, Matthew 5:42, Luke 6:30].
2013-05-29 Contradictory Details on Judas' Death: How do you explaing the possible contradiction of Judas' death? [Matthew 27:3-10, Acts 1:18].
2013-05-20 "Count the Cost" & "Total Surrender": Why would someone want to "count the cost" when they are in "total surrender?" Why does one's personal testimony often neglect the trials of surrender and spiritual warfare? [Luke 14:28-31].
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit: Why is blasphemy (speaking) against the Holy Spirit an unforgivable sin? [Matthew 12:31].
2013-05-09 Sin or Sinlessness: Could you comment on sin vs sinlessness in scripture, and these two verses that seem somewhat contradictory? [1 John 3:7-9, 1 John 1:8, Galatians 5:17, I John 2:1].
Loving Your Enemies: Is my pastor taking it too far if he implies that we should love a murdering terrorist, and perhaps because we didn't befriend him, we may have motivated him?
2013-05-08 Elijah & John the Baptist: Is there a contradiction in Matthew 11 and John1 when it talks about whether John the Baptist is Elijah? [John 1:21, Luke 1:17, Matthew 21:22, I Corinthians 2:14, Malachi 5:5-6].
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