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Topic: Antichrist

Showing 101 to 124 of 124.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-06-30 Reading the Bible Out Loud: Would Steve ever consider reading the entire Bible for audio?
Speaking the Truth (in love): John the Elder, the loved Disciple of Christ, is not loving because of the negative things he said about the anti-Christ.
2015-06-29 Identifying the antichrist: How will we ever know who the antichrist is because it seems everyone has been wrong up to this point?
2015-06-12 Meaning of "so" in 2 Thessalonians: Caller is reading the NLT, & wants to know what "so" denotes, is talking about? [2 Thessalonians 2:11]
Son of Perdition: Is the Son of Perdition a one time occurrence?
Sending Deception: What if a person doesn't want the truth today but wants it tomorrow, but it's too late because God sent you a Delusion that same day, are you toast?
2015-04-28 Debunking the Pre-Trib Rapture: Who or what is Restraining the antichrist? Could the Tribulation make people Fall Away? 3 1/2 year Tribulation instead of 7.
Falling Away: Could the Tribulation make people Fall Away?
Duration of the Tribulation: Is it possible that the Tribulation will only be 3 1/2 years instead of 7?
2015-03-25 Satan (anit Christ) or Jesus First: At the very end, who’s going to come first, Satan (anti Christ) or Jesus? Or how's it going to work?
2015-01-08 Responding to 70th week: Caller called to rebut the 70th week in Daniel & the anti-Christ.
2014-10-01 Anti-Christ: Will the anti-Christ be a Jew, or will he come from Revived Roman Empire? What do you say?
2014-07-31 Wives submitting to your husbands: How far does a wife need to "submit" to her husband as far as questionable sexual acts? [Colossians 3:18-19, Ephesians 5:21-25, 1 Peter 3:1 1, Ephesians 5:33, Hebrews 13:4]
Lord Mithras Some people think that the anti-Christ is going to be somebody who is hiding in London who's Lord Mithras.
2014-06-06 Man of Lawlessness: Is the Man of Lawlessness one single man? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-7]
Anti-Christs already here: Isn't there Scripture that says the anti-Christ is already here? [1 John 4:1-3]
2014-06-06 Man of Lawlessness: Is the Man of Lawlessness one single man? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-7]
Anti-Christs already here: Isn't there Scripture that says the anti-Christ is already here? [1 John 4:1-3]
2014-04-09 Judging Angels: What does it mean that we will be judging angels? [1 Corinthians 6:3]
Anti-Christ: What are your thoughts on the Anti-Christ?
2014-04-08 One World Religion: Do we know what the One World Religion will be? I heard it was the New Age Movement.
Islam: If any religion is going to take over the world & be the anti-Christ, it sure seems like it's going to be Islam religion.
2013-12-18 Catholic Believers: Are Catholic believers still a believer after they repent even though they still remain a Catholic?
New World Order: Are we headed to a New World Order with the anti-Christ as the leader?
2013-12-10 Determining Who the "He" is-Daniel 9: How can we know for sure who the "he" is in Daniel 9:27? [Daniel 9:25-27].
The Mustard Seed & the Leaven-Good or Bad: The "Mustard Seed" or "Leave" can be either good or bad. People need to use common sense to interpret them in context.[Matthew 13:31-33]
2013-08-19 Prophecy Fulfilled: Do you think all prophecy has been fulfilled?
Apocalyptic Events in Revelation: Do you think the apocalyptic events in Revelation have been fulfilled? [Revelation]
The Anti-Christ: Who do you think the anti-Christ is?
2013-07-19 Science of Mind Control: A pastor thinks the antichrist is going to use mind control over people.
2013-07-15 Papal Title=666: Does the Latin title (for the earliest Pope), "Vicarius Filii Dei" add up to 666?
Symbolism of "666": What do you think is the real symbolic meaning of the number "666"?
2013-07-10 Mark of the Beast & Commerce: Can you explain the "Mark of the Beast" and not being abe to buy or sell? [Revelation 13:17]
2013-06-05 Henry VIII First Divorce: Was Henry the VIII the first Christian to get a divorce & be remarried?
Birth Control: When was birth control first allowed in the church? Why do about 90% of Christians get divorces and use birth control?
Catholic Church Crimes & the Pope as Antichrist: Catholic caller disagrees with the way information was presented about Catholic history and the early church. [2 Thessalonians 2].
2013-05-13 Charitable Organizations (501c3): Comment regarding what is allowed under 501c3 (charitable organizations) and how the government will shut a church down that talks about the antichrist and Jewish gangsters. [1 John 2:22, Revelation 2:6].
2013-04-18 Seventy Weeks of Daniel: What is the 1st week of the 49 weeks in Daniel for?
Antichrist: If Nero was the antichrist, why would church fathers still be looking for the antichrist in the future?
2013-02-20 Saint Malachy's Eschatological Prophecies: What do you know about Saint Malachy and his prophecies? [2 Thessalonians 2:11]
2013-01-15 Chips & the Mark of the Beast: What do you think about the government trying to implement the "Mark of the Beast" by making us have RFID chips?
2013-01-14 Oral Roberts & Kicking Adam in the Chin: What do you think when someone says when he gets to heaven, he's going to debate Oral Roberts, and another say that he's going to kick Adam in the chins for listening to Eve?
Pre, Mid or Post Tribulation: Is Jesus coming before or after the Tribulation?
Antichrist, Mark of the Beast & His Number: What about the antichrist, the "mark of the beast" and "666"?
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